Thursday, October 31, 2019
An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK Dissertation
An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK - Dissertation Example Accordingly, no marriage could be solemnized of those persons who are under the age of 21 years. Disobedience of laws will be a punishable offence and will result in punishment of 14 years in jail. However, the Jews and Quakers were exempted from this law. Jews and Quakers were not restricted according to the Marriage Act of 1753 to obey the law of appearing in churches for marriage purpose. Anglican churches were also specified for nonconformists and Catholics. The condition of marrying in a specific church was removed by the Parliament through Marriage Act of 1936. The Act in question made it possible for non-religious people to marry in the registrar office in their respective towns and cities (Barlow 2005). In response to a move for equal citizenship, the Parliament in the year 1929 cut down the age limit to 16 years for either sex. This limit is still in vogue. The Civil Partnership Act, which was passed by the Parliament in the year 2004, allowed the young couple to follow the same legal rights and obligations as allowed to the couple of elderly ages (Barlow 2005). This paper analyzes the issue of forced marriages in UK and their implications within UK by evaluating some available literature and by scrutinising some law case examples. In the end, Supreme’s court’s stance related to forced marriages will be given along with a conclusion. We all know that there is a clear distinction between the Forced marriage and the arranged marriage. The forced marriage by way of coercive methods whereas the arranged marriage with the consent of all matrimonial stakeholders. Both sorts of marriages come to limelight in the domestic and the international print and electronic media. Because of inherent domestic violence inflicted upon women in any location or in any country of the world. Forced marriages are characterized by domestic violence in whatever form it is, abuses, and coercive methods and last but not least the threats. (Wilson, 2007). Overview A t horough review of the currently published survey report indicates approximately ten million girls below the age of eighteen years get married every year. As per the calculation it comes to one girl every three seconds. The statistics of such marriages are a) 833,333 girls in a month b) 192,307 in a week c) 27, 397 in a day and d) 19 in every minute. If we look at the picture of developing world, we find one out of five girls married by the age of eighteen years. One out of seven married before attaining the age of fifteen. The situation in African and the Asian countries is other way round. In the mentioned regions, the statistic of early and forced marriage is around sixty percent. What to talk about Child brides in South Asia and Saharan country of Africa where the percentage of early forced marriages went up to 46 and 38 percent respectively. In Europe including Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine, the highest rate of early and forced marriages are 17 percent, 14 percent and 10 percent r espectively. The situation of early and forced marriages in England and France is not quite different of the mentioned countries where 10 percent of the adolescent’s marriage happened at the mere age of 18 years. However, in many countries of the world where the legal marriage is not determined, marriages are being happened at a very lower age of 18 years. Take the example of Central African and the Republic of Congo where the legal age of An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK Dissertation - 2 An examination of forced marriages and its implications within the UK - Dissertation Example Accordingly, no marriage could be solemnized of those persons who are under the age of 21 years. Disobedience of laws will be a punishable offence and will result in punishment of 14 years in jail. However, the Jews and Quakers were exempted from this law. Jews and Quakers were not restricted according to the Marriage Act of 1753 to obey the law of appearing in churches for marriage purpose. Anglican churches were also specified for nonconformists and Catholics. The condition of marrying in a specific church was removed by the Parliament through Marriage Act of 1936. The Act in question made it possible for non-religious people to marry in the registrar office in their respective towns and cities (Barlow 2005). In response to a move for equal citizenship, the Parliament in the year 1929 cut down the age limit to 16 years for either sex. This limit is still in vogue. The Civil Partnership Act, which was passed by the Parliament in the year 2004, allowed the young couple to follow the same legal rights and obligations as allowed to the couple of elderly ages (Barlow 2005). This paper analyzes the issue of forced marriages in UK and their implications within UK by evaluating some available literature and by scrutinising some law case examples. In the end, Supreme’s court’s stance related to forced marriages will be given along with a conclusion. Argument Forced marriages are threatening for UK because according to thinkers and researchers, they come under the category of abuse and violence, therefore, suitable legal steps should be taken to stop this form of abuse. This paper scrutinizes the history of forced marriages and analyzes the issue and its implications within the UK. Research Methodology The research methodology suitable for completing this paper is qualitative method in which, an in depth literature review is conducted to analyze the issue of forced marriages in UK and the processes involved. Along with a literature review, case law exampl es are also incorporated to gain an overview of the problem and possible solutions. Therefore, as a research methodology, qualitative form of researching is used and a literature review and case law analysis is conducted to find answers to the research problem. Literature Review Marriages can be performed before authorized registrar. Priests of churches in England and Wales are authorized to conduct marriages in the local parish. Study of marriage history of England, reveals that since inception of Marriage Act 1753 till 1837, it was the prerogative of Church of England to conduct marriages except the marriages of the Jews and Quakers. The marriages of other faiths can be held by the Registrars. Marriage Act 1949 overtook previously passed acts of marriage. The 1753 Act required presence of two witnesses at the marriage ceremony coupled with minimum marriageable age (Dnes & Rowthorn 2002). The marriages of royal family are conducted under Royal Marriages Act of 1772. According to the mentioned act, the British Royal family were required to take the permission of the ruler if anyone of them wants to get married under twenty five years of age. Marriage Act 1836 eliminated the royal family in passing the act as a separate act was passed for them in terms of marriage (Dnes & Rowthorn 2002). Forced Marriage in the United Kingdom Forced marriages
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Explore the Problems Behind Sexual Deviance, Violence, or Crime and Essay
Explore the Problems Behind Sexual Deviance, Violence, or Crime and Poverty - Essay Example Majority of the world’s population today has been living in the state of poverty. In fact, the 2009 World Bank has shown that almost three billion people around the world are earning less than two dollars and fifty cents a day and 1 billion children live in starvation. There are also more or less 30,000 people around the world who dies everyday because of no food to eat (Shah, 2009). There has been no record found showing the origin of the word poverty. Nevertheless, scholarly authors believed that this term became apparent first in biblical accounts claiming that the poor will always be near in God’s heart. It has also been classified into two, absolute and relative poverty (Byrns, n.d.). Absolute poverty is cited as the state wherein the people don’t have any of the basic necessities and are totally impoverished. On the other hand, relative poverty is likened to a situation in which the people have the basic necessities but were not enough to satisfy them. Nonetheless, this classification is measured after the determination of the country’s poverty line. The late Pope John Paul II has written that poverty is the main force in armed conflicts which gravely threatens peace and security (as cited in Frederick, 2009). Significantly, two economists stated that poverty as a concept has qualitative and quantitative dimensions (Mabughi & Selim, 2006). The qualitative aspect is evaluated in terms of the standard of living while the quantitative dimension is assessed by the level of consumption. Despite these varying ideas, the World Bank has introduced a comprehensive yet radical definition which became the guiding principle of understanding poverty in the international community. Such definition emphasized the importance of an active and purposeful action towards change from both the wealthy and poor sections of the society (World Bank, n.d.). An online movement to fight poverty enumerated its causes and consequences. The causes
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A correlational study on music preference
A correlational study on music preference INTRODUCTION      Music has long been said to have influenced the lives of every individual in ways which are more than the imaginable. More than setting the mod, it makes us remember things which happened long time ago and it makes us imagine a bright future through its melody and rhythm. Overtime, based on the philosophical traditions in the world, music is said to be promoting harmonious living not only for the individual, but for the society as well in general. Furthermore, it is also said that this idea has long been forgotten by the traditions in the Western philosophy although some still argues that music has more to offer in our ethical lives and reflection. Music is particularly important in the social lives of the adolescents. They do cruise in streets with their cars fully set-up with subwoofers and speakers as they favorite genre of music plays along normally rock, electric, or heavy metal. Various researches have shown that music is very important and essential in the lives of the adolescents especially on how they were able to satisfy social, emotional, and developmental needs. This only goes to show the big influence of music preference on the major decisions and activities in which the adolescent is inclined.      Suicide has long been a global threat to the human race especially among adolescents. In the United States alone, suicide has been said as the third leading cause of death among adolescents aged 15-19. The same case is also true globally. Although this phenomenon is said to ba a major alarming global problem, such has been still identified as preventable through a series of measures and practices which should be observed in order to prevent the occurrence of such. Part of this preventive and management of suicide attempts in the society include measures which are geared towards collaboration with community leaders or the proper authorities including health professionals, researchers, and all levels of the government which are concerned with the threat of this issue.      In the course of the study to be conducted, the researcher will present the correlation between the adolescents preference of music and their attempts to commit suicide. The research operates on the notion that the choice of music has a variable effect on why teenagers are inclined into attempting to end their lives. The study will look into psychological aspects which are associated to choice of music and how such incident can trigger an individual to commit suicide. The purpose of this research is to be able to identify such correlation and relate it to actual incidences of attempted suicide and how such can be prevented. The questions which the research will try to answer will include those reason on why music has been associated to an adolescents attempt to commit suicide, what kind of music triggers such occurrence, what other factors does music does aside from what has been mentioned, and. how can such incident be prevented. The researcher expects that these research questions will be answered at the end of the research through the help of data and relevant information which will be presented and extracted from reliable sources of study in order to strengthen the foundation of this paper and to gain more insights regarding the issue at hand. It is the expectation of the researcher to know what exactly is the correlation between the two variables of study: music preference and suicide attempts among adolescents. This study is of utmost important to be bale to give enlightenment on the issue and to be able to come up with various recommendations on what music should be played in order to lessen the occurrences of suicide, provided that there is a recognizable correlation between the two variables. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY      In order to successfully carry out the main purpose of the study, the researcher will make use of relevant data which are available to gain more insights regarding the issue. One of the main sources of information for this study will include secondary data sources. These sources will include references extracted from books, academic journals, scholarly articles, internet, and other form sof media which will provide the researcher with more insights regarding the topic. The secondary sources will be useful in providing the research with a strong foundation and also to be bale to back-up and strengthen the claims and the hypotheses of the author regarding the issue. Furthermore, although the researcher recognizes the difficulty of such measure, an individual who attempted suicide will also be interviewed and asked regarding his music preferences. By this, the study will be able to provide insights on the correlation between suicide and teenagers choice or preference of music which they listen to. More than the individuals themselves, another valuable source of primary data for this research will be psychologists and behavioral doctors who will also be interviewed and asked about how music relates to the possibility of the occurrence of suicide attempts.      In the process of this research, the research design which will be used by the researcher is exploratory research. This classification of research design is concerned with providing insights into, and an understanding of, the problem confronting the researcher. This type of research design is normally used on cases where the problems need to be defined more precisely, identify relevant courses of action, and gain additional insights or information before a particular approach can be developed. Moreover, the sample which will be chosen for the purpose of this study will only be small and at the same time non-representative. The primary and secondary data which will be gathered will be qualitative in nature rather than being quantitative. Given this, the fact that the research design is exploratory, the researcher submits this study to the fcat that once it is completed with all the findings and recommendation, the research is still subject to further study typicall y followed by conclusive research. As mentioned, the data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources through interviews and extensive research to gain the desired results. Furthermore, these data will be carefully analyzed by the researcher and will be only used in the study if the researcher sees such data as relevant and helpful in the conduct of the study. Lastly, ethical considerations will be considered as well in doing this research. No plagiarism must be tolerated. All sources will be properly identified and acknowledged. All interviews will be authentic and will come only from the individuals who can best give insights and relevant information on the topic. The confidentiality of the interview sources, particularly those who have already attempted to commit suicide, will also be of primary consideration. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE      It has always been said that music is the universal language of mankind. Indeed such is true. Through music, regardless of the language, we feel the rhythm, we feel the beat. And in one way or another we were touched by the tune, and by the time we know it we can either be already crying because of it or dancing crazily because of the beat. Such instance only goes to show that music has indeed a great influence in the lives of mankind. In our everyday lives, it plays a great role which at times, we are not even aware of.      During the 5th International Conference on Adolescent Health and Welfare and the World Youth Forum, there has been a relevant discussion regarding the influence of music on the life of the youth. Such discussion focuses on the notion that every sonsg and every artists or every genre to which the individual is inclined, there is a corresponding influence, either good or bad, to that individual and will manifest either long term or short term effects. The conference holds that music affects our body in various ways. We either feel the music as vibration to our bones, tissues and lungs and they also act as sound box playing inside our system. Because of such influences of music to our system, it can be said that we are indeed influenced by its beats and rhythms and as well as our actions.      According to Pouliot (1998), â€Å"selectively chosen and carefully designed musical compositions can help fortify our immune system, reduce our feeling of pain, and enhance certain higher mental functions†. In the journal which he wrote the author supports the claim of other researchers that there is an ultimate connection between the function of an individuals body and to music. Aside from that, in his work, the author also mentioned that music helps an individual to have freedom from pain and suffering. Musically fluctuating vibrations have been said to have string influence on the individuals perception of pain and on the over-all well-being. Furthermore, his work concludes that his work and other researches do not actually prove the concept that music is embedded with the ability and capacity to make us happier, healthier, and smarter.      Furthermore, according to Roberts et al., although much debate in the past and even up to the present have shown focus on the effects of media on youth violence particularly that of television, there is also a need to put an emphasis on music. Furthermore, with todays popular music, criticism has been aimed towards the assumption that such music has contents which may influence how young listeners think or act. And more often than not, these influences are said to be violent and not giving any good to the adolescent population. It emphasizes the negatives which include violence, racism, Satanism, substance abuse, and suicide. Such musical aspects affecting such include heavy metal music and violent lyrics. The author also wrote some comments regarding music preference and suicide attempts and actual suicides. The work argues that the most common preference of music among those who committed suicide would be heavy metal music. The author mentioned that there is tru th to the fact that a number of adolescents who committed or attempted to commit suicide have been found listening to heavy metal music few hours before taking away their own lives. The author also mentioned that for the individual to immerse himself with angry, desperate, and depressing music is indeed a poor strategy to be able to cope with problems associated with anger, despair, and depression. Neuroscience also suggests that brooding or the ability of the individual to dwell on his current emotional state, is more likely to just deepen or worsen the situation rather than being able to alleviate it. This could carry an addictive and anti-social behavior until it could lead to potential suicide.      In an article which was published in Americas Mental Health Channel, it has been said that suicide has increasingly become much more common among adolescents that how it used to be in the past years. It has been also identified that the main way of the adolescents to be able to end their respective lives is highly dependent on what lethal means are available in their country of residence and at their given age. In countries where guns are readily available, these are the main instruments which are used to commit suicide. However, in some places, strangling and food poisoning are the more causes means of committing or attempting suicide. Many literature have also been written identifying that the main cause of suicide attempts among adolescents would be the fact that they ae actually trying to manipulate others or as a way of crying out for help as brought about by depression or other problems which they perceived as too heavy already that suicide is their only opt ion on that particular moment. Moreover, when asked after their suicide attempts regarding the reasons on why they attempted to commit suicide, their reasoning would be like that of an adult. One of the reasons which they often stipulate is that they simply wanted to die, they no longer have the desire to live. Another reason which they normally state is that they just want to escape from a hopeless situation or get rid of their horrible state of mind. Other reasons include substance abuse, being victims of different forms of abuse be it physical or emotional, psychological disorders, and relationship problems.      Various researches have shown that the type of music which we listen to reveals a lot about our personality. Such type of music also influences a great part of our daily life and our actions as well. In a research which was conducted by Rentfrow and Gosling (2002), they have identified that the personality of an individual have a big impact on their preferences for their choices of music. Aside from these, the self-esteem and the mood of the individual also have a great effect on their taste for music. The impact of music in our lives, especially the violent ones have garnered notable attention and scrutiny in the past, especially heavy metal music. Performers like Slayer, Marilyn Manson, and Metallica have been brought into courts after parents of various adolescents claimed that their music have influenced their children to attempt to commit suicide. Furthermore, Center for Suicide Prevention (1999) also identified the adolescents preference to listening to heav y metal music as a factor affecting their attempt to commit suicide. Moreover, aside from heavy metal music they also identified other genres such as folk, pop-rock, country, and opera as having an effect on the desire of the individual to commit suicide. According to their study, the content analysis of some country songs reveals that there are some themes of the songs which can foster suicide such as those related to dissolution of marriage of parents, alcohol and substance abuse, financial strain, and social isolation. Moreover, the opera is said to have influenced suicide because of the death of the characters which might actually prompt adolescents to actually do the same. With relation to heavy metal, the study claimed that some lyrics are insinuating suicide and some even advocate the act of doing such. Stack and Gundlach (1992) also supports the theory that country music has an effect on the adolescents attempt to commit suicide. The authors identified the suicidal themes of most country songs as the main reason on why they are said to be contributory to suicide attempts of the younger population.      After having reviewed the relevant literature related to the topic at hand, the researcher could see that indeed the type or preference of music has a strong effect on the gullible personality of adolescents; therefore, such might actually prompt them to commit suicide. However, it is also suggested to look at other factors which might actually reveal why the preference for music has led to such choices and not to just directly correlate music preference with the attempt of adolescents to commit suicide. REFERENCES: Americas Mental Health Channel; Suicide and Children; Healthy Place; 2009 Center for Suicide Prevention; Music and Suicide; 1999 Documents for Small Business and Professionals; The Influence of Music Higgins, Kathleen Marie; The Music of Our Lives; 2001 Newfouldland and Labrador Center for health Information; Attemptempted Suicide Among Adolescents; 2004 Pouliot, Janine S.; The Power of Music; 1998 Roberts, Donald F., Christenson, Peter G., Gentile, Douglas A.; The Effects of Violent Music on Children and Adolescents; 2008 Schwartz, Kelly D., Fouts, Gregory T.; Music Preferences, Personality Style, and Developmental Issues of Adolescents. Stack, Steven, Gundlach, Jim; The Effect of Country Music on Suicide; 1992
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bastille Day :: essays research papers fc
"Bastille Day, on the Fourteenth of July, is the French symbol of the end of the Monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution" ( It is very much like Independence Day in the United States because it is a celebration of the beginning of a new form of government. There are several factors that led to the Revolution. King Louis XV and King Louis XVI both led extremely extravagant lives. They spent a lot of the government's money on luxuries even while the government had some financial problems. One of the government's main jobs back then was to protect their country from, and manage wars. In the Seven Years War against England, France spent large sums of money on the war effort but they still lost the war and had to give up their colonies in North America. Many French citizens regarded this loss as a major humiliation. The population was divided into three estates. The Third Estate, also known as the commoners was made up of the bourgeoisie, wage earners and the peasantry. They were the majority of the population. The Second Estate was for the nobility. The First Estate was composed of the clergy. The Upper Clergy were very wealthy and powerful and therefore they related to the First Estate. The Lower Clergy related more to the Lower Estates. "The first two states enjoyed privileges over the Third Estate. Although they were the richest, they were exempt from taxes. They were also the only members in society who could hold positions of importance such as Officers in the army" ( This caused great discontent within the Third Estate. In 18th Century the peasant population increased dramatically. This growth in population increased the demand for more land. Land was being divided into smaller and smaller sections to cope with this problem. Eventually some sections of land were not even enough for a peasant to support his own family. The wars in America left France in huge debt. To try and pay this debt the nobility increased taxes on the peasants, which further increased their resentment towards the nobility. Poor harvests in 1787 and 1788 led to a food shortage. The peasants could barely feed themselves let alone pay taxes. The peasants started to threaten violence if their situation wasn't improved. There was an increased competition from British textile manufacturers. This left many people without jobs, and a huge increase in unemployment. Bastille Day :: essays research papers fc "Bastille Day, on the Fourteenth of July, is the French symbol of the end of the Monarchy and the beginning of the French Revolution" ( It is very much like Independence Day in the United States because it is a celebration of the beginning of a new form of government. There are several factors that led to the Revolution. King Louis XV and King Louis XVI both led extremely extravagant lives. They spent a lot of the government's money on luxuries even while the government had some financial problems. One of the government's main jobs back then was to protect their country from, and manage wars. In the Seven Years War against England, France spent large sums of money on the war effort but they still lost the war and had to give up their colonies in North America. Many French citizens regarded this loss as a major humiliation. The population was divided into three estates. The Third Estate, also known as the commoners was made up of the bourgeoisie, wage earners and the peasantry. They were the majority of the population. The Second Estate was for the nobility. The First Estate was composed of the clergy. The Upper Clergy were very wealthy and powerful and therefore they related to the First Estate. The Lower Clergy related more to the Lower Estates. "The first two states enjoyed privileges over the Third Estate. Although they were the richest, they were exempt from taxes. They were also the only members in society who could hold positions of importance such as Officers in the army" ( This caused great discontent within the Third Estate. In 18th Century the peasant population increased dramatically. This growth in population increased the demand for more land. Land was being divided into smaller and smaller sections to cope with this problem. Eventually some sections of land were not even enough for a peasant to support his own family. The wars in America left France in huge debt. To try and pay this debt the nobility increased taxes on the peasants, which further increased their resentment towards the nobility. Poor harvests in 1787 and 1788 led to a food shortage. The peasants could barely feed themselves let alone pay taxes. The peasants started to threaten violence if their situation wasn't improved. There was an increased competition from British textile manufacturers. This left many people without jobs, and a huge increase in unemployment.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
China Trade from Early 17th Century to Mid 19th Century Essay
Around 17th and 18th century, Western countries were extremely eager to reach the profitable Chinese market due to its privileged geological location. Although China had traded their riches with Europe along the Silk Road for centuries, Chinese government were afraid that the sea trade to the south would potentially corrupt their â€Å"imperial kingdom†and further try to conquer the country. From 1700 onwards, the government established a set of rigid restrictions imposing the practice of Co-hong to confine foreign trades and merchants in Canton. However, by late 18 century, the trading system seemed to change. The British commenced the opium trade, which created a steady demand among Chinese addicts and further solved the chronic imbalanced trade. As the Opium War broke out with Britain, China was no longer on the top of the world. The Celestial Empire not only was forced to be subservient to British trading regulations, but also somewhat became a semi-colonial country. The East India Company founded in 1600 that held a monopoly in east India by the British government was rapidly enlarging its global trading influence in China. By sending a company trader to address their concern regarding to the unreasonable restrictions on trade in Canton, the representative James Flint was arrested and imprisoned for being breaking the â€Å"Canton trading law†. This incident showed China’s superior attitude toward Westerners and how they manipulated the trade irrationally in their best interest disregarding the concerns of foreign traders. The growing number of foreign traders in the late eighteenth century strongly threatened the Qing. They feared that the trade with foreign merchants would give the opportunity for Westerners to corrupt China; therefore, a set of laws that was so called â€Å"Canton system†was established. The system restricted all European trades to only one port Canton and foreign merchants were forbidden to abode in the city except trading season. Moreover, the Europeans had to obey the licensed Co-Hong merchants, of who were responsible for controlling the trading behavior in Canton. As a result, these complex and irksome rules created a tension between foreigners and Chinese merchants, British traders especially. In 1792, a British ambassador Lord George Macartney set sail to China hoping to seek the approval of the Qing Emperor to loosen some of the trading restrictions to the British traders. Yet, the letters to the Emperor was unreservedly rejected; the response was fairly disappointing. Emperor Qianlong’s edicts to George III in response to McCartney’s demands on English traders showed his arrogant and condescending attitude toward the British. â€Å"As your Ambassador can see for himself, we possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for you country’s manufacturers. (105 Cheng and Letz with Spence) Furthermore, in his second edict, he stated, â€Å" But your Ambassador has now put forward new requests which completely fail to recognize the Throne’s principle to â€Å"treat strangers from afar with indulgence†and to exercise a pacifying control over barbarian tribes, the world over. †(106 Cheng and Letz with Spence) He describes foreigners as â€Å"barbarians, which showed how he disrespected all Westerners and measured China as the most superior in the world; other countries would have obey Chinese â€Å"law†. British viewed Qing’s legal code as unreasonable and perceived the Chinese officials as obstinate governance, which further exasperated the existed tension between the two nations. Meanwhile, a network of opium was widely distributed throughout China. In order to pay for the tremendous demand of Chinese tea, silk and porcelain pottery in Europe, Britain and other European nations determined to import the one product which became the factor that corrupted the Imperial Empire: opium. Opium addiction level arose in a short period of time, which affected not only the imperial troop but also the governmental officials. Thus, Emperor Daoguang appointed Commissioner Lin to confiscate opium from English ships and refused to pay indemnity to the British traders. The efforts of the Qing dynasty to coerce the opium restraints resulted in the trading conflict, which had already existed for decades between Britain and China triggered the Opium War in 1840. Lord Palmerston’s dispatch to the Emperor of China was a message to inform the Qing that Great Britain would no longer be submissive. The British government therefore has determined at once to send out a Naval and Military Force to the Coast of China to act in support of these demands, and in order to convince the Imperial Government that the British Government attaches the upmost importance to his matter, and that the affair is one which will not admit of delay. †(125 Cheng and Letz with Spence) The dispatc h simply showed the Britain’s intentions to use force to protect its subjects in China, Canton in particular. After the damaging defeats in the war, the first unequal treaty, Treaty of Nanjing was signed after the War, which awakened China from its fantasy of superiority. In the Treaty, China opened several ports and exposed its markets to Western merchants, which turned the central kingdom into a semi-colonial country. Consequently, the role in the national economy had reversed. China was now forced to obey all the demands in the Treaty of Nanjing signed with the British. China was no longer the â€Å"Celestial Empire†; inversely, it was slowly sliding down from the top of the world.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
“Hamlet†by Shakespeare and the ultimate measure Essay
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy. This powerful quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. is by far a very accurate statement that I believe to be true. A man cannot be judged his worth based on what he does during serene times, but rather he must be judged based on his actions during times of hardship. The literary work that proves this true is the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. In the play, the main character, Hamlet is often found in conflicts and predicaments that he necessarily cannot solve. One of Hamlets main dilemmas is that he is forced into getting revenge on his uncle for killing his father, marrying his mother, and ultimately becoming king. However, due to Hamlets inability to turn his action into thoughts, this revenge was severely delayed. This inability is a result of his conflict between his physical and inner self, the former being thoughtful and contemplative, while the latter is rash and impulsive. The clash between his personalities often results in the accomplishment of nothing. Although this uncertainty is the main theme of the play, it also portrays Hamlet as a man incapable of making decisions in times of need. Another thing that judges Hamlets measure as a man is his madness. Whether his madness is deliberate or actual is questionable. Hamlet believes that his madness is just a faà §ade to deter the others of his real intentions. Somewhere in the middle of the play, the readers are confused of whether Hamlet is truly crazy or just acting. It is understandable for a person to take risks to get things done, but there are also times where it is too much and has the opposite effect. In this case, Hamlet tries his best to get revenge on Claudius but due to his implied insanity, he is responsible for the death of Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Laertes and Gertrude. If Hamlet had just killed Claudius at the first chance he got, then he could have spared the other six lives. Polonius dies because he was spying on Hamlets madness, while Ophelia drowns due to Hamlets madness. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern dies because of Hamlets madness that made Claudius fear his own life. Gertrude entangles with all of this because she is Hamlets mother and is worries about him. Hamlets madness is unnecessary to his goal and is a completely bad choice on his behalf. Throughout the play, Hamlet has faced problems that nobody would ever want to encounter. Although Hamlet eventually gets his revenge on Claudius by killing him, many lives were wasted in the process. His inaction and his supposed madness interfere with his plans and often make his plans haywire. During his problems, the reader can see that Hamlet is determined to carry out his thoughts, but never actually does so until the end. This hesitant idiosyncrasy of Hamlet also one of the reasons why Hamlet goes mad. Only in challenge and controversy, do we see what Hamlet really is, an immature young boy.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Application Essay
Application Essay Application Essay Application Essay: Why Do You Need To Read This Article? This article is about an application essay and ways of writing it. Some techniques and wise advice may be useful for students, who want to enter the higher institution and will have an assignment to write an application essay, in other words, to present them to the Admission Committee. SECRETS OF WRITING THE BEST APPLICATION ESSAY If you think, there are only two stages of carrying out the assignment, such as writing itself and submitting, you are strongly wrong. You have 5 stages as minimum. Follow the next stages of writing: 1) Deciding on a topic after a close reading of instructions; 2) Collecting and analyzing information, making sure about the form of writing (short answers to several questions or one page for one big question explaining); 3) Making an outline, adding some facts and statistics in the proper places, substituting words by synonyms; 4) Drafting as many times, as you need for reaching the result of a complete application essay (); 5) Revising and editing two important stages, which may influence a grammar, language and style. Application Essay: Questions about you and your intentions The whole essay should be about you, but in the indirect way. Do a research on yourself, asking: What is the field of science interesting for learning and why? What profitable sides will I have studying this subject? What is the best point in career in the future? Why do you need this program? What advantages do you have against other applicants? What can you tell about yourself and lessons you have learnt during your life? What are your special skills and ideas for the science? Take Into Account The Audience! Your audience is the Admission Committee, respectable and serious gentlemen and ladies. You should be on the high level in your essay. Therefore, try to present the ideas in the significant and qualified manner. You should communicate with them through your application essay; therefore, you should not offend them or be rude or vulgar. However, on the other hand, you need to make them be interested in your candidature and accept you. Here You Have Some Rules Of Presenting Information: Do not repeat already said in other words. Persuade that you will reach your goals by stating why you should reach them at all. Use laconic and clear language. Your style is formal, but an element of informality may be used as a good feat. Assure the audience in your preparedness of facing challenges in the future study of the science. Explain your disadvantages or failures and how it has influenced on you in the best way. Avoid clichs and general statements, which everyone may use. You are not everyone; you are a special, so show it! Application Essay Help Of Professionals Of course, you are interested in writing the best application essay and entering the needed institution! Therefore, you may need a help from our professional writers, as they are death on making a good composition and analyzing your own positive and negative sides. Rely on us entirely and enter your educational establishment without fail! Read also: Career Essay Statement of purpose essay Psychology Coursework Frankenstein Coursework Help How to Write a Book Report
Monday, October 21, 2019
Amoeba Anatomy, Digestion, and Reproduction
Amoeba Anatomy, Digestion, and Reproduction Amoebas are unicellular eukaryotic organisms classified in the Kingdom Protista. Amoebas are amorphous and appear as jelly-like blobs as they move about. These microscopic protozoa move by changing their shape, exhibiting a unique type of crawling motion that has come to be known as amoeboid movement. Amoebas make their homes in salt water and freshwater aquatic environments, wet soils, and some parasitic amoebas inhabit animals and humans. Key Takeaways: Amoebas An amoeba is an aquatic, single-celled protist characterized by a gelatinous body, amorphous shape, and amoeboid movement.Amoebas can form temporary extensions of their cytoplasm known as pseudopodia or false feet which can be used for locomotion or capturing food.Food acquisition is amoebas occurs by a type of endocytosis called phagocytosis. The food source (bacterium, algae, etc.) is engulfed whole, digested, and the waste expelled.Amoebas commonly reproduce by binary fission, a process in which the cell divides into two identical cells.Some species can cause disease in humans such as amebiasis, amoebic meningoencephalitis, and cornea infections of the eye. Classification Amoebas belong to the Domain Eukarya, Kingdom Protista, Phyllum Protozoa, Class Rhizopoda, Order Amoebida, and the Family Amoebidae. Amoeba Anatomy Amoebas are simple in form consisting of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane. The outer portion of the cytoplasm (ectoplasm) is clear and gel-like, while the inner portion of the cytoplasm (endoplasm) is granular and contains organelles, such as a nuclei, mitochondria, and vacuoles. Some vacuoles digest food, while others expel excess water and waste from the cell through the plasma membrane. The most unique aspect of amoeba anatomy is the formation of temporary extensions of the cytoplasm known as pseudopodia. These false feet are used for locomotion, as well as to capture food (bacteria, algae, and other microscopic organisms). Pseudopodia may be broad or thread-like in appearance with many forming at one time or one large extension may form when needed. Amoebas dont have lungs or any other type of respiratory organ. Respiration occurs as dissolved oxygen in the water diffuses across the cell membrane. In turn, carbon dioxide is eliminated from the amoeba by diffusion across the membrane into the surrounding water. Water is also able to cross the amoeba plasma membrane by osmosis. Any excess accumulation of water is expelled by contractile vacuoles within the amoeba. Nutrient Acquisition and Digestion Amoebas obtain food by capturing their prey with their pseudopodia. The food is internalized through a type of endocytosis known as phagocytosis. In this process, the pseudopodia surround and engulf a bacterium or other food source. A food vacuole forms around the food particle as it is internalized by the amoeba. Organelles known as lysosomes fuse with the vacuole releasing digestive enzymes inside the vacuole. Nutrients are obtained as the enzymes digest the food inside the vacuole. Once the meal is complete, the food vacuole dissolves. Reproduction Amoebas reproduce by the asexual process of binary fission. In binary fission, a single cell divides forming two identical cells. This type of reproduction happens as a result of mitosis. In mitosis, replicated DNA and organelles are divided between two daughter cells. These cells are genetically identical. Some amoeba also reproduce by multiple fission. In multiple fission, the amoeba secretes a three-layered wall of cells that harden around its body. This layer, known as a cyst, protects the amoeba when conditions become harsh. Protected in the cyst, the nucleus divides several times. This nuclear division is followed by the division of the cytoplasm for the same number of times. The result of multiple fission is the production of several daughter cells that are released once conditions become favorable again and the cyst ruptures. In some cases, amoebas also reproduce by producing spores. Parasitic Amoebas Some amoeba are parasitic and cause serious illness and even death in humans. Entamoeba histolytica cause amebiasis, a condition resulting in diarrhea and stomach pain. These microbes also cause amebic dysentery, a severe form of amebiasis. Entamoeba histolytica travel through the digestive system and inhabit the large intestines. In rare cases, they can enter the bloodstream and infect the liver or brain. Another type of amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, causes the brain disease amoebic meningoencephalitis. Also known as brain-eating amoeba, these organisms typically inhabit warm lakes, ponds, soil, and untreated pools. If N. fowleri enter the body though the nose, they can travel to the frontal lobe of the brain and cause a serious infection. The microbes feed on brain matter by releasing enzymes that dissolve brain tissue. N. fowleri infection in humans is rare but most often fatal. Acanthamoeba cause the disease Acanthamoeba keratitis. This disease results from an infection of the cornea of the eye. Acanthamoeba keratitis can cause eye pain, vision problems, and may result in blindness if left untreated. Individuals who wear contact lenses most often experience this type of infection. Contact lenses can become contaminated with Acanthamoeba if they are not properly disinfected and stored, or if worn while showering or swimming. To reduce the risk of developing Acanthamoeba keratitis, the CDC recommends that you properly wash and dry your hands before handling contact lenses, clean or replace lenses when needed, and store lenses in a sterile solution. Sources: Acanthamoeba Keratitis FAQs Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 6 June 2017, fowleri - Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM) - Amebic Encephalitis. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28 Feb. 2017,, David J. â€Å"Tree of Life Amoebae: Protists Which Move and Feed Using Pseudopodia.†Tree of Life Web Project,
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Collecting and Preparing a Sycamore Seed for Planting
Collecting and Preparing a Sycamore Seed for Planting The American sycamore tree flowers in spring and completes seed maturity in the fall. Ending the maturation process as early as the first of September and continuing through November, the sycamore seeds ripen and are ready for collection and preparation for planting. The fruiting head is persistent and will delay seed drop out of the fruiting ball until January through April. The best time to collect the fruiting balls or heads, usually directly off the tree, is just before they begin to break up and the hairy-tufted seeds start falling. Easier picking is after the fruiting head turns brown but waiting to just after leaf fall. Because these seed heads are persistent on limbs, collections can be made into the next spring and usually make sycamore the last fall-maturing species to be collected in the Eastern forest. The California sycamore matures much earlier and should be collected during the fall season. Collecting Sycamore Seed for Planting Picking fruit heads by hand from the tree is the most common method of collection. At the northern and western limits of the range of sycamore, intact heads can sometimes be found and collected off the ground late in the season. After collecting these fruiting bodies, the heads should be spread in single layers and dried in well-ventilated trays until they can be broken apart. These heads can look dry on collection but layering and venting are essential, especially with fruit heads that are collected early in the season. Early ripening seed can have moisture contents as high as 70%. Seeds from each head should be extracted by crushing the dried fruit heads and removing the dust and fine hairs that are attached to the individual achenes. You can easily do small batches by hand-rubbing through hardware cloth (2 to 4 wires/cm). When doing larger batches, it is advised to wear dust masks as the fine hairs that are dislodged during extraction and cleaning are a danger to respiratory systems. Preparing and Storing Sycamore Seed for Planting Seeds of all sycamore species do just fine in similar storage conditions and can be easily stored for long periods under cold, dry conditions. Tests with sycamore seed have shown that at moisture contents of from 5 to 10% and stored at temperatures of 32 to 45  °F, they are suitable for storage for up to 5 years. American sycamore and naturalized London plane-trees have no dormancy requirements and pre-germination treatments are usually not required for adequate germination. Germination rates of California sycamore do increase from moist stratification storage for 60 to 90 days at 40 F in sand, peat, or sandy loam. To maintain low seed moisture under moist storage conditions, the dried seeds must be stored in moisture-proof containers, such as polyethylene bags. The rate of germination can be easily tested on wet paper or sand or even in shallow dishes of water at a temperature of around 80 F over 14 days. Planting Sycamore Seed Sycamores are naturally sown in the spring and you should mimic those conditions. Seeds should be placed in soil no deeper than 1/8 inch with each seed about 6 to 8 inches apart for proper spacing. Small, shallow starter trays with potting soil can be used to start the new trees and adequate soil moisture must be maintained and trays placed under indirect light. Germination will take place over approximately 15 days and a 4 seedling will develop in less than 2 months under optimal conditions. These new seedlings then need to be carefully removed and transplanted from trays to small pots. Tree nurseries in the United States typically outplant these seedlings at one year from germination as bare root seedlings. Potted trees can go for several years before re-potting or planting in the landscape.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Discuss the influence of the Mongol Rule on Russia in the 13-15th Essay
Discuss the influence of the Mongol Rule on Russia in the 13-15th centuries - Essay Example Russia before the Mongol invasion The 12th century became known as the peak of a period of feudal disunity in Russian and Soviet historiography. While there existed 15 quasi-independent principalities in the Russian lands of the mid-12th century, their numbers swelled to more than 50 on the eve of Mongol invasion (Vernadsky, 1973). The largest of these principalities included the Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal that dominated the North-East Rus, the mercantile Republic of Novgorod that was practically independent from the Riurikid dynasty due to its custom of electing its princes, and the Principality of Halych in the South-West that became a basis for Dual Principality of Halych-Volyn’ after the unification of Halych and Volyn’ under Volynian prince Roman Rostislavich (ruled 1189-1205) in 1199 (Martin, 2003, pp.97). The other principalities, including Ryazan, Smolensk, Chernigov and Polotsk, were generally weak and dependent on their larger neighbors. The political fra gmentation of Kievan Rus was accompanied by bitter infighting between various principal cliques for the domination over Kiev, which, while having lost its previous political and economic importance, still remained a lucrative prize for an ambitious prince. The most important feudal wars in the 12th to 13th century included the warfare between princely clans of Monomashichi and Ol’govichi in 1146-1154, the raid of north-eastern princes led by Andrey Bogolubsky against Kiev in 1169, and the war between Roman of Volyn’ and Suzdalian Grand Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest (ruled in 1154-1212) in 1202-1203 (Martin 2003; Vernadsky 1973). While the separation of Rus’ lands into distinct polities allowed rapid economic development at the local level and facilitated the formation of cultural centers independent from Kiev, it undermined the potential for joint struggle of different principalities against the Great Steppe nomads. The failure of the raid of Igor Prince of Novgo rod-Siversky against the Polovtsy (Cumans) in 1185 (Martin, 2003, p.146) and especially the first disastrous encounter between the united hosts of the Rus’ princes and the vanguard Mongol troops in the Battle of Kalka River in 1223 (Fennell, 1983, pp.66-68) showed that Kievan Rus’ was unprepared for the Mongol onslaught. Positive and negative influences on the development of Russia under Mongol rule After the subjugation of Volga Bulgarians in 1236, the Mongol armies led by Batu Khan and Subutai attacked the territories of Grand Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal in November 1237. The fall of Ryazan and Vladimir signified the end of organized resistance by north-eastern princes, while the death of grand prince Yuri Vsevolodovich in the Battle of the Sit River in March 1238 (Fennell, 1983, p.81) left the Rus’ princes without their formal sovereign, making any coordinated counterattack unlikely. The only territories of the North left independent were Novgorod and its vassal principality of Pskov. In 1239-1240 Batu Khan attacked the South-Western Rus, destroying Chernigov and taking Kiev in December 1240 (Fennell,1983, p.83). Finally, in 1241 the Mongols managed to capture and ransack Halych and Vladimir-in-Volyn’, the capital of Volynian lands. From that time on, the majority of Rus’ principalities was unable to resist the Mongols and
Friday, October 18, 2019
Managerial Applications of Technology (Virtual Workforce) 3 Assignment
Managerial Applications of Technology (Virtual Workforce) 3 - Assignment Example Remote workers need to have proper communication with their colleagues, the managers, and other teams or team members in the organization. Technology also provides support to organize through availing IT services and appliances which makes remote workers more effective. There are a number of advantages of using virtual employees. One advantage is that it reduces the amount of physical space that an organization allocated to its employees. Virtual employees have flexibility which enables such organizations to have flexibility to some extent (Tedesco, 2013). For instance, a virtual employee would not be affected, by any physical disturbance in the organization’s premises. The other thing is that virtual employees can be more productive because of less commuting time. The disadvantage of virtual employees is that they have minimal interactions with their colleagues thus it can be hard for them to work together. It is also hard for an organization to motivate virtual and protect them from distractions. Given that the usage of virtual employees has both advantages and disadvantages it is good to come up with strategies to maximize the advantages and minimize the disadvantages. An organization can do that by improving their communication with the virtual workers to make sure that they feel like a part of the organization. For things like motivation and distraction an organization can organize seminars where they can advise the virtual employees on how to best manage time and avoid distractions. To maximize on their output an organization can set goals for them to meet in certain duration (Amigoni & Gurvis,
Property Law 1 Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Property Law 1 Assignment - Essay Example Mitchell had with Alfie. However, Ian as the new freeholder of the property cannot repossess the leased property, unless Mr. Mitchell violates the terms of the lease such as (a) does not pay rent (b) the original lease with Alfie specifies that the lease can be ended before the specified 25 year period (c) refuses to carry out any obligations that are executed in the lease agreement between Alfie and Mr. Mitchell*2. However, there is one important clause that must be considered in the light of the Land registration Act of 2002 which became active in 2003. Since Mr. Mitchell has acquired the property after the date of the new Registration Act, Alfie should have registered the lease title in favor of Mr. Mitchell*3. In fact, since the duration of the lease period is for 25 years, registration would have been mandatory even before the new Act. Hence, the first factor to be explored is whether or not Alfie and/or Mr. Mitchell have registered Mr. Mitchell’s term of lease absolute. In the event this has not been done, Ian will be under no obligation to allow Mr. Mitchell to remain except on renegotiation of new terms. But since Mr. Mitchell has paid some consideration in order to acquire a lease on the property, he will be entitled and within his rights to retain his possession of it and his lease allows him the right to peaceful possession and enjoyment of the outbuilding on which he holds a lease. Although he possesses the outbuilding, this is not a separate property but will be a part of the Albert Court property depending upon the legal description of the property and its boundaries as they have been spelt out in the title deed. Miss Watt’s term of tenancy is however a short term. The terms of the Land registration requirements under the new Act of 2002 will apply in her case*4. The new Law requires that all new tenancies of any length that start more than three months after the date
Development of Research Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Development of Research Questions - Essay Example fact Open Doors report provided by the Institute of International Education (IIE), recorded an increase of 3% to 690,923 of student enrolment during the 2009/10 academic year. So it is crucial how the courses are introduced so that the international students can follow the curriculum given the two most common challenges they have to face; that of having a grasp over English and the associated stress due to culture shift. And when the students are pursuing a highly technical course like accounting, the learning difficulty multiplies. For it is typically assumed that all students are familiar with the basic concepts of accounting, its core definitions, and main transactions. But the general perception of accounting courses among students is that they are difficult to study, and students are expected to work hard to succeed in these courses. One of the big reasons is the difficulty with English comprehension. For this special group of students, which usually enter on F-1 visa, English i s a second language and it is imperative that they master it in order to understand and grasp complex accounting matters. Typically, these students need to make extra effort to connect what they just learned and what it should mean. As a result, complex accounting material becomes even more complicated for this particular group to do well and succeed in the accounting courses. The anticipated research study will be conducted on various issues and opportunities that this unique group of students experience while taking accounting courses namely coping with English and its impact on academic performance, the consequent stress of being in a new culture and the intervention services that could be extended to them. Therefore the proposed dissertation topic is as follows: â€Å"International students in accounting course in the U.S: Challenges & opportunities†. The impact of foreign students on the educational industry in America could not be ignored both in terms of the financial aspects
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Erick Erickson on Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Erick Erickson on Education - Research Paper Example The formation of early childhood education was in the mid 1800s when there was the development of the private kindergarten in homes. A comprehensive study into the cognitive development of the child started in the early 1900s when various scholars such as Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget defined the stages of development (Coles, 2000). This research paper examines the contributions of Erick Erickson towards the development of early childhood education. Erickson’s contributions are in the three first stages in psychosocial development. The philosophy of Erickson to early childhood development is that the world seems to grow larger as the children grow and that the failure has affected their lives greatly (Roazen, 1993). According to Erickson, development is because of their biological self-combined with their self-psychology as well as the influence of culture (Friedman, 1998). The first stage focuses on trust and mistrust of the child. The child establishes this character between the times of birth to one year of age. At this time, the infant struggles to develop trust in the world. The children learn how to trust when parents and teachers nurture and make them become reliable and responsible (Friedman, 1998). The second stage is between 18 months to three years. The children learn how to master skills for themselves. They do not only learn how to talk, feed and, walk but they also undergo toilet training. The desire of the child to discover new things in life increases (Schickendanz, 2001). The children build self-esteem and autonomy as well as gaining more control over their bodies and acquire new skills and they are able to differentiate wrong from right. However, this is a very vulnerable stage. For example, if the child fails to understand the independent and dependent needs then the child will experience feelings of doubt and shame (Coles, 2000). At stage three, that is between three to six years old,
Motorola Incorporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Motorola Incorporation - Assignment Example The company is also involved in network gadget marketing. These gadgets have a wide application within the communication sector, which include amplification of signal base for the stations, as well as the cellular transmission. The Motorola Corporation has brand recognition of being in the market area of wireless communication, broadband communication, and automotive communication, which enhances global interconnectedness. The corporation wins brand loyalty due to its engagement in the field of technology and communication innovation, which ensures that customers have an opportunity of attaining desirable brands and quality products. On the same note, the corporation has embarked on ensuring that it has a strong breakthrough in the field of technology by identifying new talents, new markets, and merging with other technology focused corporation in order to have future solutions within the field of technology (Hitt, 2009). Salient Opportunities and threats existing in Motorola’ s external environment Comprehension of Motorola’s external environment is crucial since this process results in identification of the factors, which determine the ability of the corporation to use its resources effectively and survive within the competitive environment. The well-developed brand of the corporation is one of the opportunities, which Motorola needs to use in order to attain a competitive edge within is marketing environment. Excellent promotional strategies and the overwhelming engagement of the corporation in the field of innovation present additional opportunities for Motorola. The telecommunication market has a taste of the well-placed Motorola brand, which enables the corporation to thrive in this competitive environment. Furthermore, Motorola recognizes the need of using marketing tools, which include television and successful promotional strategies that enable the company’s brand to occupy an excellent space within its marketing environment. Moreov er, Motorola ensures that its customers are satisfied effectively and incurs low costs in the production process through differentiation, which is normally generated by the excellent innovation. Because of these factors, Motorola Company has had an opportunity of attaining a large market share within the global market. Motorola Corporation participates in the Telco TV rollout services that are facilitated by Verizon. As such, the corporation has earned an opportunity of accessing a larger global market for its products. Furthermore, the corporation prides in having products, which have the ability of penetrating hybrid market where the company’s competitors cannot access. This has given the corporation a competitive edge within the telecommunication-marketing environment. Some of the countries where Motorola has penetrated effectively include Hong Kong, United Kingdom, France, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Italy. However, the company has not yet exhausted its market base an d continues to penetrate new markets at a global scene (Roy, 2000). Unfortunately, Motorola faces a stiff threat in conducting its business. This threat is competition, which emerges from Japan. Japan has introduced new telecommunication products, which are deemed to be affordable and are of high quality. These products have introduced an immense competition to Motorola products. Further, government protection policies are not present that old markets and new markets are vulnerable to both existing and new businesses. As such, the corporation has to share the telecommunication market with overseas market players. Motorola also has a threat of trade barriers, which limit the corporation from penetrating Japanese markets (Roy, 2000). Existence of wireless industries, which include Advanced Digital Broadcast introduce
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Erick Erickson on Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Erick Erickson on Education - Research Paper Example The formation of early childhood education was in the mid 1800s when there was the development of the private kindergarten in homes. A comprehensive study into the cognitive development of the child started in the early 1900s when various scholars such as Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget defined the stages of development (Coles, 2000). This research paper examines the contributions of Erick Erickson towards the development of early childhood education. Erickson’s contributions are in the three first stages in psychosocial development. The philosophy of Erickson to early childhood development is that the world seems to grow larger as the children grow and that the failure has affected their lives greatly (Roazen, 1993). According to Erickson, development is because of their biological self-combined with their self-psychology as well as the influence of culture (Friedman, 1998). The first stage focuses on trust and mistrust of the child. The child establishes this character between the times of birth to one year of age. At this time, the infant struggles to develop trust in the world. The children learn how to trust when parents and teachers nurture and make them become reliable and responsible (Friedman, 1998). The second stage is between 18 months to three years. The children learn how to master skills for themselves. They do not only learn how to talk, feed and, walk but they also undergo toilet training. The desire of the child to discover new things in life increases (Schickendanz, 2001). The children build self-esteem and autonomy as well as gaining more control over their bodies and acquire new skills and they are able to differentiate wrong from right. However, this is a very vulnerable stage. For example, if the child fails to understand the independent and dependent needs then the child will experience feelings of doubt and shame (Coles, 2000). At stage three, that is between three to six years old,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Studies in drama Essay Example for Free
Studies in drama Essay Essay One It is human nature to want to secure a sense of personal dignity. Since the dawn of time, men have been striving to achieve this aspect of their lives, no matter what hardship comes their way. In response to Arthur Millers quote, the character of Willy Loman in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman and Prince Hamlet in William Shakespeares Hamlet demonstrate how both the common man and royalty can be subjects for tragedy when they try to secure their sense of personal dignity. Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman is the tragic story of the patriarch of the Loman family. Willy Loman lives in fantasy, longing for wealth and success. He entertains delusions of what he desperately wants, but could not attain due to several faults, namely his personal dignity. At the end of the play, Willy commits suicide. Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman was a tragic character because he tried to pursue the American Dream. He tried to provide for this family, and went mad in the process. He tried to hang on to his personal dignity while he was lost in his delusions of being a successful salesman. For example, when Willy lost his job, his friend and neighbor, Charley, offers Willy a job. Willy turns it down; he replies that he has a job. Willy suddenly turns defensive; he is bent on letting Charley know that Willys job is a fine job (Miller 43; act 1). Another example of Willy trying to hold on to his personal dignity is when one night Willys shouting wakes Biff, his son, and Linda, his wife. They find him outside wandering, lost in his fantasies. Willys mental illness, according to Linda, is due to the loss of his salary. She explains that now he borrows fifty dollars from Charley a week and Willy pretends that it is his salary (Miller 52-56; act 1). Willys personal dignity forced him into delusions of a happy family life and a successful career as a salesman. These delusions due to personal dignity set Willy on a path to self destruction. For example, Willy sees his sons as great kids, as Titans bound for marvelous things. Willys pride is what keeps him from seeing that Biff cheats and steals and Happy is an unmotivated man with no dreams. When Biff steals footballs from school, Willy calls it initiative (Miller 29-30; act 1). Willy does not want to face the reality that his sons are failures. His dignity ultimately leads to his suicide. William Shakespeares Hamlet is the story of Prince Hamlet and his need to avenge his fathers death. Hamlet discovers that his uncle, Claudius, murdered his father in order to become king and marry Hamlets mother after Hamlet sees the ghost of his father, the King of Denmark. The ghost orders Hamlet to seek revenge on Claudius. Hamlet first determines Claudiuss guilt, then seeks to destroy him. Claudius fears for his life, and plots to kill Hamlet. At the end of the play, Hamlet is cut with a poisoned sword and dies, but not before exacting revenge on Claudius for his fathers murder. Prince Hamlet in Hamlet is also a tragic character due to his need to secure his personal dignity. Hamlet, throughout the play, strives to avenge his fathers death. His father, King Hamlet, was murdered by Hamlets uncle, Claudius, in order to secure the throne for Claudius. Because his fathers ghost ordered him to, Hamlet seeks revenge on his uncle. Hamlet is devoted to seeking revenge for his father, but is thoughtful to the point where Hamlet waits until the perfect time. For example, Hamlet decides to exact his revenge on Claudius after Hamlet put on a play that reenacted Claudiuss crime. Claudius jumped up and left the theater, and Hamlet took this as a sign of guilt. Hamlet was going to murder Claudius then, until Hamlet saw that Claudius was praying. Hamlet then decided that then was not the right time (Shakespeare 3. 2, 3. 3). As if Hamlets mission was not already personal, Claudius, fearing for his life at the hands of Hamlet, decides to murder Hamlet. This is when Hamlet shows no mercy. His personal dignity was at stake, therefore he exacted his revenge, murdering Claudius (Shakespeare 5. 2). Hamlet could not have died without avenging his fathers death, it would have been disgraceful. He willed himself to stay alive after being cut with a poisoned sword to murder his uncle. Both Willy Loman and Hamlet were slaves to their personal dignity, and both of their stories ended in tragedy. Arthur Millers quote that the common man can be as much of a subject for tragedy as king were is correct in the instances of Willy Loman and Hamlet. Willy Loman suffered because he wanted to believe himself to be a man with a happy family and a successful career, while Hamlet suffered because of the revenge he sought due to the murder of his father. These two instances proves that anyone, common man or king, can be the subject of tragedy.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Factors that influence consumer buying
Factors that influence consumer buying Factors that Influence Consumer Behaviour Patterns, when Purchasing Fashion Items 1.0 Introduction Consumer behaviour is a complicated and diverse area of study. Since marketing is based on identifying, anticipating and providing customer needs it is important to understand them. There are two predominant types of buying: consumer buying, which consists of buying products for personal use, and organisational buying, which involves buying for organisational purposes. For marketers to satisfy consumer needs more fully than competitors it is important to recognise the elements that influence buying. This report will identify the main factors influencing consumer behaviour patterns, particularly when purchasing fashion items. It will examine how buyer characteristics influence buyer behaviour and also how retailers react to such characteristics. In particular this report will look at the cultural factors, demographic factors and psychological factors that influence consumer buying. 2.0 Methodology All research undertaken for this was is secondary. It was conducted between the dates of Monday 16th February 2004 and Thursday 11th March 2004. The main research databases used were: * Mintel * Emerald The main books used were: * Lancaster, G, Massingham, L, and Ashford, R (2002). Essentials of Marketing: Understanding the Behaviour of Customers. 4th edition. McGraw-Hill Education. * Chisnall, P (1975). Marketing: A Behavioural Analysis. 1st edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited. * Williams, K (1981). Behavioural Aspects of Marketing. 1st edition. Butterworth Heinemann. The Internet and databases used were accessed privately and also from the University of East London library, Docklands campus. Books were borrowed from this library as well. 3.0 Cultural Factors Culture affects consumer behaviour in a variety of ways. It relates to customs and beliefs that are learned from the society in which an individual grows up. Culture is a huge area of study that often has unclear boundaries and fluctuates in degree of influencing consumers. Aspects of our socio-culture, such as sub-culture, social class and reference groups play different roles in influencing consumers. A common pattern of behaviour can be observed within groups. Cultural change occurs at a very slow pace and can be seen to marketers as threats or opportunities. Cultural elements that influence consumer behaviour can also be said to be environmental influences. 3.1 Reference groups ‘A reference group is one that the individual tends to use as the anchor point for evaluating his/her own beliefs and attitudes, (American Marketing Association, 2004) There are many different types of reference groups, which may have a direct or an indirect influence on attitudes, behaviour and self-image. Primary reference groups are those that an individual has continuous contact with, they may consist of family, friends, colleagues etc, and they hold the strongest influence over the individual. In secondary reference groups the individual has less contact, such as an activities club, but still feels pressure to conform. Aspirational groups have the least contact with the individual, but the individual still strives to become similar. Celebrity endorsements could be said to be aspirational groups. Regardless as to whether an individual is, or seeks to become a member of a particular group, the group can still influence the individuals values, attitudes and behavioural patterns. The influence a reference group holds on an individual can be seen as positive, negative or both. A good example of primary reference groups is the street gangs in Manchester. Moran (2004) writes of the gangs of youths in which members must dress according to the code of their gang. The gangs can be identified through wearing hooded tops, bandanas, balaclavas and gold chains. However, the Manchester Magistrates Court has banned four members of a gang from wearing hooded tops, bandanas and balaclavas in an attempt to make them look less threatening and dilute the gang dress codes. Members and individuals who are influenced by the gangs are in an attempt to conform, more likely purchase items of clothing such as hooded tops and bandanas. Figure 1 demonstrates the appearance of a typical gang member. 3.2 Sub-culture A sub-culture could be defined as a group of individuals whose beliefs, values and behaviour differ from that of the predominant culture. There are many different sub cultures that are often referred to as segments. Some examples of subcultures include: nationality groups, religious groups, geographic groups and age groups. ‘Sub-culture plays an important part to marketers because of their influence on brands and types of product and services demanded by their members. Chisnall (1975) p.98. Mintel (2003) reports of an emerging fashionable youth sub-culture, in which extreme sports is the focal point. This culture is rebelling away from long working hours and heavy television watching lifestyle. In this alternative culture the interest and participation of extreme sports has merged with music and clothing. A strong emphasis of this culture can be seen through clothing and footwear in particular. Baggy clothing is a dominant dress code. (See figure 2) Mintel estimates that consumers spent  £4.5 billion on extreme sports goods in 2003, an increase of 29% on 1998. (See appendix 1, figure 3) Mintel also reports that levels of disposable incomes have influenced the rise in extreme sports. Between 1998 and 2003 disposable incomes have increased by 21%. (See appendix 1, figure 4) 3.3 Social Class Within every society there exists a class structure. This refers to individuals who share certain similar characteristics, such as occupation, socialisation, education and income. The rigidity of the class structure varies greatly in different societies. England could be said to have an open society, within which it is easy to move from one class to another. However, less developed countries such as Cambodia, where there is very little chance of social mobility, could be said to be a closed society. Since members from the same social class have alike characteristics they will also exhibit a similar pattern of behaviour. Social class plays a very big role in consumer behaviour. It can influence where an individual shops, such as market stalls, shopping malls or online, when and how often an individual shops, such as every day, weekly or monthly and what an individual shops for. The National Readership Survey has determined a popular and effective classification of social groups. (See appendix 2, figure 5). Williams, T (2002) examines consumer behaviour in relation to social class. In a study involving 612 respondents it was found that income doesnt have a direct relationship with class because there are huge overlaps between incomes of different classes. For example a doctor earning  £30,000 a year would be middle class while a brick layer earning  £50,000 a year would remain working class. However it was found that income does influence consumer behaviour within the context of social class. It was also found that education has a large bearing on consumer information processing and decision-making. More educated consumers; such as university graduates tend to be knowledgeable of market forces and opportunities than the school leaver. ‘They read more, read different magazines, spend less time watching television, rely less on well know brands and put more time and effort into purchasing decisions. Varying levels of knowledge and comprehension lead to different behavioural patt erns in decision making processes. 4.0 Demographical Factors Demographic elements, such as: age, sex, income, education and occupation are all individual factors that can significantly affect consumer behaviour. These elements influence the type of product an individual may want, where the individual may shop and also the purchase evaluation process. Demographic variables are some of the major factors targeted in market segmentation. As an individuals stage of life progresses, so the will needs and wants of a product. To help marketers make a clearer distinction between demographic groups for market segmentation classification bases have been developed. ‘A Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods (ACORN) is a popular geo-demographic technique used as a segmentation base. ACORN maps geographically the concentrations of a particular type of individual and can be useful for helping marketers decide upon store locations and targeting direct mailing. The American Marketing Association (2004) looks at of the spending habits amongst teenagers. From surveys carried out in America its said that increasing amounts of teenagers are trying to look more trendy and fashionable. As a result they are becoming more responsive to marketing and spending more money than ever on clothing. American youths aged 12 – 19 spent $175 billion in 2003 on clothes, which is an increase of $20 from 2000. Marketers have become aware of how impressionable teenagers are. They have reacted by segmenting the youth and marketing directly to them. Shops such as Urban Outfitters target the youth market by watching their choices carefully to set the trends. 4.1 The Life Cycle Stage An individual goes through various stages throughout their life. Each stage of life will affect what the consumer needs and wants, the purchase evaluation process and volumes of expenditure. Consumer behaviour of a single individual will vary greatly for that of an individual who is married with children. For a marketer to successfully target a market it is important to identify the main stages in an individuals life. Lansing, J and Morgan, J (1955) have devised a popular and successful break down of the life cycle of families. Each stage influences consumer behaviour in a different way. The stages are as follows: 1. Bachelor stage; young single people. 2. Newly married couples; young, no children. 3. The full nest 1; young married couple with dependent children. 4. The full nest 2; older married couples with dependent children. 5. The empty nest; older married couples with no children living with them. 6. The solitary survivor; older single people. Mintel (2001) reports that the greatest time of expenditure for a women in the AB social grade is during the bachelor stage. During this period 56% of women spent more than  £500 on clothes in a year. However, during the newly married couples, full nest 1 and full nest 2 periods the percentage of women that spends  £500 a year on clothes decreases to 35%. This percentage increases at the empty nest stage to 46%. (See appendix 3, figure 6) 5.0 Psychological Factors Psychological factors are related to perceptions, motivations, attitudes and personality of a consumer. These are all individual elements that can affect consumer behaviour. Although demographical research and the life cycle stage help to classify and quantify consumers it is necessary to have a broader view, which will help to explain how life patterns influence purchasing decisions. ‘Psychographics are usually based on demographic information as well as ratings of consumers activities, interests and opinions. Williams, K (1981) pg.91 5.1 Lifestyle Variables Lifestyles and patterns have strong influences on consumer behaviour. Figure 7 illustrates the main factors that form a lifestyle. 5.2 Perception and Motivation Perception relates to an individuals interpretation of a product and company. An individual will subconsciously select and organise information presented by a company. As well as direct experience of sensory data, perception is also influenced by learning, attitudes and past experiences. It is important for a marketer to convey good brand awareness. Maslow recognises that people have varying needs and if the need is intense then they are motivated to purchase the goods that will satisfy it. To illustrated this a hierarchy of needs has been created. Lancaster, G, Massingham, L, and Ashford, R (2002) pg. 80. Goldsmiths, R (2002) examines the personal characteristics of frequent buyers. From a survey involving 533 consumers a link was found between that of frequent clothing buyers and similar psychological and motivational traits. The survey concluded that frequent clothing buyers were more likely to buy fashion items and were more susceptible to marketing efforts. 5.3 Personality The subject of personality is a very complicated area. There are many variables that must be taken into account when trying to obtain a comprehensive view of a personality. This makes it difficult for marketers to understand the link personality has with consumer behaviour. Williams, K (1981) pg.133. 6.0 Market Segmentation, Target Marketing and Product Positioning. For a marketer to satisfy customer needs efficiently and lucratively, understanding consumer behaviour is essential. Research into consumer behaviour has allowed the marketer to create target groups of people with common interests, values, beliefs and patterns of behaviour. Once a market segment has been identified, marketers can research the target market more thoroughly and the marketing mix, product, price, promotion and place can be adjusted to ensure the product position is correct. Batista (2004) reports of the clothing manufacturer Benetton who plans to weave radio frequency ID chips into its garments to track its clothes worldwide. Having the ability to track a customer would give the company extremely detailed information on customer buying habits. Benetton would then have a much better understanding of their target market, and be able to manipulate elements of the marketing mix, such as price, product, place and promotion for effectively. The clothing manufacturer Prada already embeds RFID chips into its clothes. 7.0 Conclusion To conclude it is evident that consumer behaviour, in relation to buyer fashion items, is influenced by a huge array of factors. To grasp a more complete and accurate understanding consumer behaviour needs to be examined more thoroughly. This report has identified the basic factors that influence consumer, including: culture, socio-culture, demographical, and psychological variables. Designers and retailers react to such behavioural characteristics by trying to break down and identify what causes them. It is important to investigate whether consumers can be grouped by similar patterns of behaviour. Once a market has been segmented through geographic, demographic, psychological, psychographic and socio-cultural variables the retailer can focus a particular product to a particular type of person. The marketing mix is used to manipulate the product, place, price and promotion. Examples of retailers aiming at different segments of the market include Gucci and TopShop. While Gucci captures a more wealthy, professional and elite market, TopShop aims at a much larger and more varied market. 9.0 References * American Marketing Association (2004). Dictionary of Marketing Terms: reference group. Retrieved 2nd March 2004.  · American Marketing Association (2004). Whats Hot Whats Not: Teens tastes in fashion change and change often. Teens also spend, and spend†¦. * Retrieved Friday 5th March 2004. * Batista, E (2004). Wired News: What Your Clothes Say About You. Retrieved 16th Feburary 2004. *,1382,58006,00.html * Chisnall, P (1975). Marketing: A Behavioural Analysis. 1st edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company (UK) Limited. * Goldsmith, R (2002). Some Personality Traits of Frequent Clothing Buyers. Emerald, journal of consumer marketing, volume 6, number 3. Retrieved Friday 5th March. * Lansing, J, and Morgan, J, (1955). Consumer Behaviour: Consumer finances over the life-cycle. 1st Edition. Clark, L.H., New York University Press. * Mintel, (2001). Marketing to ABs – UK – June 2001. Retrieved Saturday 6th March 2004. * Mintel, (2003). Extreme Sports – UK – November 2003. Retrieved Friday 5th March 2004. * * Moran, C (2004). Fashion Crime: hoodlums love their hooded tops. The Times. * Williams, T (2002). Social Class Influences on Purchase Evaluation Criteria. Emerald, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Volume 19, Number 3. Retrieved Friday 5th March 2004
Sunday, October 13, 2019
energy :: essays research papers
What do we really need, energy or power? This was a question proposed to me at the beginning of the semester and it really made me think. Energy is a property of matter that can be converted into work, heat, or radiation. It is the capacity for doing work, generating heat, and emitting light or radiation. Power is the rate of spending energy or energy per unit time. Immediately, I thought the answer was energy since you need energy to have power. But then I heard that the answer was power and it boggled my mind, but after it was explained it really opened my mind. We do need energy to have power but what would we do without power. We can’t live without power. We really need power because it is energy spent per unit time and what is the point of energy if we cant control it. There are six fundamental forms of energy. They are mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, nuclear, and electromagnetic. Mechanical energy is kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy that is possessed by a body due to its motion. And Potential energy is the Energy that a body possesses by virtue of its physical position above the reference level. Therefore, it depends on height above the reference level and the mass of the object. So potential energy is the mass *gravitational force *height. Thermal energy is the energy of the random motion of particles of a substance. An example of this would be warming up by a campfire or taking a hot bath. Chemical energy is energy that is stored in the chemical bonds that hold molecules together. When certain chemicals combine or react, energy is released usually in the form of heat. Some examples of this would be a tank of gasoline, coal, and natural gas. Electrical energy is the energy of electrons in motion. It is usually generated by the rotation of a conductor in a magnetic field and it is easily converted to other forms of energy.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
How Television Affects Society :: essays research papers
How Television Effects Society.â€Å"The only activities Americans spend more time doing than watching television are working and sleeping.†With this in mind, it is understood that television plays a major role in the statistical majority of most Americans. Society reflects what is shown on television in a multitude of various areas. Three of the major areas in which television affects us are in behavior, moral values, and social standards. All throughout life, youths have found some way to rebel against authority. In the 50’s, boys rode on motorcycles and greased their hair back. In the 60’s, they let their hair grow down to their â€Å"who-ha†as they denounced their government. In today’s day and age, we find our youth killing each other and denouncing God. A prime example of television’s responsibility for this matter would be the mass coverage of the Columbine shootings. In a personal individual survey I conducted, close to 100% of the people said that they had never before seen or heard of any school shootings before the Columbine incident. Now that the constant round the clock news coverage of Columbine has concluded, there is been well over seven more reported incidents of school shootings that will probably never reach the amount of coverage that Columbine got because school shootings are no longer a novelty. Do you wonder why these kids did what they did? It is because of the amount of violence that is now being shown all across the news. In one weeks worth of time of watching the ten o’clock news, I have seen blood drenched war victims give A.B.C news anchors their last words before slipping into a coma. Five days ago, a neighborhood gang interrupted a high school student’s routine walk home by beating him to within an inch of his life. When he was asked if he would reveal the names of the assaulters, guess who was bedside with a camera to capture the swollen faced expression of the student? Ne wscasters are overstepping their boundaries for the mere purpose of sensationalism, and death has lost its shock value. A technique used by many in the television business to assure mass audience attention is to just make everything brief. The deceit in this technique is that it provides constant stimulation through variety, novelty, and action. In this aspect, television has become a virtual narcotic drug. In this, we the viewers are the junkies.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Ow Does the Author Present Human Nature in Lord of the Flies? Essay
Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William Golding, it was published in 1954. It is an allegorical novel in which Golding uses many powerful symbols to present his ideology about human nature. In this novel human nature is seen as a theme which runs through the entire novel. In this essay I will give examples of how Golding presents Human Nature in Lord of the Flies. The quote â€Å"where’s the man with the megaphone? †connotes Human Nature. When the boys land on the island after greeting one anther they ask for others. This shows Human Nature because naturally they are curious about their surroundings; this is developed in each human from a very young age. Looking for other people when you are lost is a common thing to do. Human Nature is presented through the pronoun â€Å"where†because as most humans would do when they are lost, they are questioning things. â€Å"We’ve got to have rules and obey them. †When Ralph starts to desire rules it is the beginning of civilization on the island. Rules are a way of keeping everything under control so that everyone behaves and all rights are equal. The noun â€Å"rules†represents Human Nature. It connects with the principle of Human Nature where naturally rules are desired to keep everything in line. Rules have been made dating back to biblical times to restore law and order. Without rules there is chaos, the fact that this boy has recognized that rules are needed to be made and obeyed shows the impact not only human nature but society has on all of us. The conch is a strong symbol of rules and rules relate to civilization. The conch was one of the first set of rules made on the island. No boy may speak unless he is holding the conch and once he is holding it, he cannot be interrupted. The boys have imposed this â€Å"rule of the conch†on themselves, and thus the conch represents society’s rules. We have rules so that we act civilized, desiring to be civilized is simply part of our Human Nature. Human Nature is presented through the event of Jack killing the pig. â€Å"His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge†¦.. taken away its life like a long satisfying drink†this quotation gives the reader chance to explore the mental state of Jack in the aftermath of killing his First Pig. Jack is overjoyed by kill and is unable to think straight as his mind is â€Å"crowded with memories†. A flaw of Human Nature is the feeling of power it’s something all humans desire unfortunately the lengths some people will go for power can be extreme. Golding explicitly connects Jack’s exhilaration with the feelings of power and superiority he experienced in killing the pig even If it is not a good thing. Jack’s excitement stems not from pride at having found food and helped the group but from having â€Å"outwitted†another creature and â€Å"imposed†his will upon it. â€Å"Ralph Wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart†this is at the end of the novel when Ralph realizes that although he is saved from death on the island. He will never be the same again. He as well has lost his innocence and learned about the evil that lurks within all human beings. The phrase â€Å"darkness of man’s heart,†talks about the presence of evil instincts lurking within all human beings, no matter how civilized you may be. This connotes Human Nature as it talks about something that is within all humans naturally just that some people are able to suppress the evilness. The question that rises in this novel is whether these boys where evil all along or whether it was the effect the environment had on their nature. Human Nature is presented in the novel as the protagonist Ralph and the antagonist Jack. It is clear that when they both land on the island they both appear as immature kids who wanted to get back home. It is part of their Human Nature to return back to where they came from, which is what they try to do. â€Å"You’ll get back to where you came from†here Simon talks and acts almost as if he was a prophet, as if he knows truly that they were going to go home. It is in their nature to go somewhere knowingly that eventually they will go back to where they came from. Golding’s use of words in the novel and the way he presents Human Nature through different techniques makes us question Human Nature. The novel mostly focuses on Humans Nature being the cause of Society’s Flaws. The novel makes you think about Human Nature as a whole and whether these boys were capable of killing each other from the beginning or whether it was due to their surroundings. It also makes you think about yourself; someone who is affected by human nature; if you were left on an island at a young age to tend for yourself what would become of you. In this novel Jack the antagonist has his first experience of killing a pig at first he couldn’t do it, but eventfully he did. This urge then took over his innocence and turned him into a murdering savage. It is clear in Lord of the Flies that Golding believes Human Nature to be evil.
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