Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Summary on Globalization Free Essays
Globalization portrays a progressing procedure by which local economies, social orders, and societies have gotten incorporated through a system of correspondence and execution. Globalization is frequently term or alludes to financial globalization I. e. We will compose a custom exposition test on Rundown on Globalization or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now the incorporation of national economies into the global economy through exchange, outside direct speculation, capital streams, relocation, and the spread of innovation. The main thrusts of globalization are a blend of Economic, Technological, Socio-social and Political variables. Researchers show the expanding monetary combination and relationship of national economies over the world through a fast increment in cross-outskirt development of products, administration, innovation, and capital. It very well may be said that globalization is the entryway to worldwide assets that opens up to the universal market. Monetary and money related globalization and the development of world exchange have carried considerable advantages to nations around the globe. Be that as it may, the current budgetary emergency has required globalization to be postponed, with capital streams turning around and worldwide exchange contracting. There are incalculable markers that outline how merchandise, capital, and individuals, have gotten more globalized. †¢The estimation of exchange (merchandise and ventures) as a level of world GDP expanded from 42. 1 percent in 1980 to 62. 1 percent in 2007. †¢Foreign direct speculation expanded from 6. 5 percent of world GDP in 1980 to 31. 8 percent in 2006. †¢The supply of universal cases (fundamentally bank credits), as a level of world GDP, expanded from around 10 percent in 1980 to 48 percent in 2006. The quantity of minutes spent on cross-fringe calls, on a for every capita premise, expanded from 7. 3 of every 1991 to 28. 8 of every 2006. †¢The number of remote specialists has expanded from 78 million individuals (2. 4 percent of the total populace) in 1965 to 191 million individuals (3. 0 percent of the total populace) in 2005. There is a long discussion about the impacts of globalization, as the most widely recognized marvel that we heard is the underwritin g the assets of creating nations by created nations, cerebrum depletes as circumstances in more extravagant nations droves ability away. In numerous more unfortunate countries globalization is really the consequence of the remote organizations putting resources into the nation to exploit the lower wage rate, outside assets and etching more markets. The counter globalization development created contrary to the apparent negative parts of globalization. The gathering speaks to a wide scope of interests and issues. Adversaries of globalization call attention to its negative impacts. Some of them are recorded beneath. †¢Globalization has prompted misuse of work. Detainees and youngster laborers are utilized to work in uncaring conditions. Security guidelines are overlooked to create modest products. †¢Job uncertainty. Prior individuals had steady, lasting employments. Presently individuals live in steady fear of losing their business to rivalry. †¢Terrorists approach modern weapons upgrading their capacity to incur harm. †¢Companies have set up enterprises causing contamination in nations with poor guideline of contamination. †¢Fast natural ways of life like McDonalds and KFC are spreading in the creating scene. Individuals are devouring more low quality nourishment from these joints which adversy affects their wellbeing. †¢Local ventures are being taken over by outside multinationals. †¢The increment in costs has decreased the government’s capacity to support social government assistance conspires in created nations. †¢Multinational Companies and partnerships which were recently confined to business exercises are progressively affecting political choices. Ensure that the increases from globalization are all the more extensively shared over the populace. For this reason changes to fortify instruction and preparing would help guarantee that laborers have the proper abilities for the advancing worldwide economy. Arrangements that expand the entrance of account to the poor would likewise help, as would additionally exchange advancement that supports agrarian fares from creating nations. Extra projects may incorporate giving satisfactory pay backing to direct, yet not hinder, the procedure of progress, and furthermore making medicinal services less reliant on proceeded with work and expanding the conveyability of annuity benefits in certain nations. The most effective method to refer to Summary on Globalization, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Musicians The 27 Club Professor Ramos Blog
Artists The 27 Club Musicians’ The 27 Club At the point when individuals here ‘27 Club it is uncommon for somebody to try and think about it. The 27 Club was made in the 1970’s. It was made after 4 extremely well known artists shockingly passed on between the long stretches of 1969-1971. Significantly after those passing it didn’t bring a lot of consideration. The possibility of the 27 Club didn’t get everyone’s consideration until 1994 when Kurt Cobain passed on. At the point when the formation of this club started it began with accepting that these craftsmen made a Satanic settlement. Others obviously accepted they were simply suicides. At the point when you put more idea into it you can generally concur that drugs and awful pasts have such a great amount to do with them. The notoriety may have given them everything they could have envisioned about, however it likewise gave them more to worry about like how individuals saw them and attempting to accomplish beyond what they could deal with t o keep the consideration of their fans. It isn’t all silly buffoonery in any event, when you have the notoriety.  There are such huge numbers of individuals with regards to the 27 Club, however when somebody specifies the club 6 individuals spring up into the discussion. The individuals include: Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and Amy Winehouse. The principal part to be placed into the 27 Club was Brian Jones. He was conceived on February 28,1942. At the point when Jones was 3 years of age his multi year old sister kicked the bucket of Leukemia. From that point forward his life was constantly rotated around her demise. He is most popular as the individual from the Rolling Stones band. They made the band in 1962. As the band started playing various gigs and making music Jones started getting a handle on left which at that point prompted use medications and drink exorbitantly. Jones started kicking fierce and off having emotional episodes in any event, when in front of an audience. Eventually Jones got awful that he even got captured. That’s prompted the remainder of the individuals to settle on the significant choice of requesting that he leave the band. So in 1969 Jones was authoritatively approached to leave the band. Obviously this prompted Jones getting discouraged and he didn’t discover anything he sufficie ntly minded to live any longer. On July 3, 1969 Jones overdosed and was found at the base of his pool. Jimi Hendrix was likewise one of the principal individuals to join the club. Jimi was conceived from an adolescent mother on November 27,1942. He didn’t have a decent adolescence. His mother was a medication someone who is addicted and his dad was a consumer. When Jimi’s father saw that he was left given he never let him overlook that he was a devil’s kid. His folks never appeared to get along, he grew up observing them contending. He wound up being bobbed around to his family members with his two more youthful siblings. His mother wound up kicking the bucket when Jimi was 15 years of age. Jimi instructed himself to play the guitar. He began medications and liquor youthful to manage of his dad and obviously his mother’s passing. That didn’t prevent him from accomplishing to follow his fantasy. He got so much distinction in light of his guitar aptitudes. He was in the long run known to be the Ultimate Guitarist. All the popularity brought mental self portrait issues and Jimi began to once again work himself attempting to make more music and give his fan more than he had the option to. This obviously had Jimi utilizing more medications to either keep awake or manage the pressure. He kept on suffocating himself in liquor and medications until he overdosed on September 18,1970. Janis Joplin was conceived on January 19.1943. She really rolled out a major improvement in the music business for ladies. She was known as the First Lady of  Rock’N’Roll. When Janis was more youthful she was entirely known as the oddball. Not at all like the various children at school she didn’t think dark individuals were any extraordinary. When in school Janis was tormented in light of the fact that she had terrible skin break out. In spite of the fact that she attempted to overlook the domineering jerks it didn’t influence her intellectually. She was casted a ballot the Ugliest Boy in school. At the point when she went to High School Janis started utilizing medications to manage the harassers. Janis definitely realized she needed to be popular. She wanted to sing and she went out to look for her chance. She skiped to and fro from her home to different states attempting to discover her chance, yet flopped without fail. Rock wasn’t known from ha ving ladies in the music business, with the goal that made it hard for Janis. She was at that point an overwhelming consumer, however the constant bombed endeavors to accomplish popularity prompted her taking medications. She at last made her success however when she performed she was apprehensive so she drank and took sedates before strolling up in front of an audience. Janis was at that point tormented for what she looked like in school so distinction exacerbated it when it came to thinking about her mental self portrait. She overdosed on heroin on October 4, 1970. Jim Morrison was known to be an insightful, yet lethargic child when it came to class. He was more on December 8,1943. His was in the Navy was very exacting. When Jim was around 5 years of age he was in the vehicle with his family when they passed by a loathsome slammed truck. They drove by dead bodies out and about and a portion of the bodies were really destroyed in pieces. Jim always remembered that picture and really composed the tune PeaceFrog. Growing up Jim’s father was an exacting man with numerous principles. Jim was all the more a free soul and started defying his dad. He started to drink to manage his dad. At the point when he chose to go the film school his family was incredibly unsupportive. He started doing music and it turned out to be more worry for Jim. He started to utilize medications and more liquor to manage his own life as well as his open life. He joined The Doors Band. When Jim was in front of an audience he started to have vicious upheavals. Jim realiz ed he was deteriorating, so he took a break from the band so he could attempt to get himself together. When taking that break it brought more sadness for Jim. He didn’t stop the medications and he began drinking throughout the day. On July 3, 1971 Jim was discovered dead, overdosed on heroin in his bath. Kurt Cobain is best know as the part on The Nirvana Band which was made in 1988. Kurt was conceived on February 20,1967. Kurt’s guardians got separated and he got isolated from his more youthful sister. This was an enormous change for a little kid particularly when not knowing when you will see you sister. This caused Kurt to feel forlorn and his parent’s remarried rather quickly.He started having mental self portrait issues at a youthful age. When Kurt was a youngster he found a dead body dangling from a tree. He discovered medications when he moved in with his mother. In 1992 Kurt wedded Kourtney. They before long had a little girl. Kourtney was a substantial medication client which make Kurt keep utilizing drugs. His cousin started seeing the measure of medications Kurt was utilizing and cautioned him that dependence and psychological sicknesses. Kurt didn’t focus on his cousin’s notice. In 1993, Kurt deliberately overdosed on drugs yet he was discovere d soon enough to spare him. He didn’t need to live any longer and having the popularity thus much consideration made him need to leave this world sooner. He composed a self destruction note upon the arrival of his demise and he expressed, â€Å"it’s preferred to wear out over blur away.†In his note he likewise left a couple of words for his girl who he cherished, however he just wasn’t sufficiently able to remain on earth any longer. On April 5,1994 Kurt put a firearm to his mouth and in a split second finished his torment. We at that point have Amy Winehouse who was really one of the later lost life. Amy Winehouse was conceived on September 14,1983. Amy was daddy’s young lady from the day she was conceived yet when she was 9 years of age her dad left to live with his new sweetheart. This left Amy’s mother battling as a single parent who Amy abhorred. Amy appeared to have hatred towards her mom since her dad left. When Amy was in school she really started taking antidepressants and she would self-damage to catch eye. When Amy was in her 20’s she was an incredibly substantial consumer. Amy got ready for marriage and wedded  Blake Fielder-Civil in 2007. Blake he utilized heroin and different medications; in the long run he got Amy utilizing them too . Blake before long turned into her provider for the medications. Blake and Amy in the end got separated following 2 years on the grounds that the medications began turning into the one thing demolishing their marriage. Amy proceeded obv iously after the separation which is the point at which she was sent to the emergency clinic over overdrinking. Her primary care physician cautioned her that she would confront passing on the off chance that she didn’t look for help. That cautioning didn’t truly stay with Amy, she despite everything kept on utilizing drugs attempting to manage the notoriety, confidence and sadness. She once revealed to her companion Alex Hainsand she felt that she was going to join the 27 Club. Amy began having seizures brought about by the measure of medications she was utilizing. Amy quit focusing on her music profession and all she thought about was the medications and liquor. Everybody around her started to saw how depleted she was by all accounts. Amy kicked the bucket on August 7, 2011 from overdose when she blended courageous woman, cocaine, joy, ketamine, whisky, and vodka. These artists are still associated with having stunning abilities. They had troublesome circumstances to manage since early on and accept that perhaps a little popularity can fix everything. Their past frequented them even with all the consideration that they got. The music business didn’t help them either giving them the measure of pressure and work a solitary human can’t handle. Such a lot of driving  to the utilization of medications. Trusting that perhaps only for a brief timeframe they won’t feel depleted, focused or the torment from an earlier time. We lost these skilled individuals way too early on the grounds that they couldn’t see the importance of living any longer. Individuals are as yet attempting to make sense of why it is that they kicked the bucket at 27. The rundown for the 27 Club keeps on developing still no accurate response to why these specialists surrender their life at that age. Fans lost their cherished artists and not for second did these craftsman permit their fans to see the torment they held inside until their last day. Work Cited â€Å"Amy Said She Always Knew
Enrone Leadership failure free essay sample
Enron stands apart as probably the greatest disappointment in business history. In 2001, Americans were shocked to learn of the dishonest practices completed by pioneers and different representatives of Enron. Enron utilized different techniques for trickiness to show up more beneficial than it truly was, including through making off-the-book elements to which Enron moved its generous obligation. (Jennings, 2005). Enron implosion took the world capital markets and Shake the speculator trust in bookkeeping and budgetary revealing. It even caused the world’s eminent worldwide bookkeeping firm Arthur Andersen to fall. The most significant guard couldn't foresee Enron’s breakdown before it happened. It was then found that Enron senior administration had utilized complex imaginative bookkeeping strategies to control the company’s monetary figures and henceforth support up the money related execution. (Cruver, July 2002) This exposition investigates the inside culture and authority practices of its top administration. It remembers a specific accentuation for charming initiative, in individuals like Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling. The convincing vision of these pioneers, communicated in an enrollment framework intended to initiate a procedure of change and the advancement of culture by congruity and punishing of contradiction. Presentation Enron failed and vanished thirteen years prior, the effects it has made on the moral principles never blurred. It took Enron 16 years to go from around ten billion dollar advantages for more than sixty-five billion dollar resources, and took twenty-four days to fail. Enron, which once positioned as the seventh-biggest organization on the Fortune 500 and positioned as the 6th biggest vitality organization on the planet, on December 2, 2001, sought financial protection insurance in the greatest instance of chapter 11 in the United States up to that point. By November 2001, the company’s stock, which once crested at $90, was down to under $1. It was a debacle for the a great many workers and speculators. Workers lost their positions and benefits, and financial specialists lost billions of dollars. Enron’s morals code depended on regard, respectability, correspondence, and greatness. Regard. We treat others, as we might want to be dealt with ourselves. We don't endure damaging or insolent treatment. Heartlessness, hardness and pomposity don't have a place here. (executive, 2000) Integrity. We work with clients and prospects straightforwardly, genuinely and truly. At the point when we state we will accomplish something, we will do it; when we state we can't or won't accomplish something, at that point we won’t do it. We have a commitment to convey. Here we set aside the effort to chat with each other and to tune in. We accept that data is intended to move and that data moves individuals. (executive, 2000) Excellence. We are happy with nothing not exactly the absolute best in all that we do. We will keep on increasing current standards for everybody. The incredible fun here will be for us all to find exactly how great we can truly be (executive, 2000) According to this set of principles and Ken Lay’s pronounced duty to business morals, how could Enron have fell so significantly, going from detailed incomes of $101 billion out of 2000 and around $140 billion during the initial seventy five percent of 2001 to going into chapter 11 in December 2001? The response to this inquiry is by all accounts established in a mix of the disappointment of top administration, a corporate culture that bolstered deceptive conduct, and the complicity of the speculation banking network. (administrator, 2000) The Enron History Enron found in 1985 as a pipeline organization, there power provider to utilities. Enron business start through the merger of Houston Natural Gas. In the next years, Enron improve rapidly and got one of the effective vitality broker on the planet. Enron distinguished as a one of the world’s driving power, gaseous petrol, and interchanges association. (The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron, January 5, 2003) In the next years, with the expansion of rivalry, Enron chose to utilize broadening and universal speculation to keep its market position. As a matter of fact, these exercises presented to Enron a surprising huge measure of misfortunes as opposed to benefits. In 1999, after an invasion into fiber optics and the broadband market, which was an off-base choice once more, Enron endured such a large number of significant misfortunes and started draining rapidly. Be that as it may, Enron had never pronounced any data about its misfortunes until October 2001. Other than controlled the fiscal reports, Enron never referenced the dangers, which it ought to reveal to its financial specialists. Actually, the administrators of Enron unveiled an incredible profit estimate through the media and urged speculators to buy Enron’s stocks. They likewise proposed their representatives put their annuities in Enron’s stock or investment opportunities. Arthur Andersen, the review organization for Enron, helped Enron conceal these fakes for a long time. Each time when examiners or Enron’s workers communicated their questions about Enron’s budgetary condition, Enron would attempt to keep them calm and terminated them later. In the interim, top official stole. The officials additionally drove up the stock cost and put a lot of cash into their own pockets through exchanging stocks. (Mclean, 2004) Because of those cheats, from 1998 to 2001, the stock cost topped at $90 US. â€Å"By December 2000, Enron’s shares were selling for $85 every, its representatives had their 401(k)s vigorously put resources into Enron Stock, and the organization [had] a coordinating system wherein it contribute also portions of stock to reserve funds and retirement plans when workers decided to support them with Enron stock†Therefore, the two financial specialists and workers experienced intensely this calamity when Enron fallen. Issues started emitting in 2001. Jeffrey Skilling, the CEO, left in August of 2001. At that point in October 2001, Enron detailed lost million $. Following that, Chief monetary official Andrew Fastow was supplanted, and the Securities and Exchange Commission started exploring the Enron. After around one month, in late November, the SEC found under the table substances and exaggerated incomes, and afterward the company’s stock was down to under $1 US. At last, on December 2, 2001, Enron petitioned for financial protection insurance. Financial specialists lost billions of dollars. (The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron, January 5, 2003) The Enron 1985 | To be the primary gaseous petrol organization in North America 1990 | To be the main flammable gas organization on the planet 1995 | To be best performing vitality organization on the planet 2001 | To be the best performing organization on the planet 2002 | To recuperate from insolvency The Enron Culture Enron’s corporate culture created inside its office during the potent days of its prosperity and has uncovered numerous indications of how things could turn out badly. When all is said in done, the top administration created pomposity because of its prosperity, the tone was set at the top and it permeated to the lower level lastly turned into a culture of the organization. Enron’s top administration, Kenneth Lay and it partners gave its officials opportunity to seek after the corporate objective and left them to be and was possibly addressed when objectives were not met. (William, 2002) â€Å"These controls were not thorough enough, usage and oversight was lacking at Management and Board levels, as nobody assumed liability for oversight; controls were not execute appropriately and auxiliary deformities got clear after some time. Nobody in Management tended to issues as it emerged or carried it to the Board’s attention†Skilling established the presentation audit advisory group which known as the harshest worker positioning framework as partners needed to â€Å"do deals†and present income on be positioned high. Mystery became request of the day for a large number of the company’s exchanging just as disclosures†. (Thomas, 2002) Who to fault for Unethical Leadership Enron top administrators lay and Skilling are chiefly to fault for the Enron breakdown. As excessive pioneers, Lay and Skilling were doubtlessly ready to lead a powerful and productive Enron, however they needed poise and thus followed a way down an elusive and disgusting incline to fiasco. They encouraged a serious situation that squashed any little imagination representatives had and had them continually stressed over the perpetual quality of their activity. Not exclusively were Enron’s top administrators inordinate, they were likewise downright harmful. Lay glaringly deceived workers, sending messages of bogus expectation. He likewise conned his representatives into keeping all stocks they held in the organization at the same time he sold a great many dollars’ worth of his stock. As workers of Enron, many were getting by. Many shut themselves off from the articulate defilement they saw. Standing up would most likely cost them their employments and potentially their childs school finance. (Cruver, July 2002) Looking back, many would need to state they would have been the informants, they would have stood up, however by and by, I don't figure I would have. Perhaps in the event that I didn't have a family or anything to live for I would, yet I do. It might be narrow minded, however I accept that an excess of was in question. I additionally find that the inspecting firm Arthur Anderson played a key and critical job in this breakdown. Requesting all Enron related archives to wipe after the embarrassment outlines. Shortcoming of Arthur Andersen’s There is no single response for who is answerable for Enron defeat. There are a wide range of individuals and gatherings at vault every single fluctuating degree. Executive and Jeffery Skilling are definitely to blame, however I don't figure you can censure a man for acting in his own eventual benefits and for doing what he â€Å"thought†would ensure a the association. Be that as it may, you can accuse an association whose sole occupation is to review the books, for botching the examining of the books. Hence, I put Art
Friday, August 21, 2020
Writing solid pay per click ads
Composing SOLID PAY PER CLICK ADS Like composing convincing site duplicate, there is a workmanship to composing pay per click (PPC) advertisements. What are PPC advertisements? They’re the connections marked as â€Å"sponsored†that spring up close to the highest point of your web index results. Fundamentally, people and organizations have paid cash to be recorded at the highest point of those query items. Not to be mistaken for straight website streamlining, how noticeably the promotions are highlighted is a mix of how much the individual has paid and the active visitor clicking percentage. You’ve bought your preferred advertisement through the web index. Presently what do you do? How would you get individuals to navigate? The advertisements are little †only a couple of lines †yet you have a ton of opportunity in what you can place in them. Above all else, as with any promoting try, you have to think like your clients. When they’re scanning for the administration you offer, what are they composing in? You can take a gander at your web search log to give you a decent sign of what they’re scanning for, yet recall: Those are the individuals that are finding your website. Shouldn't something be said about the individuals that aren’t? What would you be able to remember for the restricted space you need to catch their inquiries, as well? After you’ve figured out what your crowd is looking for, sprinkle those watchwords in generously. Ensure your PPC feature is a consideration grabber. This ought to abandon saying, yet the feature is the thing that will no doubt catch the reader’s eye. So you’ve caught their eye, and their finger is floating over their mouse, attempting to make sense of on the off chance that they need to tap on your connection or not. Ensure that your feature and your duplicate doubtlessly states something considerable to speak to your intended interest group. Individuals may tap on a feature in light of the fact that it’s captivating, yet what great does it do on the off chance that they take a gander at your site, verify that it’s not for them, and close the page out? Primary concern: The nature of snap throughs is significant, as well. Great duplicate in this example doesn't rise to long, persuasive sentences. Know about how much space you have. Don’t imperil your active visitor clicking percentage by eating up what space you have with superfluous words. Be compact and mention to you crowd what they truly need to know: What will you accomplish for them? Which carries me to my next point: Make sure that what you’re saying you’ll accomplish for them is really what you’ll accomplish for them. On the off chance that you state you offer a help at a more moderate rate than your rivals, ensure that’s reality. On the off chance that it’s not individuals will escape before long, and will be too disappointed that you distorted yourself to ever returned to you. One more thing: If you’re publicizing one specific assistance or result of yours, direct the connection traffic to that item or service’s page. Don’t direct them to your landing page and let your potential clients struggle around attempting to discover it. In all honesty, those additional snaps have any kind of effect.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Angry Nerds
Angry Nerds On Friday, Id had it. I was coming off of one of those weeks that will just run you absolutely ragged, and at around noon, I snapped. I ran into Killian Court and flipped the bird. I gave everyone the finger as crowds amassed on the sidelines to see what the commotion was about. But instead of a police presence, and maybe a trip to MIT Mental Health, I was greeted with cheers and pom poms and a strange ghostly feeling rising in my mind that Ive forgotten how to put in words. Fu.Fun? Ah yes, thats itâ€"â€"fun! As you can probably surmise from Matts entry, theres a class called 2.009 that is one of the Mechanical Engineering Capstone courses, and it has to be the best class at MIT by a long shot. You might have also seen this picture on Matts entry: Wait a minute..whats that? Can we enhance the image? Hmm the back of that head looks familiar* Enhance it further: Oh my gosh! Thats me! And the aforementioned finger! Yes, The truth is, I know so much about 2.009 because Im in it. And as the Systems Integrator for my team section (Pink A) , more often than not I am in it deep. The class runs at a breakneck pace sketching, brainstorming, analyzing, fabricating, testing, and iterating every week for at least a few hours. There are intermittent milestones to help select the most promising product ideas, and it all culminates in the product showcase at the end of term in front of hundreds of industry experts. It makes for some intensely long days in the shop and some high stress negotiations during meetings, but I really feel like Im in my element in it. This week was one such high stress week where we were fabricating prototypes for a presentation every day for several hours. I was in the shop on Thursday from 0900 until 1700 when everything had to be finalized, and then went directly from there to the presentation room until all the presentations were over at 2100. Long day. But the reward for such a long arduous day was the Angry Birds competition you saw. A chance to blow off some steam with your team and have a few laughs: iframe width=560 height=315 src= frameborder=0 allowfullscreen/iframe There were two categories of winners: those who won the competition, and those who had the most spirit throughout. Unfortunately, the former is largely determined by your machine. In particular ours had little variance in its shots, which made for impressive precision (5 birds were perfectly piled up on top of each other) but disappointing accuracy (the pile was about a foot in front of the tower). Eventually, we all but gave up on winning the competition part and focused on the team spirit part. We cheered, built human pyramids, and I waved the giant pink finger in the air with the chant Think Pink. When the awards ceremony came up, the green team won a giant foam trophy for finishing first. But no one stood a chance against Pinks spirited battle cries, and we proudly won for most spirited. And what did we get as a prize? Angry Birds beanies. (Thats me in the red that the finger is pointing to). Which is waaay better than a trophy. It was a great way to head off into the weekend before we hit the ground running next week on our next milestone, which will be a technical review of our concept. Whats our concept? Well, Ill just have to let you see after our technical review ;) This is one of those times that I really love this place, and it makes all the frustrating and endless nights worth it. *no it doesnt. How often do you see the back of your own head? Post Tagged #2.009
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Consumer Centered Care Research Assignment Paper - 1375 Words
Consumer Centered Care Research Assignment Paper (Essay Sample) Content: Consumer centered careStudents nameInstitutional affiliationConsumer-centered care, also known as patient-centered care is a multi-dimensional process. It involves respecting the beliefs, values, and preferences of the patient. Customize care given to an individual and ensuring it is culturally competent. The caregiver has to understand that the preferences can change at a given moment. It involves integration and coordination of care, ensuring there is continuity from a setting to another and exchange/passing on accurate information in a timely manner. It involves educating and effectively communicating with the patient, providing understandable and accurate information on the patients prognosis, diagnosis, and the treatment option available. This is communicated to the patient in accordance with their preference.It focusses on making sure that the physical comfort of the patient is attained through the management of the symptoms of the illness the patient suffers fr om. This ensures that the patient is free from pain and sufferings. Through this the patient gets emotional support, the intensity of fear and anxiety is lessened by being able to attend to their uncertainties, disability, loneliness and the negative financial effect caused by their illnesses. Family and friends are accommodated in patient-centered care such that they are involved in Caregiving, decision making, recognizing their patients' needs, their potential contribution and welcoming them to the environment of care. In this essay, it will be examined patient-centered care towards patients having Anorexia Nervosa (Tay, Ang, Hegney, 2017). This is one of the serious mental illness with very high/marked morbidity and mortality. It is an eating disorder. It is a psychological disorder. In the list of most common chronic diseases in young people, it's number three. It is a psychiatric illness that most of the times/primarily strikes female patients. The peak onset of this mental il lness is between 15-19 years.Anorexia Nervosa is associated with self-starvation and food restrictions. It is diagnosed using the DSM-V whereby the patient exhibits a refusal to maintain their body weight above or at the minimum normal requirement for their age and height (Lock Grande, 2015). Two they have an intense fear when it comes to gaining weight. Lastly, they have distorted body images. One is at risk of anorexia when they are worried and pay so much attention to their shape and weight. When they have anxiety disorders, negative self- concept/ images, and certain cultural ideologies on what health or beauty is. Families should not be blamed, as they have proven to be best care providers when it comes to eating disorders.Treatment modalities for this patient include cognitive behavioural therapy as this is a psychological illness. In cognitive behavioural therapy, it involves individual, group and family therapy. The goals of these therapies are to change the behavior and th oughts of the patient so as to encourage them to eat more healthy way. They also have support groups where they meet people undergoing same problem or people who had such problems. In all the above the patient gets educated what is going on in their bodies, the dangers they are in and how they can reverse this. This education is important as it enables the patient to adopt healthy living. With this, they get healed. For families and friends, they are able to understand what their loved one is going through and how they can help. Through this education, the fear and anxiety felt by the patient and the family are alienated.Patient education is vital in healthcare provision as it has a meaningful impact on their health and their life quality. Education is a process that is sequential, systematic, has a planned course of action. For effective education to be there has to be effective, communication, and barriers have to be addressed. Effective communication one of the most important asp ects when it comes to patient care (Jones Barlett, 2016). It has a very high contribution to patients' view/perception of healthcare quality and the outcomes of treatment. When there is effective communication, there is high-quality nursing care which in turns leads to the patient's health and satisfaction (Cossette, Cara, Ricard, Pepin, 2013). Not only does effective communication give the patient satisfaction. It has a bunch of benefits: it alienates anxiety, guilt, pain and disease symptoms, it increases patients acceptance, compliance, and cooperation with the health care provider which in turn results in health (Aghabarari, Varvani, 2013). Lack of effective communication is a leading barrier to effective communication. There is no therapeutic relationship formed. The health care provider cannot communicate what exactly is required from the patient and the patient too cannot express what he or she needs. Ineffective communication causes anxiety, pain, guilty, non-cooperative , lack of satisfaction which translates to unhealthy to the patients.The other barriers can be the attitude of both the patient and the healthcare provider. Patients with anorexia have low self-esteem, low self-worth, and hopelessness. They do not see the importance of tomorrow. They are resistant to change. This is a huge barrier to education. They need counselling so as to restore self-respect/worth/love so as to focus on improving their health. Negative attitudes from the health care provider can cause more damage to the patient. Most of the time they lack the understanding that eating disorders are not acquired by a choice, they are biologically influenced illnesses (Bulik, Sullivan, Patrick, 2014). Other causes include misconceptions that slim is equivalent to healthy and guilt to the family and friends.For an effective patient education, the following has to available; an open communication and the barriers to education have to be addressed (Helliwell Ibrahim, 2015). For eff ective education, the nurse must know the demographic background of the patient that is; the ethnicity, formal education background, and ability to read. With this knowledge, the nurse will be able to plan the teaching schedule/strategy that is most suitable. The nurse should be able to initiate a therapeutic relationship. In this relationship, the nurse should demonstrate effective communication skills. Should be able to have an understanding of the patient. Use a language that the patient understands. Use words that the patient can easily comprehend.The nurse should be empathetic. For one to effectively pass a message to the patient, he or she needs to understand what exactly is being experienced by the patient. The nurse should avoid judging the patients or the family. The nurses attitude towards the patient education has a big impact. They should demonstrate a positive attitude.The nurse should be understanding and discerning. Should be able to know and fulfil the patient's desi res so as to achieve satisfaction. Should be able to know the patient's fears, attitude, motivations, and misconceptions.The essay is all about customer-centered care/ patient-centered care. It involves treating a patient as a whole. In accordance with his/her beliefs, religion and preference so as to attain patient satisfaction. From it, it is clear that patient-centered care has a positive effect when it comes to health outcomes (Judith Cook, 2013). Due to diversity in culture and the person's preference, it means that the nurse has to customize this care so as to suit the client. Customer-centered care involves a lot of education. Education on the diagnosis of the patient, the trea...
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The danger of traditions Free Essay Example, 1000 words
The man they have chosen for the lottery is pathetic and the story also talks about children collecting stones in the beginning. These preparations seem quaint. These details and preparations show how Jackson depicted the lottery seems so real and awaited. Most readers might believe that traditions and rituals take place in order to unite the town people and families and create links to tie the future generations with the past. Jackson’s story brings a new aspect to the celebration of traditions. There are many traditions in the world that are being followed and trusted blindly but these story shows how this unawareness can actually end up being dangerous for people. The story shows that even though the villagers do not know the origin of this tradition nor do they know any other detail, but still they follow it blindly. They are trying to preserve a tradition which is violent and dangerous. Even if the villagers think of changing or ending the lottery tradition, the old man in village, Warner, does not let them and tells them that they might return to the primitive times if they finished the lottery tradition. We will write a custom essay sample on The danger of traditions or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The villagers have thus built a blind trust and faith in this and carry it out every year with every member of the village involved. They have allowed this violent murder to be a part of their ritual. There is no one forcing them to carry out the lottery but they are so blind that they have become powerless towards any change, even the shabby black box as it says â€Å"The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago, and the black box now resting on the stool had been put into use even before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born†(Kennedy & Dana 262). The villagers are so blind in their tradition that they easily murder someone by stoning them and return back to their ordinary lives. They do not even know the reason why they are doing this instead of that it’s a tradition and has to be fulfilled no matter what. No one stops them and asks them that why they are committing this murder, what is the logic, sup erstition or motive behind it. For them, the justification lies wholly in the fact that this is a tradition that has been going on since generations. The ways the villagers blindly follow it make it seem like an historical event rather than that of unbelievable cruelty. Running of the bulls is a famous tradition which takes place in Pamplona, Spain every year. Bull fighting is popular in many other cities around the world, but the running of the bulls takes place in Spain only.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Poverty in Philadelphia - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 940 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Poverty Essay Did you like this example? The most important element in human life is the provision of basic needs. A state in life where an individual lack food, shelter, and clothing automatically defines poverty. Nobody wants to be referred to as poor, and therefore the government, non-governmental bodies, and volunteers are doing what they can to eradicate this unwanted state of lacking. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Poverty in Philadelphia" essay for you Create order There are demerits that are associated with poverty such as unable to settle bills. It is good to acknowledge that this phenomenon occurs everywhere in the world, and therefore not even one country is an exemption. This essay focuses on Philadelphia, a city which is among the poorest in the United States and analyzes the problem experienced in the city and gives the sustainable solution to eradicate poverty. Poverty in Philadelphia did not come by its own, there were factors or system that influenced the city towards this destitution state. The surprising thing about this city is that the level of poverty is significantly increasing. A comparison between 1970 to this day is that poverty level doubled. This shows that something terrible might be happening. Nevertheless, the government and other systems can be blamed for not taking the initiatives to deal with the problem. Proposals to solve the problems have been given, but change is yet to be seen. Any city relies much on people because they are a resource that keeps the economy moving forward. Companies, organizations and other business need a skillful individual to work, but in the case of this city, this is a challenge. A significant number of people have found their way out of the city; more than 430,000 are estimated to leave. Suppose they had stayed, the poverty level would have dropped significantly. The city experiences opioid crisis and many of the young and strong people have been swept away until there no more. Drugs only benefit a few but distort the life of many, and thus it is a poverty catalyst. The use of drugs is addictive to the user, and one has to keep using it to satisfy the desire. Moreover, this is extended to the family, and finally an epidemic in the whole city. The number of drug users in Philadelphia is higher compared to other cities such as Boston and Chicago. The use of drugs leads to crime in the city. Drugs and crime are dependent on each other and cannot be separated. There are many reasons why people commit a crime, but the obvious reason is for quick money. In Philadelphia, gun violence has become a daily occurring thing. It is estimated that over a thousand cases of gun violence are reported yearly. Nevertheless, there are cases of homicide related to gun violence. Therefore, crime is an element that shows there is unemployment and drug addiction makes the city poorer than it was before. Due to law enforcers and justice system, criminals must face punishment to make sure the victim gets justice and such crime is not repeated. Philadelphia Treatment Court deals with drug-related cases. Unfortunately, many of those imprisoned use harmful drugs and substance. Therefore, the statics suggests that a big number of people use drugs and end up in prison and the energy is wasted. Moreover, their familys faces stigma, loss of their loved ones, compromised mental, physical, and low production in school. For a solution to be found, a problem must first be established. The problem listed above shows the city suffers from an opioid. The use of hard drugs and overdose are the challenge in Philadelphia. The important thing is to conduct a campaign against the risks of opioid use. Media is an influential platform that can campaign directly to consumers thus minimizing the use of drugs (Kenney). The public awareness should mainly focus on the disorders of using opioid perhaps this will make them make a turn back. Moreover, there should be a plan on how to improve professionalism in health care. Practitioners competency enables them to prescribe opioid drugs with the knowledge of disorders. It would be important if the provision of proper treatment to the victims. There are barriers that compromise the quality of the treatment, and therefore obstacles that impede treatment should be done away with. There are a number of recommendations that would expand treatment. Increasing the sites that cater for treatment service, working seven days a week and partnering with the state would make a huge impact on access and treatment. People should be encouraged not to leave the state, but to build it. When people avoid drugs and substance use they will be in a position to work, and therefore the government and business-oriented companies should invest to open job for Philadelphia residents. Moreover, the young generation should be supported perhaps in education or any field that is beneficial to society. Jobs improve the living standard of people hence poverty will be minimized (Kenney). Most of the houses are in poor condition, the federal government should improve the housing condition of the people to meet their basic need. Besides, gun violence should be taken on a serious note. The government should ensure that these cases are minimized by using any necessary measure including education and law strictness. In conclusion, Philadelphia faces many challenges that are a problem for the resident and the whole of the United States. It is a fact that the rate of poverty is higher, and this has been fueled by crime, use of drugs and substance, poor housing. However, the important thing is to focus on the solutions which are improving housing condition, the creation of jobs and focusing on control, treatment of opioid and reducing the rate of violence.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Animal Experimentation At University College London
I. Introduction a. Attention getter device: This is a picture of a kitten that was forced to undergo animal experimentation However, this is only one of the 11 at University College London that had part of its skull removed for a three-day round of experiments. The first day involved the kitten being paralyzed as electrodes and probes were put into their brains to be able to measure what they saw. The second day involved a plate being screwed into the skulls of the 11 kittens and they were placed in a prone position with clamps on their backs and above the pelvis. The third day involved incisions being made to insert electrodes into the nerves around the spine and rib cage, exposing a large portion of their spinal cord. Finally, part of the skull was removed so an electrode could be inserted to measure brain activity. All of these cats were given anesthesia, and more than half were given a fatal overdose. b. Give the audience a reason to listen: Everyone in this room has had an experience with an animal, whether it was your own or your friends. Now, imagine that same animal in a research facility such as University College London’s. c. Establish your credibility: In preparation for this speech, I have done extensive research on the good and the bad associated with animal experimentation and research. d. Reveal the law: I am going to talk to you about the Animal Welfare Act. e. Reveal audience analysis: From my audience analysis, it is apparent that most of you have a pet andShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane1323 Words  | 6 PagesThousands of animals every year are euthanized due to animal testing. Animal testing is cruel and an inhumane way to torture animals for mankind’s own benefit. Because of our selfish, millions of animals suffered a vicious and painful death in the name of research every year. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Persevering Literature - 942 Words
The novel Sense and Sensibility was truly a masterpiece. Written by Jane Austen this ironic love story has captured the heart of readers for years. The popularity of Austen as a novelist can now be experienced through film. This book has been adapted into various screenplays, including one by Emma Thompson. Another version of the film was done by the BBC. Perhaps it is the manner in which it was filmed, the character choices or other aspects of the films that make them so different. Though they are based upon the same novel it is to be sure that the Emma Thompson version will preserve Austen’s talent in the world of film. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Emma Thompson version can be well spoken of in that its greatest strength is its†¦show more content†¦It is not to say that it is not an educational version. This lower budget allowed for the full development of the characters in a way a short made for Hollywood film can not. Yet it is not to the taste of many of those in today’s audience. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One scene in the film in which Marianne and Elinor discuss the prospect of Edwad Ferras is handled quite differently in each of the films. In Thompson’s Marianne visits Elinor’s bedroom as she is settling in for the night to discuss Elinor’s true feelings about her time spent with Mr. Ferras. This scene is exciting in that it shows the girls talking quietly in the night about a rather taboo subject. The idea that Marianne comes to Elinor’s bedroom suggests the matter is of an intimate nature, as it surely is. In the BBC version the girls are propped on a see-saw type apparatus. This suggests a type of disagreement between the two while still maintaining an understanding. They shift their weight and ideas back and forth while still supporting wash other. This is a more literal depiction of their feeling about the matter. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another notable scene is of the conversation between Fanny Dashwood and Mrs. Dashwood as to the high hopes the family has for Edward. In the BBC there more of Fanny’s cruelty is revealed through her comments concerning the china and furniture in the house. Mrs. Dashwood’s character is developed further when she defends herself against Fanny’s malice.Show MoreRelatedThe Feminist: Aphra Behn Essay786 Words  | 4 Pagesleader in English literature. With a shaky beginning, Behn persevered to become the first female professional writer. With her feminist opinions, she revolutionized writing and her impacts in the 17th century would change modern day writing. Behn was a clever writer who wrote lively, vibrant plays and poetry. Behn impacted the world, not only with her writing, but also with her determination and voice about her feminist opinions. 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Perseverance is not giving up on oneself when life gives them hardships. It is being determined to do what is right. It is believing in themselves even when no one else will. Nonfiction literature often explores perseverance. Since TempleRead MoreComparison of Whitman and Dickenson Poems856 Words  | 4 Pagesmetaphors in each poem create interesting imagery, providing more insight into the author s feelings about the subject. Placing an idea like ‘hope into the bird metaphor allows Dickinson to convey the persevering nature of hope in a more powerful manner than plainly saying hope is persevering. br brEach poem uses sound within the extended metaphors. In Hope is a Thing with Feathers the bird ‘sings the tune without the wordsÂâ€"And never stopsÂâ€"at all--. The song of the bird is ‘sweetestÂâ€"inRead More Whitmans O Captain! My Captain! 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Perseverance is shown throughout history during times of war, the civil rights movement, or even getting women rights. Perseverance is made when someone needs to overcome an obstacle. Perseverance, according to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, is a continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. Without perseverance, we wouldn’t beRead MoreAfrican Slaves By Robert Krueger967 Words  | 4 PagesMore literature written about slaves by non-slaves exist than those written by slaves themselves; this general trend also applies to the Brazilian literary canon. Historians seek out these slave texts because the literature provides a unique perspective on slave societies and slavocracies. One such historian, Robert Krueger, has collected many Brazilian slave texts during his research in order to create a corpus of such literature similar to t hat found in the United States. 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Demand and Supply Free Essays
Medical advances can range from witching over to Electronic Record keeping, to the use of Tell-health. The need for this is as diverse as the products and services themselves. One of the options that are currently available is home care. We will write a custom essay sample on Demand and Supply or any similar topic only for you Order Now As the baby boomer population ages, the elderly population will increase the demand for home health services due to financial and emotional factors. The continuum or availability of home care programs will be greatly needed in the present years to come. Supply Demand Factors Many factors contribute to the demand and supply of healthcare products and services. The concept of demand versus supply In home health care can never be testified. No one health care facility can meet all the demands of medical services. As individuals are living longer and hospital admittance costs seems to increase while providing quality care seems to decrease, consumers are seeking to manage chronic illnesses within the comfort of their own home. As the population ages we are seeing many Individuals coming down with diseases that are either not curable or that has ran Its’ course In the body and there Is nothing that can be done to prolong life. Hospice care Is palliative care given to Individuals who are terminally Ill, with an expected survival of six months or less. This is when this type of service is needed and many of individuals, especially the minorities do not know that these services exist either because they contribute this to high cost service or think that it is not covered by their insurance. Another factor contributing to an increase in demand for home healthcare services are advances in medical technology which make it possible to manage conditions in a home setting that would previously have required hospitalizing or the services of a skilled nursing facility. Consumers have easy access to home care services, they have a choice among providers, and consumers are currently selecting he best service based upon a variety of options. The range of those Interested In from moderate to severe. The many options available range from skilled nursing, Occupational [physical therapy, rehabilitative [social services and personal ODL assistance can be provided at within the confines on one’s home. Home health care helps prevent the need for higher-cost care. Home health care helps prevent the need for higher-cost care. Hospitals can reduce the cost and save on providing medical treatment and equipment items such as; medical professionals’ time, disposable syringes, catheters, and dressing changes and other supplies to treat the attain. â€Å"The problem in healthcare is that the consumer often pays little or nothing for services, despite the current reality of deductibles and co-payments. When this is the case, price stops being a factor in demand and demand increases to virtually unlimited levels†(Salesman, 2009, p. L). Economic Cost Nationally, the median hourly cost for homemaker services and home health aide services is $18 and $19, skilled nursing $40, TO APT $65-$75; administrators, $32, directors $38. Nationally the median annual cost for care in an assisted living facility by comparison, is $39,600. Nationally, Private nursing homes medium annual sectional cost, over the past five years, rose 4. 3 percent annually to $81 ,030. While the average home-care visit costs Medicare $150 per visit. The average hospital stay costs Medicare $1500. Medicare expenditures in 2008 totaled $324 billion, slightly more than 2. 2% of gross domestic product (GAP). Medicare home health covers about 3. 3 million beneficiaries resulting in $16. 5 billion in total Medicare payments in 2008 (SMS, Data Compendium, 2009). Access and Supply Consumers have easy access to home care services, they have a choice among providers, and consumers are currently selecting the best service based upon a rarity of options. The range of those interested in home care is vast. Depending upon the situation, the need for services can range from moderate to severe. The many services that are available range from skilled nursing, Occupational [physical therapy, rehabilitative [social services and personal ODL assistance. Other services consist of transportation, medical equipment such as diagnostic and incontinence supplies, diapers, gloves, bed covers, commodes, wheel chairs, lifts, meal programs, etc. , can be provided all within the confines on one’s home. Home health care helps prevent the need for higher-cost care. Most insurance’s, such as Medicare and Medicaid, cover the costs of many home care services. Consumers can seek out services through the referral of a Physicians approval. Once approved, consumers can begin to enjoy the many services available to help themselves regain independence of their physical abilities. Services will last until consumer is able to remain in a residence with assistance of primary caregiver/support from community agencies. Conclusion The United States aging population will require a lot more out of health care services than ever before, this is mainly due to the longer life span of the elderly with heroic illnesses. According to the U. S. Administration on Aging, by 2030 the number of Americans aged 65 and older will more than double to 71 million, that’s roughly 20 percent of the U. S. Population. In some states, as much as a quarter of the population will be aged 65 and older. Being that health care is on the verge of change, the certainty that these services will still exist in the near future remains order to fulfill the demand of elderly services the supply of home care organizations needs to expand to accommodate physical emotional and financial factors of these nonusers. How to cite Demand and Supply, Papers
Principles and Practice of Marketing Segmentation
Question: Discuss about the Principles and Practice of Marketing Segmentation. Answer: Market segmentation is a process that divides a broader market into a number of subsets (called segments) that demonstrate various types of shared features. Therefore, market segmentation can be of various types depending on the purpose. In case of an individual who want to stand for an election in a constituency, the segmentation of the market can be of four types. These are demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation, geographic segmentation and behavioral segmentation (Hollensen 2015). It can be said that with the help of the demographic segmentation, the candidate can separately focus on the population depending on their religion, occupation and race. On the other hand, with the help of the psychographic segmentation, the candidate can discretely focus on the population on the basis of the various activities of the population and their interests. Moreover, geographic segmentation helps to differentiate the population on the basis of various geographical locations. Addit ionally, the behavioral segmentation divides the population on the basis of the behavior of the population and their decision making pattern. Therefore, it can be said that all these market segments of the market segmentation will help an individual (who want to stand for an election in a constituency) to differentiate the present market into various segments. Positioning Strategy The particular individual can implement the positioning strategy on the basis of the population benefits, cultural symbols and competitors in the present market (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick 2012). The specified individual should look after the benefits of the common people, cultural variance in the nation and should also focus on the other competitors who have also stand for an election. References Hollensen, S., 2015.Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2012.Principles and practice of marketing(No. 7th). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Business Communication And Design Thinking †
Question: Discuss about the Business Communication And Design Thinking. Answer: Introduction Business communication in any form, whether oral or written, is very important irrespective of its size or scope. This helps in maintaining a good and positive profile of the organization. It is essential to stay updated about the needs and wants of the target market and also to deliver information and get feedback. It makes the workforce possible to understand the mission and vision of the company and their performance expectation. There are few key factors which should be kept in mind while communicating in business organizations- clarity, empathy, enthusiasm, negotiation, body language, listening skill, asking question, repeat whatever was said, avoid strong reactions and communicate feelings. Clear explanation along with a touch of sensitivity is always required whether it is for the selling of a product or convincing a client. A positive and confident approach should be there while dealing with any business transaction. Negotiation is another important factor to keep the custome rs happy. The next important thing is body language on which many other factors are dependent. Two way communications is possible by careful listening and asking questions and most importantly, repeat if anything was inaudible or incomprehensible. But it is inappropriate to give strong reaction to any kind of reply of the customers (Cenere et al. 2015). Key arguments of the authors Design Thinking for Social Innovation- Tim Brown and Jocelyn Wyatt Use design thinking to build commitment to a new idea- Roger L. Martin The authors stated that the final products are not based on the customers needs and wants. Social challenges require systematic solutions that are prevented when it comes to satisfy the needs of the customers. Previously the designers used to take care of the product outlook and functionality, for example, Apples iPod. But now the system has changed to looking after the entire system. Design thinking helps the business personnel to be innovative, differentiating their own brands and easy penetration into the market (Montgomery 2017). Professor Jerry Sternin of Tufts University was an expert in identifying outdoor solutions to local problems. The Sternins and colleagues from Save the Children surveyed four local Quong Xuong communities in the Than Hoa and asked for examples of very, very poor families whose children were healthy. It was found out that parents of healthy children collected shrimps and crabs to add to the food but these were considered unsafe for the children. The group found out that the children were given multiple smaller foods which they could easily digest. The work of this group shows how affirmative deviance and design thinking depends on the locals for solution. To meet up to the expectation of the customer, a designer should be attentive towards the new idea along with the idea that is created and brought to reality (Chadi, Aliyu and Mamman 2015). Previously an idea was granted only when it was rational and emotional. But now it is thought that the feelings will flow automatically with logic. In this dynamic world, creating new products and services is not enough if it is not supported by new ideas of designing. Shuttleworths team got the approval from the executive leadership for the initial request for $20 million. He assessed, success in convincing them came from a combination of a rigorous business case and the prototypes. Logic and emotions were very strong to make up for the lack of convincing data on the future payment of the investment. Also, customer reaction and feedback to the prototypes had begun to produce some data (Sekaran and Bougie 2016). Difference in the arguments Design thinking for social innovation- Tim Brown and Jocelyn Wyatt Use design thinking to build commitment to a new idea- Roger L. Martin The authors stated that the initiatives are always at fault because they are not based on the customers demands. This is a flaw on the part of the business as the attention is given only on the design and outlook. According to T. Brown and J. Wyatt, design thinkers look for work- around and modify the solutions to find ways for incorporating the ideas into products (Huq et al. 2017). To state the origin of designing the authors mentioned that, design thinking has a new type of design work referred to as design with a small d, which is not totally satisfactory. Design thinking is best thought of as a system of overlapping spaces instead of orderly steps. A better starting point for designers is to go out and observe the reality as it improvise the daily lives. It is better to work with the local partners because they can guide and interpret better and can introduce to the local community (Liedtka, J., 2015). Another part of design thinking is ideation and the process of solution is carried out by a team which will lead to an opportunity for change. This author argued that paying attention only to the design and outlook is not everything. One must be innovative and get new ideas in order to get better products. Roger L. martin argued that it is not always necessary to commit to an idea with logic and emotion. Sometimes the idea can be compelled by logic and emotion will automatically come with it. But the author said that, there is no data in new ideas and it is seen that logic without data creates conjecture which will lead to emotional imbalance. But here it is contradicted stating that biasness comes with new ideas on the basis of how one is trained to look at the world. The author mentioned that until the time anything is mentioned about new ideas and about the future, innovation in product and service will not be entertained by the organization. In this article it is mentioned that one should focus on a collaborative, frequentative and customer- centric approach. Interaction with customers helped to understand their needs and wants (Johansson?Skldberg, Woodilla and etinkaya 2013). Recommendation Strategy and innovation- According to me, design principles are applied for improving the strategy and innovation. When I used to do internship in Coca- Cola, I found out that the design- led companies like Apple, Coca- Cola and IBM have surpassed in a decade at a rapid rate. Designing- An amazing design has an outstanding factor that makes the product more desirable and appealing services to the users. The striking rate of success of the design- led companies has led to the evolution of making objects. Principle of design- I think the companies have learnt how to think like designers and apply the principles of design to that company itself. So it is said that an individual can design the way to lead, innovate, manage and create. Impact of design thinking- Design thinking is at the center of development of effective strategy and organizational change. The design way of thinking is applicable to systems, protocols, procedures and customer experience (Jackson, S.L., 2015). Design thinking is a process used by designers to solve the complex problems and find the required solution for clients. A mindset for design is not focused on the problem, but on the solution and action towards a desired future. Design thinking renders logic, imagination, systematic reasoning and intuition to find out the possibilities and make desired results that is beneficial for the customer (Goodwin and Goodwin 2016). Conclusion From these two articles, it can be concluded that the authors Tim Brown, Jocelyn Wyatt and Roger L. Martin have contradicted and contrasted their own point of view. A better starting point is for those designers to go out in the real world and have a look on the school children, smallholder farmers, and community health workers as they help in improvising the daily life of the people. When there are more choices, there is more complexity which makes life difficult specifically for those who had to control the budgets and monitor the timelines. To reach out to divergent thinking, it is essential to have a diverse group of people involved in a process. References Cenere, P., Gill, R., Lawson, C. and Lewis, M., 2015.Communication Skills for Business Professionals 7. Cambridge University Press. Chadi, A.M., Aliyu, M.B. and Mamman, J.J., 2015.Relationship Between Business Education Studentscommunication Skills And Their Cumulative Grade Point Average (Cgpa) In Bachi And Gombe States Colleges Of Education.Atbu Journal of Science, Technology and Education,3(1), pp.68-70. Goodwin, C.J. and Goodwin, K.A., 2016.Research in psychology methods and design. John Wiley Sons. Huq, A., Huq, A., Gilbert, D. and Gilbert, D., 2017. All the worldsa stage: transforming entrepreneurship education through design thinking.Education+ Training,59(2), pp.155-170. Jackson, S.L., 2015.Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach. Cengage Learning. Johansson?Skldberg, U., Woodilla, J. and etinkaya, M., 2013. Design thinking: past, present and possible futures. Creativity and Innovation Management,22(2), pp.121-146. Kurtz, S., Silverman, J. and Draper, J., 2016.Teaching and learning communication skills in medicine. CRC press. Liedtka, J., 2015. Perspective: Linking design thinking with innovation outcomes through cognitive bias reduction.Journal of Product Innovation Management,32(6), pp.925-938. Melles, G., Anderson, N., Barrett, T. and Thompson-Whiteside, S., 2015. Problem Finding through Design Thinking in Education. InInquiry-Based Learning for Multidisciplinary Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators(pp. 191-209). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Montgomery, D.C., 2017.Design and analysis of experiments. John Wiley Sons. Powless, S. and Schafer, S., 2016. Eroding Business Communication Skills Among B-Students: Causes, Effects, and Suggestions to Consider.Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice,16(6), p.127. Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R., 2016.Research methods for business: A skill building approach. John Wiley Sons.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
A Dissertation Example - The Eagleton Fellowship
A Dissertation Example - The Eagleton FellowshipIf you're in the process of composing an essay for a PhD degree, a Eagleton Fellowship sample might be just what you need. This might sound like an unfair advantage, but if you're going to try to get your PhD, you've got to write well at that. So the best thing you can do to ensure that you get the best possible essay is to take advantage of an Eagleton Fellowship.What exactly does this mean? Well, basically, it means that you'll be writing an essay on a particular type of subject. The dissertation in particular has its own list of very specific standards to meet, so you'll need to be sure to use your best analytical skills when doing so.Dissertation topics are as varied as the people who write them. The last thing you want to do is give the reader the impression that your topic is all important subjects should not be written about at all. If you follow this advice, you'll have a dissertation that will stand out from the rest of the fie ld.Dissertation topics are not just limited to Shakespeare, however. There are different categories that you'll want to consider when writing your topic. These range from practical issues to social matters and even issues of national interest.Your topic can be anything. Of course, you're going to need to consider the academic importance of the dissertation before you choose it, but you can always come up with a topic that has some chance of being chosen. For example, if you're writing on family problems, you could choose a topic on parenting strategies that apply to different types of families.Even if you have an entire dissertation to consider, you should still go through this essay step by step. The purpose of it is to besure that you properly understand your topic. By doing so, you'll know whether or not the essay is going to fit with the standards that a dissertation must meet.That being said, you needn't despair if you find that you can't come up with a sample essay of your own . An Eagleton Fellowship will provide you with a selection of topics that you can use. If you don't find a topic that fits what you're trying to do, then they can also help you find one.Keep in mind that a Eagleton Fellowship doesn't guarantee that you'll get your dissertation. But they can make it much easier to get it if you have to compose an essay. A sample of this kind is invaluable in making sure that you're doing things correctly.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Death Of Salesman Essays (1101 words) - English-language Films
Death Of Salesman In the play, " Death of a Salesman" , Arthur Miller depicts a typical dysfunctional family. This is Arthur Miller's best-known and most important problem play. It is a symbolic and in part expressionistic, and it challenges the American values concerning success. Willy Loman is a salesman who after thirty-four years of being on the road, is slowly starting to deteriorate physically as well as mentally. Upon his being fired, Willy tries to understand why he has failed as a salesman, a father, and as a husband. The word "dysfunction" defined according to The American Heritage Dictionary is "abnormal or impaired functioning". This definition paints a perfect picture of the daily goings on in the Loman household. It can be said that the Lomans are a dysfunctional family due to the lack of communication, respect, and values. The basis for a good relationship is constant communication. Communication was something the Lomans did not practice often, and when they did, it usually ended in a shouting match. Willy has extremely poor listening skills, which is the key component in communication. He constatnly talks over people, and always interrupts whoever is speaking. When Willy went to talk to Howard about getting a job in New York, and not traveling anymore was a perfect example of Willy's poor communication skills. Whenever Howard would start to say anything that Willy didn't think was in his favor, Willy would talk over Howard. Page 2 When Howard left Willy alone in the office to greet other people outside, Willy acknowledged this to himself, saying "What the hell did I say to him? My God, I was yelling at him! How could I ?" ( Miller 1285). This is a perfect example of Willy's lack of communication skills. It's well known that parents' behavior influences their children. So it's no surprise that Biff lacks communication skills also. Everyone in the family has a habit of interrupting one another as evidenced in this exchange between Biff and Linda talking about Willy's car accidents: Biff: What woman? Linda(simultaneously with Biff) .....and this woman..... Linda: What? Biff: Nothing. Go ahead Linda: What did you say? Biff: Nothing. I just said what woman? (Miller 1272). This is a typical conversation in the Loman household; interrupting each other, not listening to each other, and lack of interest in what one another are saying. Their lack of communication is again apparent when Willy is getting ready for bed with Linda, and he's instructing Biff on his conduct in his meeting with Bill Oliver the next day. Linda cuts him off, and Willy responds "Will you let me talk?", cutting Linda off in return. Biff then tells Willy not to yell at Linda, which Willy responds to angrily and sarcastically " I wasn't talking, was I ?" ( Miller 1276). This is a common path conversation takes with any of the Lomans. All this points Page 3 to their lack of communication, which will breed dysfunction in any atmosphere, especially in a family. Problems communicating and a lack of respect are direct influences on each other. Lack of respect for each other is another reason why the Lomans are a dysfunctional family. Willy's lack of respect for his wife is obvious, due to the fact that he cheats on her during his business trips and thinks nothing of it. When he's caught cheating on Linda by Biff, Willy explains it's because he gets lonely, and tells Biff "when you grow up, you'll understand about these things. You mustn't overemphasize a thing like this." (Miller 1306). Willy only cared that he was caught, he didn't think there was anything wrong with the cheating itself. Further, more convincing evidence of the lack of respect existing in the family occurred when Willy met Happy and Biff at the restaurant the day of Biff's meeting with Bill Oliver. This was also the day Willy was fired by Howard. Willy strated having one of his dilusional episodes, and went into the bathroom. Biff and Happy got into an argument about Happy's apparent disregard for Willy, and Biff stormed out of the restaurant. Happy leaves with the two women while Willy is still in the bathroom, in the middle of a flashback. When the woman asks him about his father, happy replies, "No, that's not my father. He's just some guy." (Miller 1303). This is evidence of the ultimate disrespect ; Happy's not willing to admit that Willy is actually his father. Taking into account the state Willy is in Page 4 when Happy leaves, this shows
Saturday, March 7, 2020
How to Make a Bubble Rainbow - Science Project
How to Make a Bubble Rainbow - Science Project Use household materials to make a bubble rainbow! This is a safe, easy and fun project that explores how bubbles and color work. Bubble Rainbow Materials a sockliquid dishwashing soapplastic bottlefood coloring You probably can use bubble solution for this project, but I got much better bubbles using the dishwashing liquid. I used a Vitamin Water bottle for this project. Any soft drink or water bottle will do. Firm bottles are easier to use than thin, flimsy ones. Make a Homemade Bubble Snake Wand Youre going to make a fat snake of bubbles. Its actually a great project even without the coloring. Heres what you do: Cut the bottom off of the plastic bottle. If this is a project for kids, leave this part to an adult.Slip a sock over the cut end of the bottle. If you like, you can secure it with a rubber band or ponytail holder. Otherwise, a small sock fits just fine or you can hold the sock over the bottle.Squirt dishwashing liquid into a bowl or plate. Mix in a little water to thin it out a bit.Dip the sock end of the bottle into the dishwashing solution.Blow through the mouth of the bottle to make a bubble snake. Cool, right?To make a rainbow, stripe the sock with food coloring. You can make any colors you like. Rainbow colors would be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo violet. For most food coloring kits, this would be red, red yellow, yellow, green, blue, blue red. Apply more coloring for a more intense rainbow or to recharge the sock if you need more solution.Rinse yourself with water when youre done. The food coloring will stain fingers, clothes, etc., so its a messy project, best d one outdoors and wearing old clothes. You can rinse your homemade bubble wand and let it air dry if you wish to use again. Learn About Bubbles How Bubbles WorkMake Colored Bubble PicturesMake Colored Soap BubblesMake Glowing Bubbles
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The Major Effects of the Recent Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami on the Essay
The Major Effects of the Recent Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami on the Wold Economy - Essay Example This study aims at gaining insights into the impacts of Japanese tsunami and earthquake upon the global economy especially the East Asia (Isidore, 2011). The Main Focus It is noted that Japan was facing certain kinds of structural pressures before the earthquake and the tsunami took place. The main problem with the country was related to the ageing workforce and the nonexistence of the immigration of the workers for long-term. It is the workforce growth that can lead to the economic growth of the country and thus Japan was facing the problem of slow growth potential in the near future. The country also is also facing the burden of heavy public debt in the industrial world. The immediate recovery of Japan after such disaster took place has been an issue of concern. However, it can be noted that Japan has been one of the wealthiest countries; moreover, the country’s government along with the households and the businesses have the necessary resources to rebuild and thus recover f rom such disasters. In the country of Japan, since the nuclear plant was damaged to a great extent, therefore it was expected that the transportation system, as well as the infrastructure, would interrupt the flow of the gasoline, oil, water and other inputs into the process of production. When such disruption takes place, then it affects the other industries such as manufacturing and services as well. It was further expected that the economy of Japan in the second quarter of 2011 would contract. However, it was further predicted that the country’s situation would show certain improvements in the third and the fourth quarter of the year 2011 because of the restructuring efforts made by the government through its spending (Beckman, 2011). The above paragraph has been related to the impact of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami on the country of Japan. However, now it is quite significant to understand the impact of such disasters on the overall world economy. 7 percent of the world’s output is contributed by Japan. However, the main point to be noted in this regard is that its contribution towards the growth of the overall economy has been quite less. The reason behind this is that of the trade surpluses in Japan. It has been expected by the analysts that the global economy would surely expand at a rapid pace by more than 3 percent in 2011. When the broad global (Gross Domestic Product) GDP is taken into consideration, then it can be mentioned that the effects of such disasters seem to be minimum. However, some of the countries may face the impact of such earthquakes and tsunamis of Japan in their countries. It has been evident that in Asia most of the countries depend upon Japan so that they can keep their plants operating. This can be explained with the help of an example. South Korea imports around 25 percent of the industrial parts from Japan. Therefore, if there is a long-term delay in the shipment of the goods from Japan, then it might affec t the production as well as the economic growth of that particular country. It was further apparent that the developing countries in the continent such as Latin America had indirect effects via wider impacts upon the global economic growth. Latin America does not have much of the trade links with Japan since China’s presence is increasing in the region. Latin America exports less than three percent of its total export sales to Japan.Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Reproductive Rights ( healthcare ethics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reproductive Rights ( healthcare ethics) - Essay Example though in the Moschetta case, the biological as well as gestational mother is one and the same, the custody of the child is denied her for that was not the intent with which she entered pregnancy. Having looked at the precedents, it is important to note that in the domain of reproductive rights, broad generalizations cannot be made. The rulings will have to be made on a case by case basis considering the legal and ethical complexities that such cases present. Course A: If John and Jane conclude that it is unfair to abandon the baby and decide to act as agreed in the contract, then Gina will play no subsequent role in all decisions related to the child. Common sense would dictate that the issue of gender reclassification should be postponed till puberty, which would allow the child to better cope with the impending confusion and distress. Course B: But, if John and Jane are no longer in the picture after the fourth month of gestation and Gina decides not to abort as per her religious instructions, then obviously, she will be the sole custodian and hence has all parental rights. But there is another important factor to be taken into account – the mode of settlement. If both parties (John & Jane on the one hand and Gina on the other) amicably agree to dissolve the contract, then Course B will play itself out. Even if the disagreement escalates into a lawsuit, Course B is the only likely outcome. In the latter scenario, Gina will in all likelihood have her medical expenses covered during the gestation period. The fact that the pregnancy is in the fourth month (second trimester) makes abortion an unreasonable option. An abortion at this stage is painful for both mother and fetus. Irrespective of whether life begins at birth or at conception, the mere fact that the life of the mother will be jeopardized in a second trimester abortion is a strong ethical reason to not abort. As to the question of whether age should be a factor in Assisted Reproductive
Monday, January 27, 2020
Problems Caused by Illegal Immigration in the US
Problems Caused by Illegal Immigration in the US Andrew Pasterczyk Immigration has been a crux on which the United States has been built, from the very origins of the nation to massive waves of Immigration in the late 19th and early 20th century. More recently however, The United States of America has experienced a spike in illegal immigration. Mainly stemming from Latin America, illegal immigrants have been pouring across the border in what has become a central political issue. The purpose of this paper is to asses this current, illegal immigration wave, identify the problems with the immigration, and offer solutions to the root problems of todays illegal immigration. For starters, it is important to define what exactly an illegal immigrant is. An illegal immigrant should be considered an individual or a group of individuals that either crosses the border of a foreign nation or resides in the foreign nation, in a manner that violates the immigration laws of the country they illegally pass into or reside in. Under this definition, even drug dealers who temporarily cross the border for even just a few hours are still classified as illegal immigrants. The intent of addressing the term illegal immigration in this manner is to help solve any future problems by closing potential future loopholes to get around being defined as an illegal immigrant. First and foremost, we need to identify the real purpose and desire behind illegal immigration to help better understand the causes to the problems it creates. On the side of the immigrants themselves, its not hard to see where the desire for illegal immigration stems from. In many cases, and particularly that of the United States, illegal immigrants travel to the country looking for a better lifestyle, more opportunity, or things as simple as work. These desires can often stem from poor living conditions in their mother country. In the case of the country subject to the illegal immigration however, the motives and desire for illegal immigration are much more hazy, especially in the case of the United States. While the government doesnt support illegal immigration, and it may be societally frowned upon, many people in the United States, particularly small business owners dont seem to have much of a problem with this illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants come undocumented to the united states, and as a result, are not subject to the benefits that a citizen or immigrant would normally receive. Small business owners dont have to pay medical benefits, or any sort of benefits for that matter, and can pay the illegal immigrants lower than minimum wage to do many jobs that American citizens wouldnt bring themselves to do. At the root of this problem is a combination of several factors, ranging from American arrogance to pandering politicians and parties vying to use immigration as a wedge to draw Latino and Hispanic votes. The main problem that needs to be addressed when attempting to solve the problems illegal immigration creates is the small business owners and congress. Any attempt to outri ght halt or slow immigration could seriously alienate small business owners, and a policy that is theoretically sound may never get through congress due to the severe partisan nature of the congress today. Bearing all that in mind, we need to ask ourselves what the problem with illegal immigration today actually is. One of the common ideas about illegal immigration today is that the illegal immigrants have a largely negative impact on the US economy. By draining welfare money, decreasing standard wages, and taking up American jobs, illegal immigrants supposedly are incredibly detrimental to the US economy. Despite this popular conception however, illegal immigration doesn’t have a detrimental effect on the economy of the United States. For starters, illegal immigrants actually improve the living standards and wages of American citizens. One of the popular misconceptions is that illegal immigrants actively compete with Americans for American jobs, but recent studies suggest that illegal immigrants actually work in cohesion with Americans, to the delight of small business. The increase in availability for cheap labor allows for business to expand, and makes immigrant intensive ser vices like cleaning cheaper, and recent data suggests that immigrants can boost the average American’s salary by .1 to .6 percent. The increase in salary isn’t actually that much. In fact, its barely nothing, but the wage increase is a far cry from the supposed wage decreases that American workers experience as a result of illegal immigration. One of the other common arguments to suggest a problem with current illegal immigration is that immigrants are a drain on the welfare state. There are a few misconceptions with this idea however. First of all, welfare in the nation, such as social security and Medicare are focused on the old, not the poor. Secondly, most illegal immigrants actually pay taxes, rent, and bills. In fact, almost 10% of the current Social Security fund today comes from illegal immigrants. To make it even more obvious, Arizona passed bill SB 1070 that made it illegal to be an undocumented worker, and as a result, the state economy lost almost $141 million due to economic revenue loss, and the bill had been severely hampered by the state supreme court, suggesting that had the original bill gone through, Arizona could’ve lost something in the ballpark of $48.8 billion. The overall point here is that on a large scale, there is no serious economic problem with illegal immigration. That being said, there are two major problems caused by illegal immigration that need to be solved. The first of these is the concentration of illegal immigrants in specific areas of the United States. While illegal immigrants may not be a drain on the federal government or the overall economy of the United States, they can prove harmful to local governments if in concentrated doses. Unfortunately, this is a truth in much of the US, as immigrant populations are heavily concentrated in cities just across the borders of the US. From a local perspective, illegal immigrants can be incredibly damaging, as they take advantage of things like free education without ever actually contributing money to help fund them. Additionally, in low income neighborhoods, a concentrated dose of illegal immigrants can put low skilled citizens out of work. When looking at it from a local perspective, illegal immigration can actually cause some economic problems. That being said, this is an incredibly convol uted problem, one that cannot be solved within the confines of this paper given the times and views today. If we wanted to stop the damage concentrated groups of illegal immigrants do to local governments in the US, the most logistical solution would be to legalize them, forcing them to help pay for the welfare that they use. This solution is flawed however, because it would alienate the low skilled workers of America and small business, and would never pass through congress. Another potential solution could be to just give the strained local governments more money, but this in itself is a poor solution. We would first have to determine what parts of the country would qualify to receive the aid, which would be incredibly hard seeing as it would require the federal government to find where illegal immigrants are specifically located. Something that the immigrants themselves wont be compliant in. Not only that, but throwing money at communities affected by illegal immigration wont sol ve anything, it will only delay the inevitable need for a solution. Lastly, it would be incredibly hard to ensure that the money was actually used where it was intended to be used. Overall, the problem of concentrated illegal immigration populations at local levels isnt unsolvable, but such a solution would have to tackle longstanding American prejudices and the workings of congress, which is something that we cannot do within the confines of this paper. The other problem with illegal immigration, and the one that this paper will dedicate itself to solving is the problem with security created by illegal immigration. In their analysis of whether or not illegal immigrants are beneficial to the economy, many people forget the underlying fact that these immigrants got to the United States by breaking the law. Not only that, but it occurs with a frightening regularity and is accepted as a reality in the United States. Many attempts to fix the supposed economic problem have actually made the security dilemma even worse, driving immigrants underground and fostering a culture of illegality. Thus there is a serious problem created by illegal immigration. While most illegal immigrants simply come here to find work or opportunity, they make the borders dangerously unstable, opening up pathways that can be followed by drug cartels and crime, and potentially terrorists. There are stats that only reinforce this opinion as well, suggesting that in a three year span from 2008 to 2011, the number of cities feeling a cartel presence increased from around 230 to almost 1700. This suggests that the massive security breach created by illegal immigration is having a very bad impact on the US, and needs to be solved. To be able to effectively solve this problem however, we first need to take a look at what is causing this problem with security at our borders. Small Business Demands/Desires As we can see in the synthesized chart above, there are really two root causes to the security problem caused by immigration. Terrible laws dictating US border policy, and the desires of small business America are at the root of the problem with illegal immigration in America. This becomes a tricky situation to solve, because both of these root problems oftentimes contradict one another. If priority is placed small businesses, then good laws will never really be drafted, because they may interfere with a steady supply of cheap labor that small businesses desire. On the other hand, if a solid immigration policy is set in place to secure the borders of America and restore security to the borders, you will most likely alienate small business, and end up driving up prices or creating a shortage in the low skilled work force as laborers are displaced from their jobs. The problem with these two roots to the problem is that an idealistic solution, although well thought out, may not appease everyone, and as a result get stuck in congress and never have an effect on anything. The obvious solution to securing the border, while allowing for local small businesses to enjoy the fruits of cheap labor is a guest worker system. Such a system would have to be carefully designed however, and pragmatic to make it through congress. Idealistically, this foreign worker system designed as a solution to close off the border would have to have several separate provisions. For starters, there would have to be incentives for both immigrants and companies to make the solution work. One of the trickiest parts of the solution is also probably one of the hardest to pull off. One of the main problems with the security of the border is that illegal immigrants are almost forced to come over illegally. This happens for a number of reasons. Firstly, its incredibly hard to get across the border the legal way, especially for poor Hispanic illegal immigrants who are simply looking for work. More often than not they will be denied, or have to wait incredibly long times just to hear whether or not they get to even get a temporary residence. Knowing this bleak reality, many illegal immigrants cross illegally knowing there isnt another option. The second problem with the legal option that makes being an illegal immigrant more appeali ng is that even if one were to get a temporary work permit, the permits have incredibly rigid expiration dates. This poses a problem in itself, seeing as the work visas are less desirable than illegal entry, seeing as one would only be able to stay in the country for a set amount of time before leaving again. Because of all this, one of the provisions of the plan to secure borders would have to be smaller, more easily renewed work permits. A renewable short term permit would be far more appealing to those who want to come to the country for work or opportunity. In order to get such a short term permit renewed, it should be pretty important that the migrant worker have some sort of business or company sponsorship, to signify that they actually did work while in the United States. This provision to ensure that immigrants who come to the United States actually find work to participate in, rather than just sit around and take advantage of welfare offered by local governments and the fed eral government. On the other side of the coin, US companies and other small businesses would also need incentives to hire these workers. One of the main reason that illegal immigrants are desired as low skilled laborers is because of the fact that, as immigrants, they are not necessarily subject to the same regulations as US citizens. Unlike a citizen, illegal immigrants arent protected under minimum wage laws or health care benefits. It is this quality that makes them desirable for small businesses to hire, and for communities to turn a blind eye to. That being said, if immigrants are being allowed into the nation to work as low costing laborers, there need to be a number of restrictions placed upon them so that the solution has an actual realistic chance of passing through congress. Of these restrictions, there should be a few that even out the playing field when it comes to hiring workers. Regulations or business practices that make it near impossible to hire migrant workers, and laws and practic es that make it easier and more beneficial to hire migrant workers should also be scrapped and made illegal. The idea here is to allow migrant workers to enter the country and find work, while trying to level the playing field for those that complain about migrant workers coming in a stealing jobs from them. Finally, both workers and employers who choose not to comply with the new law should be punished. If there is no consequence for not obeying the regulations, nobody will follow them anyway. There needs to be some sort of punishment for not complying with the new law and regulation. If a migrant worker violates their agreement, they should be deported and not be allowed to re-apply for access into the company. How a migrant worker could theoretically violate their agreement is pretty simple. Any migrant worker staying past the expiration of their permit without getting the permit removed is considered within the boundaries of breaking their contract. Another possibility is if the worker has brought anyone with him not protected by the working permit, like family members or relatives. Should the worker fail to comply with the permits instructions word for word, they will be deported, without an option for renewal.
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