Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Analyse DocumentaryThe Act of Killingdiscussing film making Free Essay Example, 1500 words
The Act of Killing - Performative Documentary Style The Act of Killing is a documentary film directed by Joshua Oppenheimer, with co-direction done by Christine Cynn as well as an anonymous individual from Indonesia. Titled Jagal in Indonesian, which means â€Å"Butcher†, the film revolves around a few of the Indonesian mass-murders, who were responsible for the 1965 massacre of more than 500,000 members as well as supporters of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). What started as a Docwest project of the University of Westminster, the film had theatrical release, earning critical acclaim as well as number of prestigious awards. It won 2014 BAFTA award for the best documentary and was also nominated for the 2014 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. It was also widely discussed in political circles as well as among the human rights activists due to the atrocious and even callous nature of the content, with the individuals behind one of the gruesome genocides ‘boa sting’ their killings, and were not indicted for their crimes even now. This boasting part was primarily due to the style of documentary making adopted by Oppenheimer. We will write a custom essay sample on Analyse DocumentaryThe Act of Killingdiscussing film making or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now He shot The Act of Killing in performative documentary style, where visuals and content were presented to the viewers in such a way, so they themselves can make interpretations and form opinions. The other key aspect of performative documentary style, which was visible in this film, is the way how the individuals featured in the documentary are made to perform or reenact certain portions. Thus, focusing on The Act of Killing, analysis will be done regarding how it falls in line with the performative documentary style of filmmaking. The mass killings of the communists and even Chinese immigrants in mid 1960s was so widespread and ghastly, â€Å"CIA study of Indonesia described the anti-PKI massacres as "one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century. †(Whyte). Although, officially estimated death toll in the massacre was around 500,000 unofficial figures could go over million lives, as the Communist party, his members as well as followers were totally exterminated. With this massacre going all over Indonesia, in the state of North Sumatra, two gangsters Anwar Congo and Adi Zulkadry were put in charge of the notorious death squad to kill the communists and even Chinese immigrants. The documentary mainly revolves around these two individuals, as they carry on with their daily lives without any punishment for the crimes, and in the film, they go to the extent of reenacting their crimes and also â€Å"pride†themselves for their inhumane actions.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A. Urie Bronfenbrenner’S Ecological Systems Theory Looks
A. Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory looks at the development of a child as happening within an intricate system of relationships affected by various levels of their environment. Bronfenbrenner called his theory a bioecological model because the child’s biological attributes mesh with the environment to further development. There are 5 different systems that make up the child’s surrounding environment. The distinct systems are the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and the chronosystem. The microsystem is the first layer of the environment. It consists of the child’s immediate surroundings and the direct interactions involved within.†¦show more content†¦Some examples include the parents’ workplaces, religious institutions, and even any place they receive government help. Some more informal surroundings of the exosystem include the pare nts’ social networks such as friends and extended family who provide advice, assistance, and friendship to the parents. The fourth layer of the environment is the macrosystem. The macrosystem contains cultural values, customs, resources, and laws. The more the macrosystem prioritizes children’s needs, the more support they get at the more inner levels of the environment. It also works the other way around. For example, in countries that emphasize laws which give generous benefits to employed parents or even laws that prioritize a higher standard of education, children see more support and have more beneficial experiences in their immediate surroundings. The last system is the chronosystem. According to Bronfenbrenner, the environment is a dynamic influence on a child’s development . There are always new environmental conditions being created for the child. The timing of the ever-changing environment also matters in terms of the child’s circumstance and age at the time of environmental change. The chronosystem consists of temporal environmental changes andShow MoreRelatedRelations of Urie Bronfenbrenner the Ecological Systems Theory to the â€Å"Growing up in New Zealand†1137 Words  | 5 Pagesdevelopmental theory; and discuss its relevance in relation to findings from the â€Å"Growing up in New Zealand†study. I have chosen Urie Bronfenbrenner the Ecological Systems Theory. I will look at the findings of the Now We Are Born Report that has collated study cohort data from birth to 9 months old (Morton, Atatoa-Carr, Grant, Lee, Bandara, Mohal, Kinloch†¦et al 2012). I will discuss how two finding relate to Brofenbreener’s model. Urie Bronfenbrenner: Ecological System Theory Urie BronfenbrennerRead MoreUrie Bronfenbrenner and his Ecological Systems Theory Essay example1063 Words  | 5 Pagesto be better equipped to meet the needs of the children. Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory â€Å"looks at children’s development within the context of the systems of relationships that form their environment.†(MORRISON, 2009) This theory describes multifaceted tiers within the environment, where each layer has a specific influence upon a child’s development. Within Bronfenbrenner theory there are five interconnecting ecological systems: I. Microsystem: this tier is the closest one to the childRead MoreBronfenbrenner s Ecological Theory And The Human Lifespan Essay1785 Words  | 8 PagesThis Essay will explain Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory and how this is applied to the Human lifespan. This is done through a multicontextual and multidirectional perspective. It will explain the model in further detail covering the levels of the Microsystem, Mesosystem, Ecosystem, Macrosystem and Chronosystems (Berger 2014). These are the basis of the theory, and how they are all interlinked and support the human development stages. This will show how it incorporates the person and culturesRead MoreBronfenbrenners Ecological Theory of Development Essay1559 Words  | 7 PagesBRONFENBRENNERS ECOLOGICAL THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT Bronfenbrenners Ecological Theory of Development Jermor Simmons Capella University #8195; Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Abstract 3 Method 4 Results 4 References 5 #8195; Abstract The development and growth of an individual is within the constraints of the social environment (Jordan 183). Bronfenbrenners theory that development is influenced by experiences arising from broader social and cultural systems as wellRead MoreExamples Of Bronfenbrenners Ecological Model1341 Words  | 6 PagesBronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model Tommy G. Maher, Jr. Bakersfield College CHDV B42 Fall 2017 October 29th, 2017 Abstract Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems model describes four (4) systems that work intricately within each other, similar to a circle of rings, which influence human development. With the individual positioned at the center of the model encompassed by these four (4) rings, each ring acts as a different context by dictating the way in which the individual behaves, developsRead MoreSocial Aspects of American Children Being Born in Poverty Essay1520 Words  | 7 Pagesin order to create a complete picture of the issues affecting children living in poverty, without neglecting the importance of the individual. One successful means of compromise was offered by Urie Bronfenbrenner in 1979, when he introduced the Ecological Model of child development. His model, which looks like a bulls-eye, has the child and his or her individual characteristics at its center. The first ring around the child is the microsystem, consisting of the childs immediate surroundingsRead MoreThe Primary Fo cus Of Educational Psychology765 Words  | 4 Pagesparticular are Urie Bronfenbrenner and John Bowlby. With either of their theories in mind, looking at the child as an individual is non-existent. Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecologial Theory describes development as an interaction between people, physical environment, and genetic make-up. It is a multi-dimensional model where interactions between the same and different levels attribute to a person’s physiological processes (Broderick Blewitt, 2015, pp. 18-19). â€Å"His ecological theory, and his abilityRead MoreThe Environment And Development Of Children1321 Words  | 6 Pagesdevelopment. It will address the cause(s) of Anna’s poor development, the effects it is having on her school performance and social skills, and the solution to Anna’s current and future state of development by using Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bio ecological theory, as well as John Bowlby’s attachment theory. The key to improving a child’s development is intervention, such as play therapy. It helps a child learn about themselves and their environment. Case Study Analysis Anna is an overtly shy 9 yearRead MoreCommunity Conceptual Model1282 Words  | 6 Pagesor a system. They categorize existing interrelationships amid concepts into ways that can effectively direct actions and interventions. The objective of this paper is to define and examine the social ecology model and its application to the nursing process and community health problems. Historical Development The historic development of the social ecology model originates back to the systems theory and Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner’s social ecological model of human development. Urie BronfenbrennerRead MoreSocial Ecological Theory1420 Words  | 6 PagesEcological Social Theory and Graduate School Throughout my whole life there was multiple effects and interrelatedness of social elements in my environment that lead me to decide to continue my education into the Master’s level degree. Some of these factors included family, friends, and my community. There was a trigger in my life and a point in time that I knew I had to continue my education. The Ecological Social Theory has corresponding levels of environmental influences in relation to human
Monday, December 9, 2019
Parallel free essay sample
I love parallel lines. In primary school, when we were asked to name our favorite shapes, my choice, parallel lines, was ridiculed. I blushed as my classmates, who had chosen circles or curves, declared that parallel lines, which never intersected, were boring. I stood firm in my belief that parallel lines, however far apart, could somehow touch. I love Chinese Animation. In middle school, I was asked to recite MuLan Ci, an ancient Chinese poem about a female warrior who sacrificed herself on the battlefield. Most of my friends learned about this Chinese legend through the â€Å"happily ever after†Disney version, and although I caught myself singing its songs in my head weeks after watching the film, I was concerned that Chinese students were learning only foreign versions of our culture. Alone among a world of Mulan fans, I stood firm in my insistence that China needed better animation to preserve our culture, and that the government was necessary for this improvement. We will write a custom essay sample on Parallel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then, both my naive beliefs were shattered. I remember my disappointment when I looked in my math textbook and saw 5 words in official ink: parallel lines can never touch. Almost simultaneously my hopes for Chinese animation were similarly stifled by authority. My 10,000 word proposal to establish an official intra-school Animation Association was rejected by a government official – perhaps another Mulan lover? – who claimed it was none of my business. Reality refused to intersect with my dreams; both of my passions were confronted by physical impossibilities. But then, in high school, my math teacher mentioned something that radically changed my perspective. â€Å"Parallel lines can in fact intersect outside of the conventional Euclidian plane†, he said, and, with this, opened my eyes to two parallel worlds of infinite possibility. I rushed to search the internet for information on non-Euclidean geometry. In Lobachevski geometry, parallel lines can share an intersection; in Riemannian geometry, parallel lines can intersect millions of times! These discoveries showed me the limitless world of mathematics and gave me courage to believe in myself and look for exciting new intersections. This discovery of alternate geometries also encouraged me to pursue my hopes for Chinese animation on my own, without relying on the government. It gave me the power to surpass my predefined limitations. Animation is no longer restricted in the original plane of TV screen. Instead, it stretches into a â€Å"non-Euclidean†plane of evoking cultural awareness, of reaching out to others, and of spreading happiness and laughter. Through holding school panels comparing Chinese and foreign animation, I helped students find joy rediscovering the charm of their own cultural heritage. Soon, students were approaching me regularly to borrow my Chinese animation videos or discuss solutions to improve Chinese animation. By teaching drawing to mentally challenged children, I got to see them laughing and enjoying while doodling. When I helped them organize their exclusive art exhibition, I was overjoyed to bring social awareness not only to these children but also to animation, and I experienced firsthand the learning and true happiness that animation can inspire. These parallel experiences have shown me that mathematics is more than rules and measurements, that animation can extend beyond video screens, and that true solutions often ignore usual boundaries. Beyond the traditional plane, there exist millions of intersections between dreams and reality where seemingly irrelevant things are linked and seemingly impossible things become possible.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Research Paper Essay Example
Research Paper Essay The Problem and its Scope Road accidents have become a common occurrence on roads, highways and motorways with its accompanying fatalities and casualties. The causes of these fatalities are indiscipline on the part of some drivers using the road, obvious disregard to road traffic laws, over-speeding, fatigue driving and poor nature of the roads. It is also in regard that the driving standard of many drivers has also been recognized to be poor, leading to a severe impact on the traffic accident problem.Also, a general low educational level of the driver population in combination with low economy and lack of widespread formalized driver education have been contributing factors to the problem (Webmaster, 2013). In the United States, there are more than 6 million car accidents on the roads of the United States annually and every year the lives of almost 1. 3 million people are cut short as a result of road traffic crash. Ranging from 20 to 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries , with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury.Such injuries and death often leave the victims and their families devastated (World Health Organization, 2012). In the national scene, City of Manila has revealed that bad overtaking and over-speeding topped the main causes of accidents on roads in the country that have so far claimed the lives of 1,074 persons out 11,414 road accidents that were documented by the Philippine National Police-Highway Patrol Group (PNP-HPG) across the country. One-thousand three-hundred ten accidents occurred due to mechanical defects of vehicles while 1,072 were blamed on road conditions.Aside from the above mentioned, other causes of accidents based on human factors are bad turn, overloading, and drunk driving. Above the entire documented road accidents, 4,378 people were injured, 443 of them pedestrians and six-thousand two-hundred sixteen accidents occurred at night while 5,198 occurred during the day (Recuenco, 2011). In the locality, a report from the Traffic Management Group (TMG) in Davao City revealed private vehicles have been involved in most number of vehicular accidents from January to October of 2011.From the total of 6,789 accidents, TMG-Davao statistician Police Officer 3 Dondon Purgatorio said that private vehicles were involved in 2,796 incidents; taxis 1,153; public utility jeepney (PUJ)- 754; single motorcycles 777; motorcycles with sidecar 40; vans 417; trucks 284; buses 101; government vehicles 59; tricycles 78; vehicle to structure 78; bicycle 42; armored car 13; bicycle with sidecar 7; trisiboat 2; ambulance 2; which clearly indicate the rampant road accidents happening in Davao City associated with reckless driving and human error which need to be addressed (Tejano, 2011).This research aspires to assess the level of awareness of the Public Utility Vehicle drivers which comprises of the PUJ drivers, PUB drivers, single motorcycle, trisiboat and taxis in connection to the LTO proh ibitions and penalties. It aims to determine if the PUV drivers are following the Republic Act 4136 known as the Land transportation and Traffic so that more improvements will be given and road accidents will be lessen. The prohibitions and penalties found in the study will be solely coming from the Republic Act 4136 known as the Land transportation and Traffic.The provisions of the Act shall control, as far as they apply, the registration and operation of motor vehicles and the licensing of owners, dealers, conductors, drivers, and similar matters. Rationale of the Study Road accident is one of the major problems being faced globally with ever-rising trend. It represents a major public problem since high number of victims is involved and also the seriousness of the consequences for the victim themselves and to their families have great impact.Road accidents are generally classified as single vehicle accidents in which the vehicle is either colliding with fixed objects or with pedes trians or the vehicle may fall in a ditch and multiple vehicle accidents in which two or more than two vehicle can either collide head–on, or one vehicle may collide with the front vehicle at the back or may a have side-swipe type collision. Both are linked with the reckless driving of vehicular drivers or the unawareness of the road traffic rules and regulations.It continues to be a growing concern to all those who uses the roads. In addressing the global growing concern of road accidents, the researchers come up with a research paper in assessing the level of awareness of the Public Utility Vehicle drivers to LTO traffic rules and regulations in terms of prohibitions and penalties. In addition, this study will also determine as to whom among the PUV drivers in relation to their demographic profile in terms of age and vehicle driven are mostly aware of the LTO prohibitions and penalties.This study is beneficial to the operators of the public utility vehicles in order for the m to have the necessary procedures like background checking about the driving history of the driver before they can actually let drivers drive their owned vehicles and they will be the one who will pay the necessary charges and penalties if drivers cannot pay the necessary fines. It is also beneficial to the drivers since they are the one who hold the safety and protection of all the passengers and they are the one who will be greatly penalized if the rules and regulations of the LTO are not completely followed.Davao City and Land Transportation Office and can benefit from this study as well, for the reason that they are the primarily concern on the security and safety of its citizenry in terms of public peaceful transportations that is free from the road hazard. It is also beneficial to them to give more road safety tips to drivers and lessen the road vehicular accidents. It is helpful to the Holy Cross of Davao College for the institution to give awareness to students, faculty and staffs regarding the hazards of road accidents brought by the result of this study.It is also helpful to students and teachers because they are the one who are the major commuters of the Public Utility vehicle and their safety lies in the awareness of the drivers to road traffic rules. The researchers can also get benefit from this study because they are the one who will assess the level of awareness of the PUV drivers to LTO violations thus, allowing them to give the necessary recommendations based on the result of the study. This is also beneficial to the future researchers since it will serve as an initial guide in conducting another related research work.Based on the above reasons, this study will be of great help not just in assessing the level of awareness of the drivers to LTO traffic rules and regulations but to lessen the widespread problem of road vehicular accident that is rampant through-out the world. Theories and Concepts This study will be anchored by Instructional T heory of Learning by Benjamin Bloom (1956). This theory offers explicit guidance on how to better help people learn and develop. It focuses more on how to structure materials for promoting the education and awareness of human beings.It also prescribes how to better help people learn. Learning theories often inform instructional theory, and three general theoretical stances take part in this influence: behaviorism (learning as response acquisition), cognitivism (learning as knowledge acquisition), and constructivism (learning as knowledge construction). In the context of the study, this theory will be used to determine the learning response, the learning knowledge acquisition and learning knowledge construction of the PUV drivers to road violations set by the LTO.Moreover, this theory will help the researchers in giving necessary recommendation to heighten the learning process of the PUV drivers to LTO rules and regulations. In the context of awareness, a major discussion in instructional theory is the potential of learning objects to structure and deliver content. It is also supported by Aptitude-Treatment Interaction (ATI) by Lee Joseph Cronbach (2001). This theory proposed that learning is optimized when instructional methods are exactly matched to the aptitudes and styles of the learner. It is based on the notion of different intelligences.Components of experimental work included task variables, situation variables, aptitudes of learners, and instructional treatments. Research indicated that high ability students do better with low levels of structure in the learning environment, and that low ability students do better with highly structured environments. Affect was also observed to influence learning, and research suggested that students with anxiety or high need to conform do better in structured environments, and students who are relaxed and independent prefer low structure. Kearsley, N. D. ). In line with the study, this theory will he lp the researchers assess what will be the right programs that must be given to different drivers of PUVs in order to enhance the level of awareness of PUV drivers to LTO violations. The awareness of a person is not a static state which can be arbitrarily turned on and off. It is rather a slow build-up of information about his surroundings. Before the actual communication process takes place, one must feel that the other person is capable of receiving and responding.Otherwise it would not make sense to write a message in the first place. Thus, awareness develops gradually over time, meaning different levels of awareness can exist (Riemer Haines, 2008). Figure 1 reveals the variables of the study: Instructional Theory of Learning and Aptitute-Learning Interaction serve as the main foundation of the study. The process will be the level of awareness of PUV drivers on LTO violation in terms of prohibition and penalties. The moderator variables are PUV driven and age.The output of the s tudy is the programs to enhance the level of awareness of PUV drivers on the LTO violation. Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study Statement of the Problem This study aims to assess the level of awareness of Public Utility Vehicle drivers on Land transportation Office traffic rules and regulation. This study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1. 1 Age; and 1. 2 Vehicle driven? 2. What is the level of awareness of PUV drivers on the LTO violations in terms of: 2. Prohibitions and 2. 2 Penalties? 3. Based on the result of the study, what recommendation can be made to enhance the level of awareness of PUV drivers to LTO violations? 4. Is there a significant difference between the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO prohibitions if respondents are grouped according to age and vehicle driven? 5. Is there a significant difference between the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO penaltie s if respondents are grouped according to age and vehicle driven? Hypothesis The study tested the null hypothesis at 0. 05 level of significance. Ho1: There is no significant difference between the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO prohibitions if respondents are grouped according to age and vehicle driven. Ho2: There is no significant difference between the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO penalties if respondents are grouped according to age and vehicle driven. Chapter 2 Review on Related LiteratureRoad transportation is the mode that has expanded the most over the last 50 years, both for passengers and freight transportation. The result of growth of the loading capacity of vehicle and an adaptation of vehicle to freight or passengers demand for speed, autonomy and flexibility arises  new types of problems, such as a significant growth of fuel consumption, increasing environmental externalities, traffic congestion and a multiplication of roa d accidents which have also emerged ( Rodriguez Slacks, 2013).Rodriguez Slacks (2013) also added that the capital cost of vehicles is relatively small, which makes it comparatively easy for new users to gain entry, high relative speed of vehicles and flexibility of route choice. These multiple advantages have made jeepneys, buses and motorcycle the modes of choice for a great number of trip purposes, and have led to their market dominance for short distance trips. Consequently, the success of these vehicles has given rise to a number of serious road problems. When traveling in the Philippines, there are a lot of cheap possibilities.For long distances on the bigger islands, the busses are the best possibility. For the shorter distances on all islands (outside and inside towns and cities), people make use of the jeepneys, multicabs and tricycles. In big cities like Manila or Cebu City, the most common mean of transportation is the jeepney. Everywhere in the Philippines, for the more short and local distances, the multicabs and tricycles are used by many Filipinos. The tricycle, a motorcycle with an attached passenger-cabin on a third wheel, is the cheapest.The big advantage of the tricycle is that it will bring you to every desired place. The multicabs, just as the jeepneys, have fixed routes. (Means of Transportation, N. D) The Philippines is one country where there is a low level of awareness of the need for transport safety. The recurring sinking of ships in which hundreds or even thousands have been killed and the frequent road accidents in which scores have died are testament to the indifference of the people to transport safety.There may be a great hue and cry after a major transport or vehicular disaster or accident, but after the outrage has died down, it is back to the same old habits and the same old disregard for, if not outright violation, of sea transport and road safety rules. (Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2011). Road accidents happen when people violate traffic rules, fail to keep their vehicles in good running condition and unintentionally do the wrong thing, such as making a wrong turn.Some accidents happen because drivers are in no condition to drive, such as when they are under the influence of liquor or drugs, are sleepy or fatigued or are sick. Among the other causes of road accidents are bad roads and lack of traffic and warning signs. A recent survey disclosed that the major factors that contribute to road mishaps can be classified under human error. Sixty-four percent of those surveyed cited vehicle malfunction due to neglect as the cause of accidents; 44 percent said it was overspeeding; 23 percent mentioned overloading; and 22 percent cited violation of traffic rules. Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2011) In order to lessen the major dilemma of road vehicular accident, Metro Manila Council, MMDA, the policy-making body, promulgates Ordinances, Traffic Regulations, Fines/Penalties, with its amendmen ts and increases of fines for violations of land transportation laws in coordination with the LTO. Its applicability and enforceability depends on the existence and amendments of the Land Transportation Laws that mandates its regulatory powers. Cruz, 2013) Cruz (2013) also stated that the fines and penalties presently implemented by the LTO for violations of land transportation laws, relative to Licensing Registration, Number Plates and Stickers, Equipment, Parts, Accessories, Devices and Marking of Motor Vehicle, Weights and Load Limits, Prohibited or Illegal Operation of Motor Vehicles, Breach of Franchise and Related Violations, Frauds and Falsities, Parking and Violation of Drivers, Violations Involving Tax Units, Violations of the Seat Belt Law, Smoke Belching and Violations of Traffic Regulations are seeking for an effective solution to the serious vehicular accidents in the areas within the jurisdiction of the different cities and municipalities. According toAjero, Carillo  Constantino, (2010) one of the salutary effects of Davao City’s traffic signalization project is drastic reduction of road accidents especially in street intersections involving pedestrians crossing the streets. A typical Dabawenyo driver follows the baby rhyme â€Å"stop, look and listen†while plying the city streets. The driver actually stops to look if there is a traffic police officer, and then listens to a warning whistle, before he takes a wrong turn, or overtakes another vehicle. This is actually the culture not only of Davao drivers but of Filipino drivers in general. It is always easy to violate traffic rules when no one is looking, considering the old state of Davao City’s roads and manual traffic signs. Sometimes, it becomes so literal that a mere wave of the driver’s left hand means he wants to turn left or right.A comparative study conducted by Nishida (2009) reveals that most of traffic accidents are not caused by drivers intentional b ehavior or consciousness, but most of traffic violations are committed by drivers consciousness. It might be required to continue ones attention to prevent an event, which is not related to drivers consciousness and hard to foresee to occur. Such action is easy for a machine but hard for a man. There is a common factor that is related to both accident and violation, so it might be possible to reduce the accident risk by reducing violation. Therefore it may be possible to improve drivers skill or change drivers safety consciousness for reduction of violation and accident. The number of violation records has two meaning, one is a matter of driving behavior and the other is a matter of driving frequency.A driver with several violation records may be exposure to road traffic at the high frequency, whether his violations are related to dangerous behavior or not. Even if the accident rate per exposure is a half of the average driver, a driver with 3 times frequency of the average driver h as a higher accident involvement rate than the average driver. (Nishida, 2009) Chapter 3 Methods The method that will be used in this study is composed of the following: research design, research respondents, research environment, research instruments, data gathering procedures and data analysis. Research Design This study will use the descriptive-evaluative research method to analyze the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO violations. In this study, only the quantitative approach will be employed.As described by Campbell and Fiske (2005), a descriptive survey questions tends to present conditions, events, or systems based on impressions or reactions of respondents. Likewise, Steinberg (2004) referred to descriptive research as corrective experiences precisely because it helps the researchers correct perceptions, which are too often inaccurate, if only because it rarely have the chance to see a picture in total. On the other hand, evaluation research is used to deter mine the impact of a social intervention. A social intervention is an action taken within a social context designed to produce an intended result. Evaluation research thus analyzes the impact of a particular program on a certain social problem the program is trying to solve (Social Research Methods/Evaluation Research, 2012).The flowchart illustrates the types of data to be gathered, the respondents, tools, techniques and output of the study in determining the level of awareness of the PUV drivers to LTO violations. Research Environment The study will be conducted in Davao City that is said to be the largest city in the world, has an area of 244,000 hectares, or 8 per cent of the land area of Southern Mindanao Region or Region XI. It is divided into 3 congressional districts and furthermore divided into 11 administrative districts. Poblacion and Talomo Districts comprised District I, meanwhile District II is composed of the following districts, namely: Agdao, Buhangin, Bunawan and P aquibato, District III includes Toril, Tugbok, Calinan, and Baguio.Each district is going to be the research locale on the conduct of the study, since these are the major places situated in Davao City. Davao City is a precise environment for the research because transportation safety is the primary concern that the government promotes to its community in connection with drivers response to road violation. Hence, it supports Land Transportation Office (LTO) traffic rules and regulations. Respondents of the Study The main respondents of the study are the Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) drivers, comprises of the jeepney drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, L3 van drivers and motorcycle drivers. They were chosen by the researchers because they were involved directly on the road hazards and on the traffic rules and regulations set by the LTO.The respondents for the survey questionnaire would be 10 PUV drivers for each congressional district in Davao City for a total of 100 drivers. Purposive sampling method will be used in selecting the respondents because this method represents a group of different non-probability sampling techniques. The purposive sampling relies on the judgment of the researcher when it comes to selecting the units. Usually, the sample being investigated is quite small, especially when compared with probability sampling techniques (Lund Research Ltd, 2010). Moreover, the respondents were picked elsewhere in the different municipalities and barangays in each congressional district in Davao City to answer the survey questionnaire. Table 1. Respondents of the study District |Number of respondents | |First Congressional District | | |Poblacion |10 | |Talomo |10 | |Second Congressional District | | |Buhangin |10 | |Bunawan |10 | |Agdao 10 | |Paquibato |10 | |Third Congressional District | | |Baguio |10 | |Calinan |10 | |Toril |10 | |Tugbok |10 | |TOTAL |100 | Research Instruments The instrument that will be used in this research is survey que stionnaires made by the researchers.They were prepared in the Bisaya but translated in English language. The statements used in the survey came from readings and sample researches as to the MMDA roads traffic rules and regulations. The survey questionnaire has two parts regarding the demographic profile of the respondents and the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO violations. The scoring assessment of the level of awareness of PUV drivers to LTO prohibitions and penalties will be categorized into four ( 4) points scale. The degree on awareness on the LTO prohibitions and penalties as given in the direction of the questionnaire will be done through a scaling system.The research instrument will be validated by three validators who are experts on the topic and a master’s degree holder. It will undergo a pilot testing to determine its reliability since the researchers made use of the Likert scale method. The answered questionnaires will be tabulated, analyzed and re corded. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers observed the following steps in distributing and collecting the survey questionnaires. During the vacant period or the resting period of the respondents, the researchers had personally administered and distributed the survey questionnaire and then gave the instructions in every part so that the respondents mentioned would follow the directions completely.The gathered data are tallied and subjected to statistical interpretation to determine the level of awareness of the PUV drivers to LTO violations in terms of prohibitions and penalties. After which, the gathered data will be tested using t-test and ANOVA to analyze the hypothesis of the study. Data Analysis In the analysis of the data, the following statistical tools were used: Frequency Count, Percentage, Weighted Mean, T-test and the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Frequency Count and Percentage were used in question no. 1 of the statement of the problem to determine the demographic profile of the respondents. In addition, Weighted Mean was used for the second question to identify the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO violation. On the other hand, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used in question no. and 4 of the statement of the problem to find the significant difference on the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO violations in terms of prohibitions and penalties when the respondents are grouped by PUV driven, age and status as ANOVA is appropriate for three or more variables. The level of awareness of PUV drivers to LTO prohibition and penalties will be scaled as follows: |Rating |Description |Interpretation | |3. 51-4. 00 |Very Aware |The level of awareness to LTO prohibition/penalties is very | | | |high. | |2. 51-3. 50 |Aware |The level of awareness to LTO prohibition/penalties is high. | | | | | |Moderately Aware |The level of awareness to LTO prohibition/penalties is | |1. 51-2. 50 | |moderate. | |1. 00-1. 50 |Unaware |The leve l of awareness to LTO prohibition/penalties is very | | | |high. | References: Ajero, A. Carillo, L. Constantino, E. C. ( 2010). Traffic signalization reduces accidents. Retrieved on March 2, 2013 from http://www. edgedavao. net/index. php? option=com_contentview=articleid=3646:traffic-signalization-reduces-accidentscatid=51:on-the-coverItemid=83 Ayuso, M. ,Guillen M. Alcaniz, M. (2009).The impact of traffic violations on the estimated cost of traffic accidents with victims†Accident Analysis and Prevention. Retrieved on March 2, 2013 from http://www. oru. se/PageFiles/52177/Determinantso%20of%20traffic%20violations. pdf Bloom, B. (1956). What Is Instructional Theory?. Retrieved on February 28, 2013 from http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-instructional-theory. htm Campbell and Fiske (2005). Descriptive survey questions in research. Retrieved on February 28, 2013 from http://195. 246. 41. 215/website1/arabic/destination%20appraisal. pdf Cronbatch, L. J. ( 2001). Theories of Le arning in Educational Psychology. Lee Joseph Cronbach: Aptitude Treatment Interactions (ATI). Retrieved on February 28, 2013 from http://www. lifecirclesinc. om/Learningtheories/cronbach. html Cruz, S. (2013). Fines/Penalties for Violations of Land Transportation Laws by the LTO, MMDA and the LGUs. Reference and research bureau legislative research service. Retrieved on March 2, 2013 from http://www. congress. gov. ph/download/researches/rrb_0302_10. pdf Kearsley, G. (n. d. ). Aptitude-Treatment Interaction (L. Cronbach R. Snow). Retrieved February 28, 2013 from http://tip. psychology. org/cronbach. html Lund Research 2010. Retrieved on March 1, 2013 from http://dissertation. laerd. com/. Means of Transportation (N. D. ). Most common means of transportation. Retrieved on March 2, 2012 from http://www. philippines. vu. nl/transport1. htm Nishida, Y. (2009). Road traffic accident involvement rate by accident and violation records: new methodology for driver education based on integr ated road traffic accident database. Retrieved on March 2, 2013 from http://www. internationaltransportforum. org/irtadpublic/pdf/seoul/3-Nishida. pdf Philippine Daily Inquirer, (2011). Road safety. Retrieved on March 2, 2013 from http://opinion. inquirer. net/inquireropinion/editorial/view/20110111-313759/Road-safety Recuenco, (2011). 1,074 killed in road accidents from January-September this year. Tempo news in flash. Retrieved on February 28, 2013 from http://www. tempo. com. h/2011/10/1074-killed-in-road-accidents-from-january-september-this-year/#. UTKWFLL1K7Y Riemer, K. Haines, R. (2008). The dynamic nature of awareness. Retrieved on February 28, 2013 from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Dynamic_awareness_theory Rodriguez, J. P Slacks, B. (2013). Road transportation: The setting of road transport system. The geography of transport system. Retrieved on March 2, 2013 from http://people. hofstra. edu/geotrans/eng/ch3en/conc3en/ch3c2en. html Social Research Methods/Evaluation Res earch, ( 2012). Social Research Methods/Evaluation Research. Retrieved on March 1, 2013 from http://en. wikibooks. org/wiki/Social_Research_Methods/Evaluation_Research. Tejano, (2011).Private vehicles top road accidents. Sunstar Davao. Retrieved on February 28, 2013 from http://www. sunstar. com. ph/davao/local-news/2011/12/07/private-vehicles-top-road-accidents-194565 Webmaster, (2013). Road accidents on the increase. Retrieved on March 1, 2013 from http://www. newsfromafrica. org/newsfromafrica/articles/art_594. html World Health Organization, (2012). Road traffic injuries. Retrieved on February 27, 2013 from http://www. who. int/violence_injury_prevention/road_traffic/en/ Aptitude-Treatment Interaction Instructional Theory of Learning Level of Awareness of PUV drivers on the LTO violations in terms of: a. Prohibition b. PenaltiesPrograms to enhance the level of awareness of PUV drivers on the LTO prohibitions and penalties a. PUV driven b. Age Output of the Study †¢ Program s to enhance the level of awareness of the PUV drivers on the LTO violations Techniques Used to Analyze Data †¢ Frequency †¢ Percentage †¢ Weighted mean †¢ ANOVA Tools Used to Gather Data †¢ Survey Questionnaire Respondents †¢ Public Utility Vehicle drivers PUV driven Age Types of Data Gathered †¢ Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of PUV driven and age †¢ Level of Awareness on the LTO violations in terms of prohibitions and penalties †¢ Significant Difference between the level of awareness in terms of prohibition and penalties in terms of PUV driven and Age
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Critique of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Essays
Critique of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Essays Critique of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Essay Critique of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Essay In early prisons, â€Å"solitary confinement†was something that most prisoners experienced. As prisons began to evolve we see how solitary confinement tactics has changed and are now used for other purposes such as bad behavior and/or insanity purposes. Chief Bromden, the narrator of â€Å"One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest†is a complex character whose story is revealed throughout the book. Throughout the book readers can analyze that although Bromden suffers from some psychological defects, Bromden has an amazing comprehension as to what is going on around him. Although Bromden is a patient in a psychiatric housing, he is also a brilliant person who is constantly makes analogies and compares his surrounding to his prior knowledge. Bromden pretends to be deaf which some may think is an undesirable thing to do considering his circumstances, however, Bromden used it to his advantage. Bromden is able to listen in on conversations in which others have no idea that he is able to comprehend what it is that they are saying. Considering Bromden’s state of mind and his surrounding one would think that Bromden has no idea as to what is going on around him, nonetheless, he is very metaphoric and is able to get an understanding as to how the world works in his current environment. Bromden is able to see that the hospital he is in as dehumanizing and humanity doesn’t exist. How is it that a place like psychiatric housing which was made to help those who have mental issues whether they are functioning or not functioning, is able to conform people into a state of mind that is totally dependable? This psychiatric home can be compared to prison institutions and even the Prisonization Theory. Today in prisons we see prisoners who have spent time in the penitentiary come out of these institutions not better but worse because of the circumstances within the prisons. In correspondence with prison life when comparing the prisonization theory to this
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition and Examples of Kinship Terms
Definition and Examples of Kinship Terms Kinship terms are words used in a speech community to identify relationships between individuals in a family (or a kinship unit). This is also called kinship terminology. A classification of persons related through kinship in a particular language or culture is called a kinship system. Examples and Observations Bailey was the greatest person in the world. And the fact that he was my brother, and I had no sisters to share him with, was such good fortune that it made me want to live a Christian life just to show God that I was grateful.(Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Random House, 1969)Two years later a note arrived from one of her daughters relating that Tata had died in childbirth. It was with one of Tatas sons whod moved to Omaha that Rocco went to live when he was eighteen. And when, six years later, hed moved to Ohio with a cousins cousins guarantee of a steel-mill job, which was never to materialize, hed promised himself this single luxury, once two or three years of careful saving had passed: to go to Niagara Falls.(Salvatore Scibona, The End. Graywolf Press, 2008)My Mom was an illegal alien, born out of wedlock in Mexico . . .. Once I told a neighbor her husband wasnt my real father. I didnt know I wasnt supposed to say this. I was sorry I embarrassed her. I didnt even care about my real father much, only saw him a couple of days a year, but the only times my mothers husbands were fathers were when others made that assumption.(Dagoberto Gilb, Mi Mommy. Grove Press, 2003) Lexicalized Categories Some of the clearest examples of lexicalized categories are words used to refer to people who are members of the same family, or kinship terms. All languages have kinship terms (e.g. brother, mother, grandmother), but they dont all put family members into categories in the same way. In some languages, the equivalent of the word father is used not only for male parent, but also for male parents brother. In English, we use the word uncle for this other type of individual. We have lexicalized the distinction between the two concepts. Yet we also use the same word (uncle) for female parents brother. That distinction isnt lexicalized in English, but it is in other languages.(George Yule, The Study of Language, 5th ed. Cambridge University Press, 2014) Kinship Terms in Sociolinguistics One of the attractions that kinship systems have for investigators is that these factors are fairly readily ascertainable. You can, therefore, relate them with considerable confidence to the actual words that people use to describe a particular kin relationship. There may be certain difficulties, of course. You can ask a particular person what he or she calls others who have known relationships to that person, for example, that person’s father (Fa), or mother’s brother (MoBr), or mother’s sister’s husband (MoSiHu), in an attempt to show how individuals employ various terms, but without trying to specify anything concerning the semantic composition of those terms: for example, in English, both your father’s father (FaFa) and your mother’s father (MoFa) are called grandfather, but that term includes another term, father. You will find, too, in English that your brother’s wife’s father (BrWiFa) cannot be referred to directly; brother’s wife’s father (or sister-in-law’s father) is a circumlocution rather than the kind of term that is of interest in kinship terminology.(Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 6th ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) More Difficulties [T[he English kinship term father is defined to imply a particular biological relationship. Yet in an actual case the term may be used when the biological relationship is not in fact present.(Austin L. Hughes, Evolution and Human Kinship. Oxford University Press, 1988) Kinship Terms in Indian English It is not uncommon to hear the term cousin sister or cousin brother, a common mistake that Indian speakers of English make since they are unable to say just cousin, which would be too vague since it does not distinguish gender.(Nandita Chaudhary, Mothers, Fathers, and Parents. Semiotic Rotations: Modes of Meanings in Cultural Worlds, ed. by Sunhee Kim Gertz, Jaan Valsiner, and Jean-Paul Breaux. Information Age Publishing, 2007)With Indian roots myself, I was, perhaps, more aware of the power of family here than in other Asian countries where it was no less suffocating or strong. . . . . I was amused to find that the Indians had smuggled into English such terms as co-brother (to designate ones sister-in-laws brother) and cousin brother (to denote the sex of a first cousin, and, better yet, to draw the cousin as close as a brother). In some of the local languages, the terms were even more precisely defined, with separate words for a fathers elder and younger brothers and special terms for uncles on ones mothers and ones fathers side, as well as words to distinguish between mothers sisters and uncles wives, blood uncles and uncles by marriage. Though India had a hunger for absolutes, it swarmed with relatives; before long, everyone came to seem related to everyone else.(Pico Iyer, Video Night in Kathmandu: And Other Reports from the Not-So-Far East. Vintage, 1989)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Case study - Assignment Example Obedience is all about the tendency to obey authority figures. The subordinates may not question the instructions given by the superiors in the organization. The other term seen from the case study is related to AUTHORITY. This refers to the process of controlling the other people in the workplace so that their behaviour can conform to the expected standards. However, there has been a dramatic shift from the way power and authority used to be exercised in the organization compared to the current period. As depicted in the case of IBM, the theme of PERSUASION has significantly gained prominence in managing organizations during the contemporary period. This involves the process of trying to influence and convince the employees in the organization to share the same vision with you. If properly implemented, this strategy can help the employees to be productive in their efforts since they would be in a position to share the same vision with the manager. The other term is VISION which is concerned about the goals and objectives of the organization. The manager has a responsibility of sharing the vision of the organization with the workers so that their efforts can be directed towards the attainment of the desired goals. The other theme presented in the case is NEGOTIATION where the leaders ought to engage the employees when intending to make decisions or solve conflicts that may exist in the organization. People tend to disagree over certain issues and this practice is common in most cases. However, it only becomes detrimental to the organization if the conflict becomes dysfunctional. In order to resolve this kind of conflict, the theme of COLLABORATION should be taken into consideration. This theme deals with finding and solving problems in such a way that everyone benefits. It is more like a win-win situation In order to manage the organization
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Business plan - Essay Example The critical success factors in the business include high quality nutritious burgers that are all natural and organic, reliability in service delivery, high quality sales staff, and strategizing an effective strong brand building that is associated with high quality, nutritious and uniquely flavoured burgers. The funding required to kick-start the business is ?658,000. With favourable performance, the projected sales will be ?950,000, ?1050000, and ?1160000 in the three consecutive years. Profit before taxation will be ?330,000, ?413,700, ?647,500 for the three consecutive years respectively. Background Healthy Bite Burger restaurant is a new start up business founded by [Names] who came up with the idea for a unique organic burger restaurant for their love and passion of healthy eating and the increasing trend towards health awareness. They wanted to provide a range of healthy organic burgers that are not only satisfying but also healthy, adding value to the customers. The three fou nders pride in their professional experience within the food industry. One of the founders has five years culinary experience and skills within a health oriented restaurant business, another has four years sales and marketing experience with the a grocery store, while the other one has extensive five years experience in website development, search engine optimisation skills, and online marketing. With their love for burgers, and their passion for healthy lifestyles, the three partners developed the idea for a healthy burger restaurant. Healthy Bite burger Restaurant will therefore be a restaurant mainly focused on providing unique healthy organic burger to the widening health conscious people. This unique burger will be a nutritious all natural organic burger targeting the health conscious population. The product will mainly be segmented based on flavours: that is beef, fish, duck, lamb, vegetables and chicken and, all bearing the brand name Healthy Bite Burger. Mission Statement: T o support healthy living among a wide array of people by providing burgers made from all natural healthy high quality organic products in a manner that is focused on adding value to people’s lifestyles Vision Statement: To be the leading provider of all natural nutritious organic burgers in Oxford region Values and Principles of the business: The business is founded on four core values and principles: Integrity in all business dealings, service to customers and their health, respect for individuals and striving for excellence. Earnest and Young projections for the period 2011 to 2020 shows that consumer spending on restaurants would rise by 12% over the period (Ernest & young, 2011:3), and consumers would still tend towards healthy all natural foods (Huxley, Land, Lobley, 2011:37; de Groot, 2012). Most Burgers available in the market are based on highly processed meat products which in most cases often lose big amounts of their nutritional value. While there are other organic burgers in the market due to the commitment of most fast food chains to adopt healthier foods (Paddock, 2008), Healthy Bite Burger Restaurant differentiates itself in that it not only provides information on nutritional content within its menu, but focus on providing a unique burger
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gas Compressor Essay Example for Free
Gas Compressor Essay A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are compressible, the compressor also reduces the volume of a gas. Liquids are relatively incompressible, so the main action of a pump is to pressurize and transport liquids. Types of Compressors Centrifugal compressors Centrifugal compressors use a rotating disk or impeller in a shaped housing to force the gas to the rim of the impeller, increasing the velocity of the gas. A diffuser (divergent duct) section converts the velocity energy to pressure energy. They are primarily used for continuous, stationary service in industries such as oil refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants and natural gas processing plants.[1][2][3] Their application can be from 100 horse power (75 kW) to thousands of horsepower. With multiple staging, they can achieve extremely high output pressures greater than 10,000 psi (69 MPa). Many large snow-making operations (like ski resorts) use this type of compressor. They are also used in internal combustion engines as superchargers and turbochargers. Centrifugal compressors are used in small gas turbine engines or as the final compression stage of medium sized gas Diagonal or mixed-flow compressors Diagonal or mixed-flow compressors are similar to centrifugal compressors, but have a radial and axial velocity component at the exit from the rotor. The diffuser is often used to turn diagonal flow to the axial direction. The diagonal compressor has a lower diameter diffuser than the equivalent centrifugal compressor. Axial-flow compressors Axial-flow compressors are dynamic rotating compressors that use arrays of fan-like airfoils to progressively compress the working fluid. They are used where there is a requirement for a high flow rate or a compact design. The arrays of airfoils are set in rows, usually as pairs: one rotating and one stationary. The rotating airfoils, also known as blades or rotors, accelerate the fluid. The stationary airfoils, also known as stators or vanes, decelerate and redirect the flow direction of the fluid, preparing it for the rotor blades of the next stage.[1] Axial compressors are almost always multi-staged, with the cross-sectional area of the gas passage diminishing along the compressor to maintain an optimum axial Mach number. Beyond about 5 stages or a 4:1 design pressure ratio, variable geometry is normally used to improve operation. Axial compressors can have high efficiencies; around 90% polytropic at their design conditions. However, they are relatively expensive, requiring a large number of components, tight tolerances and high quality materials. Axial-flow compressors can be found in medium to large gas turbine engines, in natural gas pumping stations, and within certain chemical plants. Reciprocating compressors Reciprocating compressors use pistons driven by a crankshaft. They can be either stationary or portable, can be single or multi-staged, and can be driven by electric motors or internal combustion engines.[1][4][5] Small reciprocating compressors from 5 to 30 horsepower (hp) are commonly seen in automotive applications and are typically for intermittent duty. Larger reciprocating compressors well over 1,000 hp (750 kW) are commonly found in large industrial and petroleum applications. Discharge pressures can range from low pressure to very high pressure (18000 psi or 180 MPa). In certain applications, such as air compression, multi-stage double-acting compressors are said to be the most efficient compressors available, and are typically larger, and more costly than comparable rotary units. [6] Another type of reciprocating compressor is the swash plate compressor, which uses pistons which are moved by a swash plate mounted on a shaft.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Imperialism: Historical and Biological Perspectives :: Essays Papers
Imperialism: Historical and Biological Perspectives Imperialism evokes images of past grandeur, expansive landholdings and wealth that do not seem to be conducive to modern-day existence. Yet as a general paradigm of behavior, imperialism may be more ubiquitous and inherent than first glance would suggest. By drawing analogy between the actions of historically imperialistic nations and bee colonies, a universal â€Å"imperialism†emerges, spanning history and nature. In the Roman Empire and current US â€Å"empire†(as some consider it), imperialism is manifested as binary hierarchies and symbols of power. Bee colonies, likewise, exhibit such extensions of imperialism. Thus, we can construct a paradigm for imperialism that functions in many times and places. One thing to note is that the Roman Empire fell, and people are pessimistic about the US’s current situation and global involvement; bees, on the other hand, have sustained their imperialistic behavior for millions of years. The pervasive behavioral similariti es between bees and man suggest an underlying genetic cause, but past and imminent troubles with human imperialism suggests that imperialism may also transmitted as a meme, a cultural entity, subject to natural selection. â€Å"The simplest definition of imperialism is the domination and exploitation of weaker states by stronger ones.†This â€Å"ancient and easily observable phenomenon.†is easily recognizable in the Roman Empire and current US foreign relations but harder to pick out in a colony of bees because very human constructs of states are applied. Imperialism is simply a concept I will use to discuss the behavior of bee colonies, though the universality of this behavior lies in nature. In other words, binary hierarchies (a distinctly two-tiered caste system) and symbols of organization and power can be identified in bee colonies, qualifying bees as imperialistic according to this construct. The Roman Empire is an archetype of the human execution of imperialistic tendencies. At its peak, known as the Principate (27BC-235AD), the Empire spanned Europe, Asia and Africa. The main drive of such expansion was not so moral or cultural, as â€Å"the approach of the Roman government was essentially pragmatic†¦The frontier peoples were to be tamed, neutralized, and exploited. The exposure of conquered barbarians to a superior way of life was part of this policy†¦not an end in itself.†In other words, holding land and exploitation were the priorities of Roman government in pure â€Å"parasitic†and imperialistic fashion. Additionally, binary hierarchy reveals itself in empires. In the Roman Empire, this binary system existed on numerous levels, including the humiliores and honestiores of the native Romans, the slaves and masters on farmland, and ruler and foreign subjects.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Climate Council
Climate Council The organisation chosen is Climate Council, which has made great part in doing study on the clime alteration to the populace. Climate council is non-profit organisation set up to go on to register studies to the populace to do them be cognizant of the clime alteration state of affairs at the present.Introduction of Climate CouncilClimate Council is an Australian non-profit organisation ( NGO ) , which is established to supply a better image and manner for the populace to acquire to cognize facts of clime alterations. Till now, the NGO is funded by contributions from public. At first, Climate Council is named as Australian Climate Commission, launched by the former opinion party Labor Party in 2011 as an independent consultative group to register studies to the populace on clime alteration. After the new party came into force in 2013, the Climate Council is dismissed for avoiding duplicate of services. But thanks to the state of affairss that many people are appealing to the reinstate ment of Climate Council both in world and online, the Climate Council was set up in 2013 by Tim Flannery, a former head commissioner of the Climate Commission. And harmonizing to Flannery, the council members are working pro bono. Till now, Climate Council is running based on people’s contribution. And the head director has promised that people could donate, but they could ne'er impact their independency and credibleness by contribution ( Guardian, 2013 ) .Valuess of Climate CouncilHarmonizing to Smith and Gruber ( 2006 ) , throughout the history of Earth, clime alteration is a immense job at the present. The job is non whether clime alteration exists, but when, where and how much serious clime alteration is at the minute ( Bulkeley & A ; Betsill, 2002 ) . The first value of Climate Council is consciousness of clime alteration state of affairs and its influence by the populace. Climate Council is set up by the Labor Party once more to assist the populace to be cognizant of the state of affairs of clime alteration and the influences clime alterations would hold on people’s life. At first it was dumped by the authorities governments, but as public is appealing to the Climate Council extremely both online and in world, Climate Council is established once more for the interest of the populace. As ideas of the populace is developing, clime alterations is more and more serious and the populace is more cognizant of the influences brought approximately by clime alterations, the populace would love to cognize more about the current state of affairs of the clime alteration and its consequence on different facets of our life. Furthermore, to cognize more about the society and universe people are populating in is an equal right for all the people. In Australia, people’s consciousness of clime alteration is developing and people would make more to assist the lone Earth to be a better topographic point for people and their coevalss to populate. Therefore, people’s consciousness of the state of affairs of clime alteration and its consequence is a basic right for the people populating in Australia. That is to state, Climate Council is making a great occupation in recognizing people’s right of consciousness, as a non-profit organisation. What is more, when people know more about the consequence brought approximately by clime alterations, people would make more to cut down green-house gases, cut down pollution and assist the Earth to be a more comfy and sustainable topographic point for their coevalss to populate, which is a win-win motion. Second, its value is non-profit. Before 2011, Climate Council is a portion of Australian authorities and their staff get paid by the revenue enhancement of the people. After 2013, Climate Council is a non-profit organisation. Non-profit organisation is a sort of organisation which does non concentrate on profitable industry, and stress on public personal businesss to better public public assistance, such as instruction, human rights, environment and so on. Non-profit organisation is the sort of organisation reflecting people’s consciousness of attention, love and part. The staff in Climate Council is now working pro bono, which is worthy of regard from foreigners. And their good religion should be spoken extremely of. Third, its value is independency. Till now, Climate Council gets contributions from the populace. But the current job is that the fund is non a stable flow of fund, but a flexible one, which would non be a good pick for a long-run run. As a consequence, the main executive of Climate Council is looking for a stable and large company or several investors to corporate. With the long-run stable fund, they might make better on their research and study on clime alteration. But here comes another job which is that its independency may be affected by the largest investors. But the main executive has stated that they will remain independency and will non be affected by any other 3rd party ( Guardian, 2013 ) . Fourthly, its value is credibleness. The credibleness of Climate Council is an indispensable component to the consciousness of people. Peoples would make as they suggested to assist the universe to be a better topographic point, which means that the study people’s action is based on should be trusting. Since Climate Council is a 3rd party funded by contribution from the populace, its non-profit characteristic would assist Climate Council to be more creditable when doing studies on clime alteration to the populace. Since Climate Council is set up, non intend for money but meant to make more to assist the populace to acquire to cognize the clime alterations and its consequence so as to assist cut down the release of green-house gases, the credibleness of Climate Council is made certain. What is more, when Climate Council would acquire contributions from some certain companies or groups for stable and long-run undertaking, the head director has promised that the study of the inst itute would remain creditable and will non be affected by any other 3rd party. The statement of the main executive makes certain that the people could swear the study of Climate Council and so do some actions and motions towards the jobs it refers to or harmonizing to some suggestions Climate Council has made in those studies ( Guardian, 2013 ) . I agree to the full on the values of Climate Council, which are warrant of people’s rights of consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects, non-profit, independency and credibleness. The rights of people’s consciousness is portion of human rights, which is pulling more and more attending on the international universe. As an institute of appealing to people to protect the environment, non-profit shows their purpose is environmental protection. Independence and credibleness make sure that the study of Climate Council is trusting and people could do reactions harmonizing to the studies. As a consequence, I am to the full for the above mentioned four values of Climate Council.Interests of Climate CouncilThe involvements of Climate Council would be divided into three parts. First of wholly, from the position of capital, since the institute is non-profit and all the fund it receives would be used on the study of clime alteration, as a effect, the institute will non acquire capital as net incomes. And because the staff are working pro bono, the staff themselves will non acquire a big amount of money as payment. As a consequence, both the institute and its staff will non acquire money as involvements. Second, the involvements of the institute and staff are non-profit and for the public assistance and involvements of the populace. The public’s right of consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects to their life criterions would be served and guaranteed. Third, the involvements of the institute are for the interest the Earth and all the people populating on it. Because when people find out the current serious state of affairs of clime alteration and its side consequence to their life criterions and the Earth, the protection of the clime and the Earth would be enhanced. As a consequence, the Earth would be protected and the life criterions and wellness of people and their coevalss would be guaranteed. As a effect, the whole involvements of Climate Council would be for the involvements of all Australians, all the human existences and the Earth. I am extremely for their high consciousness of part. To do it more practical than a promise, I would propose Climate Council would put up a promotion system to hold all their contributions and costs known by the populace, as many non-profit organisations do. This action would do its studies more independent, trusting and dependable.Advocacy Positions.From the studies of Climate Council, the protagonism place it takes is that human existences should take duty of clime alteration due to factory pollution, coal combustion and other industrial actions, merely as Susan ( 2009 ) has wrote in her book. And it has stand for animate beings that animate beings are non the chief grounds for clime alteration, merely the same with Steinfeld’s point of position ( 2006 ) . What is more, natural catastrophe is non chief cause for clime alteration, ei ther ( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) . There are two facets of its protagonism place Climate Council stands for. On the one manus, its protagonism place could be that the rights of Australians to hold a better apprehension of clime alteration and its bad effects to human being’s life could be realized and guaranteed. On the other manus, one time the public get a better apprehension of clime alteration and its side effects, Australians would make their best to protect the environment, tonss of runs would be launched to cut down the release of green-house gases, such as C dioxide and so on. After people’s consciousness has been aroused and motion has been made to better the quality of environment, a better topographic point for life could be looked frontward to in the close hereafter. To sum up, the protagonism place of Climate Council is people’s consciousness and the environment protection. On the one manus, the consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects could be get by the pubic, which is besides their right to hold a better apprehension of the continent they are populating on. On the other manus, the Earth would be protected in a more effectual and efficient manner. In the terminal, the concluding purpose of Climate Council would be realized. 5. Use of Science The usage of scientific discipline could be divided into two parts, one is that Climate Council is utilizing scientific discipline to distribute their thought of environment protection and the other is that people could utilize scientific discipline power to construct a better universe with less pollution, as what Americans ballot for ( National Research Council, 2010 ) . Because of the development of computing machines, laptops, smart phones, web sites and other on-line societal webs, Climate Council could be small to distribute their study and environmental positions to other people online. From the studies, one can state that people are reading and distributing the studies through Tweet, its official web and other societal webs. In this means, more people could acquire to their clime studies with no fees attached. In the study â€Å"Be prepared: clime alteration and NSW bushfire threat†, statistics and economic statistics are used throughout the study, such as â€Å" in 2013, bushfires in January and October burnt 768,000 hectares of land and destroyed 279 homes†, â€Å"total economic costs of NSW bushfires in 2014 are projected to be $ 43 million†( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) and so on. Thankss to science development, statistics could be used to depict the influence of bushfire and clime alteration in a specific manner. Peoples would be moved by the particular and big figure of losingss, which would elicit their willingness to protect the Earth female parent. In the study named â€Å"Your forenoon caffeine hit is at risk†( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) , picture is used to show their thoughts, which is a field, graphic manner for audience to detect, besides thanks to the development of scientific discipline. In the study related to coastal flood menace ( Brisbane Times, 2014 ) , thanks to the power of scientific discipline, scientists would acquire to cognize the grounds doing coastal flood menace and would supply ways to work out the job scientifically. In another study named â€Å"Solar: people’s choice†( Climate Council Report, 2014 ) , scientific discipline development aid people to utilize solar power as a agency to warm their bath H2O and room. The clean and natural resources could non be turned into power for human existences to utilize without the aid of extremely developed engineering and scientific discipline. Science could assist the universe to cut down pollution and do a more comfy topographic point to populate. About usage of scientific discipline by Climate Council, I would propose that more work could be done. For illustration, I find out that people would love to portion a picture study made by Climate Council instead than a written version. As a effect, Climate Council could do more video study to better their influence. After all, their purpose is to do more and more people get entree to the clime studies and know the study content which would elicit their purpose to protect the environment and the continent they are populating on.DecisionAs for values of Climate Council, I speak extremely of its four values, which are warrant of rights of people’s consciousness of clime alteration and its side effects, non-profit, independency and credibleness. As to involvements of Climate Council, I would state that, the institute is working for the public assistance of the populace of Australian, even people throughout the universe. It would be better if they have their contributions and cos ts known to public. With respect to its protagonism place, Climate Council is working to protect environment in the terminal. About the usage of scientific discipline, they could utilize video more when distributing the studies to do more people get entree to the studies. Mentions Bulkeley, H. & A ; Betsill, M. ( 2002 ) .Cities and Climate Change. London ; New York: Routledge. National Research Council. ( 2010 ) .America ‘s Climate Choices: Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change.Washington, D.C. : The National Academies Press. Smith, T. M. , Yin, X. & A ; Gruber, A. ( 2006 ) . Variations in one-year planetary precipitation ( 1979–2004 ) , based on the Global Precipitation Climatology Project 2.5 ° analysis.Geophysical Research Letters, 33 ( 6 ) . Solomon, S. , Plattner, G. K. , Knutti, R. & A ; Friedlingstein, P. , ( 2009 ) . Irreversible clime alteration due to carbon dioxide emanations.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 ( 6 ) . Steinfeld, H. , Gerber, P. , Wassenaar, T. , Castel, V. , Rosales, M. & A ; C. de Haan. ( 2006 ) . Livestock ‘s Long Shadow: Environment Issues and Options. Climate Council. ( 2014 ) . Be prepared: clime alteration and the NSW Bushfire Threat, retrieved Oct 28Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Climate Council. ( 2014 ) . Your forenoon caffeine hit is at hazard, retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Climate Council. ( 2014 ) . Solar: the people’s pick, retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Hannam, P. ( 2014 ) . Coastal flood menace rises, says Climate Council,Brisbane Times,retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: // Milman, O. ( 2013 ) . Climate council faces ‘titantic struggle’ , says Tim Flannery,The Guardian,retrieved on Oct 26Thursday, 2014 from: hypertext transfer protocol: //
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Culture and Politics in Fascist Italy Essay
In The Patron State: Culture and Politics in Fascist Italy, Maria Susan Stone discusses the cultural policy-making under Mussolini’s regime in Italy from 1922 to 1943. Specifically, she has provided a detailed study of two of the most popular showpieces of public culture during the fascist regime: the reconstituted Venice Biennale and the 1932 Exhibition of the Fascist Revolution. Stone asserts that the cultural politics that happened during the fascist regime in Italy was developed in three stages. The first stage (from 1925-30) was when the Fascists worked with the established institutions of high culture. It was during this stage that the regime discovered that it could not officially sanction any one style or movement. Stone also described this stage as the time when the Fascists dealt with the social elites. The second stage (from 1931-36) was the period when they used patronage and experimentation in an effort to shape cultural institutions according to their specifications. This is also the period when the Fascists increasingly gained support from the mass. They achieved this by moving away from supporting traditional events aimed for social elites and supporting events aimed at the masses instead. And finally, the third stage (from 1937-43), was when they adopted a more coercive set of methods. Through flexible policy of taste and patronage, the Fascists were able to win the consent of artists and draw supporters from the higher class to the masses. The role and use of mass culture during the Fascist regime have always fascinated historians for the past thirty years. Stone had added to the vast researches by other prominent historians such as Walter Adamson, Philip Cannistraro, and Umberto Silva on the same topic but on a new perspective. Work Cited: Stone, Maria Susan. The Patron State: Culture and Politics in Fascist Italy. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1998
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Brief History of Terrorism in The United States
A Brief History of Terrorism in The United States Ever since the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001 several new words have been created by or assimilated into everyday dialect. "Jihad", "Anthrax", and "Taliban" are now words which are part of every American's dialect, however, no word has reemerged more often than the one which describes all of the events of that day; "terrorism". While not a new word, it was not one thrown around all that commonly before 9/11, and as no word could better describe the actions of that day, it was the most popular word chosen by the media and the people for the acts of violence. The definition of terrorism is not a clearly described one however. The term terrorism comes from the French word "terrorisme", which is based on the Latin verb "terrere" (to frighten). The first use of the word dates to 1792, when the Jacobins came to power in France and initiated what we call the Reign of Terror and what the French call simply "La Terreur".English: I took photo at National Portrait Gallery...One of the first writers to use the word "terrorist" in English was Edmund Burke, an opponent of the French Revolution, who in 1795 described the revolutionaries with "those hell-hounds called terrorists are let loose on the people". Since then the term has been far generalized. Webster's Dictionary describes terrorism as "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons". Throughout the course of United States history several acts of terrorism have been used to make political stands, inflict fear into people, one even considered to be a domino in the chain leading to the declaration of independence showing that one person's act of...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cumulative Sentence Definition and Examples
Cumulative Sentence Definition and Examples In grammar, a cumulative sentence is an independent clause followed by a series of subordinate constructions (phrases or clauses) that gather details about a person, place, event, or idea. Contrast with a periodic sentence. Also called cumulative style or right-branching. In Notes Toward a New Rhetoric, Francis and Bonniejean Christensen observe that after the main clause (which is often stated in general or abstract terms), the forward movement of the [cumulative] sentence stops, the writer shifts down to the lower level of generalization or abstraction or to singular terms, and goes back over the same ground at this lower level. In short, they conclude that the mere form of the sentence generates ideas. Examples and Observations He dipped his hands in the bichloride solution and shook thema quick shake, fingers down, like the fingers of a pianist above the keys.(Sinclair Lewis, Arrowsmith, 1925)The radiators put out lots of heat, too much, in fact, and old-fashioned sounds and smells came with it, exhalations of the matter that composes our own mortality, and reminiscent of the intimate gases we all diffuse.(Saul Bellow, More Die of Heartbreak. William Morrow, 1987)Her moving wings ignited like tissue paper, enlarging the circle of light in the clearing and creating out of the darkness the sudden blue sleeves of my sweater, the green leaves of jewelweed by my side, the ragged red trunk of a pine.(Annie Dillard, Holy the Firm. Harper Row, 1977)The unwieldy provision carts, draught horses, and heavily armed knights kept the advance down to nine miles a day, the huge horde moving in three parallel columns, cutting broad highways of litter and devastation through an already abandoned countryside, many of the ad venturers now traveling on foot, having sold their horses for bread or having slaughtered them for meat.(John Gardner, Life and Times of Chaucer. Alfred A. Knopf, 1977) The San Bernardino Valley lies only an hour east of Los Angeles by the San Bernardino Freeway but is in certain ways an alien place: not the coastal California of the subtropical twilights and the soft westerlies off the Pacific but a harsher California, haunted by the Mojave just beyond the mountains, devastated by the hot dry Santa Ana wind that comes down through the passes at 100 miles an hour and whines through the eucalyptus windbreaks and works on the nerves.(Joan Didion, Some Dreamers of the Golden Dream. Slouching Towards Bethlehem, 1968)I am with the Eskimos on the tundra who are running after the click-footed caribou, running sleepless and dazed for days, running spread out in scraggling lines across the glacier-ground hummocks and reindeer moss, in sight of the ocean, under the long-shadowed pale sun, running silent all night long.(Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Harper Row, 1974)He wept silently, after the custom of shamed and angry men, so that when the pursuit party came tumbling, pounding, scrabbling down the trail, past the fold in which he and Hillel stood concealed, he could hear the creak and rattle of their leather armor with its scales of horn; and when the Arsiyah returned, just before daybreak, at the very hour when all of creation seemed to fall silent as if fighting off tears, Zelikman could hear the rumbling of the mens bellies and the grit in their eyelids and the hollowness of failure sounding in their chests.(Michael Chabon, Gentlemen of the Road: A Tale of Adventure. Del Ray, 2007) Cumulative Sentences Defined and Illustrated The typical sentence of modern English, the kind we can best spend our efforts trying to write, is what we will call the cumulative sentence. The main or base clause, which may or may not have sentence modifiers like this before or within it, advances the discussion or the narrative. The other additions, placed after it, move backward (as in this sentence), to modify the statement of the base clause or more often to explain it or add examples or details to it, so that the sentence has a flowing and ebbing movement, advancing to a new position and then pausing to consolidate it. (Francis Christensen and Bonniejean Christensen, A New Rhetoric. Harper Row, 1976) Setting a Scene With Cumulative Sentences The cumulative sentence is particularly good for setting a scene or for panning, as with a camera, a place or critical moment, a journey or a remembered life, in a way not dissimilar to the run-on. It is another kind of- potentially endless and half-wildlist. . . . And here is this writer Kent Haruf, writing a cumulative sentence, opening his novel with it, panning the smalltown western landscape of his story: Here was this man Tom Guthrie in Holt standing at the back window in the kitchen of his house smoking cigarettes and looking out over the back lot where the sun was just coming up. (Kent Haruf, Plainsong) (Mark Tredinnick, Writing Well. Cambridge University. Press, 2008)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic View of The NRF 97th Annual Convention & Expo Case Study
Strategic View of The NRF 97th Annual Convention & Expo - Case Study Example The presenter recommended that building of mutual aid networks, tightening the management, communicating effectively, being foresighted and taking preventing measures are the way to minimize the losses occurring from the threat to homeland security. The human resources are considered to be the most valuable assets of a company. They are also referred to as the 'intellectual assets' of the company since they are knowledgeable about the company's policies, processes, and workings. Managing these assets properly (talent management), prevents a business from making losses. By efficiently managing these resources, the company can do more with less. The important thing is not to let employees leave their company because when an employee leaves the company, he/she takes away the knowledge with him/her. Therefore the presenter recommends that jobs should be made more interesting, working should be team based to increase motivation, the working environment should be friendly yet challenging and rewards and credits should be given to individuals for their ideas and contributions. (Huang, 1998) Crime in the business vicinity takes a major portion in the losses incurred by the company. Shortage in the merchandise caused by employee theft and shoplifting, accounts for 78% of the losses in the merchandising business, while errors make up the rest. According to the presentation, organized retail crime is behind most of the shrinking merchandise. Their intent is to steal desirable products with the intent to resell. These sales can be made at a local pawn shop where approximately they receive 30% of the retail price. With the technological advances, they can also send these items online where no links of stolen goods can be found and get up to 70% of the value. However, return fraud is also very common where people return the stolen items back to the retailers by creating counterfeit receipts and tickets. To prevent these issues the presenter recommends the use of intelligence sharing, installing tracking equipment like GPS, data mining to analyze fraudulent trends, training an d Education programs to catch their people and invigorating the legislative efforts to put stricter punishments for the offenders.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK Dissertation
An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK - Dissertation Example Accordingly, no marriage could be solemnized of those persons who are under the age of 21 years. Disobedience of laws will be a punishable offence and will result in punishment of 14 years in jail. However, the Jews and Quakers were exempted from this law. Jews and Quakers were not restricted according to the Marriage Act of 1753 to obey the law of appearing in churches for marriage purpose. Anglican churches were also specified for nonconformists and Catholics. The condition of marrying in a specific church was removed by the Parliament through Marriage Act of 1936. The Act in question made it possible for non-religious people to marry in the registrar office in their respective towns and cities (Barlow 2005). In response to a move for equal citizenship, the Parliament in the year 1929 cut down the age limit to 16 years for either sex. This limit is still in vogue. The Civil Partnership Act, which was passed by the Parliament in the year 2004, allowed the young couple to follow the same legal rights and obligations as allowed to the couple of elderly ages (Barlow 2005). This paper analyzes the issue of forced marriages in UK and their implications within UK by evaluating some available literature and by scrutinising some law case examples. In the end, Supreme’s court’s stance related to forced marriages will be given along with a conclusion. We all know that there is a clear distinction between the Forced marriage and the arranged marriage. The forced marriage by way of coercive methods whereas the arranged marriage with the consent of all matrimonial stakeholders. Both sorts of marriages come to limelight in the domestic and the international print and electronic media. Because of inherent domestic violence inflicted upon women in any location or in any country of the world. Forced marriages are characterized by domestic violence in whatever form it is, abuses, and coercive methods and last but not least the threats. (Wilson, 2007). Overview A t horough review of the currently published survey report indicates approximately ten million girls below the age of eighteen years get married every year. As per the calculation it comes to one girl every three seconds. The statistics of such marriages are a) 833,333 girls in a month b) 192,307 in a week c) 27, 397 in a day and d) 19 in every minute. If we look at the picture of developing world, we find one out of five girls married by the age of eighteen years. One out of seven married before attaining the age of fifteen. The situation in African and the Asian countries is other way round. In the mentioned regions, the statistic of early and forced marriage is around sixty percent. What to talk about Child brides in South Asia and Saharan country of Africa where the percentage of early forced marriages went up to 46 and 38 percent respectively. In Europe including Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine, the highest rate of early and forced marriages are 17 percent, 14 percent and 10 percent r espectively. The situation of early and forced marriages in England and France is not quite different of the mentioned countries where 10 percent of the adolescent’s marriage happened at the mere age of 18 years. However, in many countries of the world where the legal marriage is not determined, marriages are being happened at a very lower age of 18 years. Take the example of Central African and the Republic of Congo where the legal age of An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK Dissertation - 2 An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK - Dissertation Example Accordingly, no marriage could be solemnized of those persons who are under the age of 21 years. Disobedience of laws will be a punishable offence and will result in punishment of 14 years in jail. However, the Jews and Quakers were exempted from this law. Jews and Quakers were not restricted according to the Marriage Act of 1753 to obey the law of appearing in churches for marriage purpose. Anglican churches were also specified for nonconformists and Catholics. The condition of marrying in a specific church was removed by the Parliament through Marriage Act of 1936. The Act in question made it possible for non-religious people to marry in the registrar office in their respective towns and cities (Barlow 2005). In response to a move for equal citizenship, the Parliament in the year 1929 cut down the age limit to 16 years for either sex. This limit is still in vogue. The Civil Partnership Act, which was passed by the Parliament in the year 2004, allowed the young couple to follow the same legal rights and obligations as allowed to the couple of elderly ages (Barlow 2005). This paper analyzes the issue of forced marriages in UK and their implications within UK by evaluating some available literature and by scrutinising some law case examples. In the end, Supreme’s court’s stance related to forced marriages will be given along with a conclusion. Argument Forced marriages are threatening for UK because according to thinkers and researchers, they come under the category of abuse and violence, therefore, suitable legal steps should be taken to stop this form of abuse. This paper scrutinizes the history of forced marriages and analyzes the issue and its implications within the UK. Research Methodology The research methodology suitable for completing this paper is qualitative method in which, an in depth literature review is conducted to analyze the issue of forced marriages in UK and the processes involved. Along with a literature review, case law exampl es are also incorporated to gain an overview of the problem and possible solutions. Therefore, as a research methodology, qualitative form of researching is used and a literature review and case law analysis is conducted to find answers to the research problem. Literature Review Marriages can be performed before authorized registrar. Priests of churches in England and Wales are authorized to conduct marriages in the local parish. Study of marriage history of England, reveals that since inception of Marriage Act 1753 till 1837, it was the prerogative of Church of England to conduct marriages except the marriages of the Jews and Quakers. The marriages of other faiths can be held by the Registrars. Marriage Act 1949 overtook previously passed acts of marriage. The 1753 Act required presence of two witnesses at the marriage ceremony coupled with minimum marriageable age (Dnes & Rowthorn 2002). The marriages of royal family are conducted under Royal Marriages Act of 1772. According to the mentioned act, the British Royal family were required to take the permission of the ruler if anyone of them wants to get married under twenty five years of age. Marriage Act 1836 eliminated the royal family in passing the act as a separate act was passed for them in terms of marriage (Dnes & Rowthorn 2002). Forced Marriage in the United Kingdom Forced marriages
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Explore the Problems Behind Sexual Deviance, Violence, or Crime and Essay
Explore the Problems Behind Sexual Deviance, Violence, or Crime and Poverty - Essay Example Majority of the world’s population today has been living in the state of poverty. In fact, the 2009 World Bank has shown that almost three billion people around the world are earning less than two dollars and fifty cents a day and 1 billion children live in starvation. There are also more or less 30,000 people around the world who dies everyday because of no food to eat (Shah, 2009). There has been no record found showing the origin of the word poverty. Nevertheless, scholarly authors believed that this term became apparent first in biblical accounts claiming that the poor will always be near in God’s heart. It has also been classified into two, absolute and relative poverty (Byrns, n.d.). Absolute poverty is cited as the state wherein the people don’t have any of the basic necessities and are totally impoverished. On the other hand, relative poverty is likened to a situation in which the people have the basic necessities but were not enough to satisfy them. Nonetheless, this classification is measured after the determination of the country’s poverty line. The late Pope John Paul II has written that poverty is the main force in armed conflicts which gravely threatens peace and security (as cited in Frederick, 2009). Significantly, two economists stated that poverty as a concept has qualitative and quantitative dimensions (Mabughi & Selim, 2006). The qualitative aspect is evaluated in terms of the standard of living while the quantitative dimension is assessed by the level of consumption. Despite these varying ideas, the World Bank has introduced a comprehensive yet radical definition which became the guiding principle of understanding poverty in the international community. Such definition emphasized the importance of an active and purposeful action towards change from both the wealthy and poor sections of the society (World Bank, n.d.). An online movement to fight poverty enumerated its causes and consequences. The causes
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